A week passed and since the day of the incident, I never saw Jenny at school again.

I asked Kris and she said there was nothing to worry about. Frankly, I already knew that.

She was missing school because she was avoiding me.

For how long was she planning to do that??

We go to the same school and this wasn't going to help her in anyway.

Didn't it matter to her that missing classes would affect her final grade?

She never seriously participated in the science project when her presence was need. Instead, she sent her cousin to fill in for her.

For a smart guy, he was dumