"Shut up!!!!" Kailani shrieked like a teenager the moment I broke it to her. I joined in her squeak only for me to remember I promised not to tell anyone else

" happened...." I nailed it hard and lay back on my bed. She lied on her back too and turned to stare at me.

We looked like two lovers at some beach in Miami. And I just loved every second of it.

" just.... shocked!! like didn't you hate that guy???" she asked and I scratched my chin as though deliberating.

"Hate?? oh no no no...that's a strong word to use. I just despised him. I still do...the kiss changes nothing..."

"Oh please...who initiated it??" she asked and I remembered no one did.

As hard as it was to even believe it, no one initiated it. It was spontaneous...

"No just happened...." I sat up with my legs crossed and a hat off of my head.

"'s feels good to see you this happy. Trust me you can't even imagine how much this means to me. Leaving Carlos aside, since you started going to school...I think you should embrace this new you...."

"New me???" I asked and she nodded.

"You're shading your skin and finally revealing who you really are. You're not the girl with an intense fashion sense...that wears a hat everywhere and thy high boots..." she grimaced and I drew my lips in almost laughing.

She was right....

I wasn't the sophisticated girl people thought I was. I was the sassy teenager than loved to pick fights with Carlos.

That's who I was ...

I was myself when with him...

"Thank you...." I blushed and she leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

"No problem..."

"Am planning on missing school for a week. I don't think I'll be able to face him after this. I need time to recover and sink it in..."

"Okay ma'am...whatever you say...." she lift r her hands in surrender and I just loved that about her.

"So I was thinking why don't we go somewhere tonight???" I asked and picked up my pace to the wardrobe. She nodded questioningly and I gave her my puppy doll face. I knew she was just like my dad Idris and wouldn't say no.

I was excited when she nodded. She was my guardian angel.

In the midst of pain, she was my joy and in the midst of joy, she was my pillar of happiness.

"Only if you taste the cake I baked. it's in the fridge..." she demanded and held her nose up high as she folded her arms on her breasts.

"Deal!!!" I smiled as I ran my fingers through my hangers looking for a better outift to wear tonight. My phone rang and I asked Kailani to put it on speaker.

"Jennifer Gonzalez!! How dare you just leave without even saying goodbye or calling me back?? I was heck worried about you!!! You owe me for this big time, no discussions about it..."

The rattling Filipino voice somehow just managed to boost my mood even though her tone was supposed to be angry, it came to me as blows of kisses on my cheeks

"Kristin Stewart my one and only best friend!!!"

"Don't call me haven't even apologized yet...."

" so sorry...." I tried my luck by using the name she so wished was hers. Kris has always liked it when I called her Bebita from time to time and I decided to use it to my advantage sometimes.

"That's not going to work. Sorry...." she said on the other end of the line and I got gloomy.

"Come one Kris...what will it take???" I asked as I carried all the hangers I had picked and walked toward the bed.

"Sonrìe con tus ojos ...think about Carlos....", Kris said on the other end of the phone and I ended up blushing.

I looked at my mother who gave me an eye and I quickly dumped the cloths and grabbed hold of my phone and removed it from speaker.

"I got that right, isn't it?? Smile with your eyes...." she asked and Kailani was the one that replied.

"HELL Yeah you got it right!! HELL YEAH!!!!!" she screamed and I heard Kris laugh on the other end.

"Oh my word Bebita!! I put you on speaker....and my mom heard that. What do you think she's thinking about us now??",I laughed while not trying to look at my mom who was already laughing.

I turned around and looked outside the window.

"It still worked perfectly, didn't it...",

"Well--",I began and then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to find my mom. She was mouthing something and constantly kept pointing the bathroom.

What was she saying...

"Hold on Babe....",I said and placed my hand on my phone. "What is it ma?"

"I think I'll just take a shower in the meantime while you finish your call....", She pecked my cheek and I smiled at her.

"Okay ma...I'll go get more of the cake then.....", I smiled back and watched as she walked to the bathroom.

"Okay...I need the juice...." Kris whispered. I knew she was smiling although I couldn't see her. I so much wished this was a video call. Couldn't we Skype?

"There's no juice Kris..." I laughed. "We just kissed...that's all I can remember. Be thankful I remember at least that but now I feel like I was dreaming..."

"You weren't! Even Carlos remembers it. ..." she confirmed my doubt and my heart pounded in my chest.

"Carlos?? oh God you talked to him about it???"

"No...he did...he talked to me about it ...Jenny....that guy is ----" then she paused.

"What?? that guy is what???" I repeated.

Having her stop midway when we were talking about Carlos puzzled me.

What was it that she wasn't saying?

"He's a nice guy...." she said in one line and I immediately knew. That's not what she initially wanted to say.

I hoped she'd say he was head over heels with me or something. Darn Kris.

"Yeah...yeah...just because I kissed him doesn't mean my opinion about him changed....he's still the same young man I despise. He spilled milkshake in me!"

"Grow up Jennifer....what if that was his way of getting your attention???"

"Of course not...this is the twenty first century's not the tenth...Am sure Carlos is smart enough to find better ways of getting the attention of a girl rather than spilling a cold beverage on her!"

"....and yet that's what he did!"


"KRISTIN!!" she corrected and I laughed.

"Carlos always calls you seem fine with it..."

"Oh yeah Carlos....he's on your mind again isn't he???"

"I will swallow you Kristin Stewart!!" I threatened and she laughed. "I love you too Carlos's Jenifer!!"

"I am not Carlos' one owns me!"

"Oh got that right...but think of about you owned him? that guy belittles you big owning him would out you in authority to do whatever you please to him...",

"Oh yes Kristin...that's smart...I can own that doughface and make him dance to my tunes...." I smiled as I walked about in my room.

"Exactly bestie...own it!!" she motivated and without thinking I did.

"I am not his but he is mine!!" I said enthusiastically as I lay back on the bed.

I closed my eyes as I remembered what happened in the lap all over again.

I felt fresh like a blooming flower.

Passion unimaginable was surely in high amounts in my veins.

"Say it again....." Kris whispered and I obeyed.

"He is mine....mine alone..." I smiled, still ignorant to what she was doing to me.

"That's right...Carlos is yours and will always belong to you. You love him don't you.?" she asked and I choked on my breath at the mention of love.

"Wh-what??? of course not...I can't love that jerky bastard!"

"But you just said it that he's yours...and yours alone...." she reminded and I got silent.

"Kriiisttiinnn!!!!!" I gritted my teeth after I remember exactly how I blindly listened to her and said what she wanted me to say.

I could hear her giggles from the other end and I rolled my eyes.

How could I have been so stupid?

oh dear...

"You'll pay for this Kristin...." I scared her but she only laughed and I laughed back.

Not for long, I said my goodbye to her and told her I was going out with my mom, Kailani.

She wished me well and hang up. Looking at the time, I saw my mother would be coming out soon and I had to go get us some cake.

I left my room and walked to the kitchen. I got to the counter and opened the fridge taking out the cake. I had two sideplates set and sliced the cake into two sized pieces to be finished by me and Kailani.

Just then, a shadow emerged from behind me and I quickly turned to find a tiptoing Georgina Morgan. She froze after she saw me and I didn't give her an inch of my attention.

I placed the cake back in the fridge and placed the two sideplates on a tray and headed for my room.

"Jenny....",she called me back. I turned around and looked daggers at her, warning her to watch what she says to me.

"George....",I replied in a very lemon sour tone. "If you continue to tiptoe in your own house, people might mistake you for a trespasser..."

She raised and eyebrow and looked firmly at me. Keeping in mind that our relationship was beyond the both of us, she was quick and smart enough to note the insult in my statement evidenced by her sneering lips.

"Ooh....",she faked a smile. "I didn't want to disturb anyone....I just don't like being mobbed you see.... especially when there's something else....keeping my date busy....", She fired back and I chuckled. She was talking about Kailani.

'Nice move gorgeous...' I thought

I smiled and walked towards her, close enough and stopped abreast of her.

Her eyes feared mine and lowered to see the tray I was carrying. She looked at me and then eyed the cake so bad that she found herself extending her hand to grab a sideplate.

"For a descent woman, I think you're well aware of the fact that it is considered rude to hover over something that isn't intended for you....",I raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

She shamefully dropped the cake and pointed a finger at me.

"You better watch it little brat...! Talk to me with respect or else----',

"Or else what??",I gave her a fierce firely look as I wiggled my eyebrows simultaneously as if challenging her to a rap battle.

She was obviously furious and her once pretty face was covered in wrinkles. She was steaming heavily and I knew I had hit a nerve.

George knew very well of how I disapproved of her and my dad's relationship. She was well aware of the fact that I had no shred of love in my heart for her and having her to fight for my attention was a punishment to both of us.

Me at most, because it was a test gone wrong. Given many options, Georgina would never fit as the perfect woman for my dad. Not even in my wildest dreams.

I made it clear to her several times that she was wasting her time by trying to get close to me and use me as bait to get to my dad. She knew very well of it...but she kept trying anyway.

"Do not test my patience....",

"What do you want George?",I asked frankly as I walked back to place the tray on the counter and resumed my initial standing position.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for you to ask me that???",

"Better late than never --- so they say...",I defended myself, not ready to lose this battle. "What's your business with my dad? He already made it clear to you that he wants to move on from you....I don't understand why you keep hanging on him like a desperate love child...."

"Watch it...I told you not to test my patience.... just because your Idris let you on, on what's going on between us doesn't mean you can stick your nose in any moment you please... it's none of your business....",

"Oh hold on sis....",I clapped my hands, fastened my robe and stood firm in my slippers. I grimanced and fixed my stand right in front of her. "The way you keep hovering over us like a desperate eagle, the way you pathetically roam over my father's life and tiptoe all over like a hideaway my dad's house is my business. There are a lot of valuables in both...and darling....I don't think am getting a good enough explanation for it....."

"Excuse me??",

"Yeah excuse you....", I said with growing passion. I waited for her to reply. My eyes were narrow and sharp as I stared at her.

She swallowed.

Again...and yet again.

She closed her eyes, pressed on her temples and am sure she berated herself for being such a fool. I knew then it was well and finished between us. Served her right for sneaking into my dad's life behind my back.

What--she thought I wouldn't notice?? We wouldn't figure it out??

I tsked and charmed as I turned around realising this was just a waste of my precious time. I carried the tray and decided to walk to my room.

"You very jealous of Kailani. She doesn't have to fight for your attention and affection like I do....", She started and I must admit, to my annoyance I stopped. I actually stopped to listen to her blattering and gibberish. I didn't turn around just yet. I stood still in my flips as I held on tight to the tray.

"Don't you think your relationship with her reflects what we would have been like if only you'd given me a chance?"

Her question jumped up and down in my mind bouncing like a lost basket ball.

Immediately, an urge grew in me. The urge for a fortifying glass of whiskey down my throat. It'd serve me right. I needed one -- right now!! I know my dad said I was too young to drink but goodness knew it was now or never. Today just had to be my debut.

I turned around to stop this nonsense once and for all only to realize she was only an inch behind me. I would've bumped into her if she didn't hold me in my place.

" need me to hold you into place Everytime you falter and almost slam into a wall... subconsciously....",she grinned as she dusted my shoulder. She knew we were equally smart to understand each other's insults. For that, I liked her.

"We both know that I don't need you as much as you don't need me....",I whispered loudly straight into her face. My overwrought stance screamed tranquil into her face and am sure she got a taste of my distate.

" it or not...I'll be your new mom....",she smiled unapologetically and finally picked the sideplate she had been eyeing for the past ten minutes. She had the nerve to pick a fork from the tray and pierced the cake, slashing it into bits which didn't last a second and were offered to her hungry sharp teeth.

"If you continue like this.....just like with this cake....I'll take everything from you right under your nose, from your very hands and you won't do anything about it.....",she came clean with me and I frowned. She was some diabolic lover and that needed to be eliminated.

We stood there with me staring at her as she gnashed down the cake. My heart racing thinking about what I was going to do about her ill motives.

She was right. I never gave her a chance to be my friend and get to know me like my dad requested of me. I've been ill to her since God knows and I can understand her pain although I wasn't ready to rid her of it.

Kailani won me over the very first moment we met at the library and when my dad introduced her as his intern, I was more than ready to write their love story. Georgina wasn't as bad as she made herself to be but I was sure she wasn't the one for Idris Gonzalez. Only Kailani was and I was going to do whatever it took for them to be together...

"It doesn't matter how glass shines Georgina can never match up to diamond. All that glitters is not gold..haven't you heard? Most of it are just counterfeit electroplates....",I looked at her and firmly. I knew she didn't expect that reaction from me but I gave it to her anyway.

She was about to respond but I was no longer in the mood. I raised my hand in a dismissive gesture telling her I wasn't done talking and he wasn't done listening.

"I heard you....I heard you loud and hear me and hear me now... You enjoyed this piece of cake because I let you have it but trust me, sugar biscuit, that's the first and last thing I'll let you snatch from me so enjoy it while it lasts. I won't let you ruin my dad's life come what may.... I will guard him and Kailani with all my might make sure to keep sluts like you outside of their love....Challenge accepted....",


"Don't only an inch away from if you have an ounce of shame left in that misery of a life of sure you know where the door is, see yourself out....",I smiled and turned around to leave when I heard a loud sound of a shattering piece of glass.

I smiled after I knew what it was exactly. She smashed the ceramic side plate.

I turned around and faked a gesture.

"Oh my God....are you okay George??",I asked and ran to her. "Am so said he'd buy some pesticides to keep out of the rats..."

"You will pay for this....dearly....and that I promise you...." She thundered and headed for the door.

What the hell was she even doing here??

I can't believe my dad let her come here when kailani was also here. This was a mess. But anyway...he knew what he knew and he was in a better position to handle his own troubles. I smiled after locking the front door and headed back to my room.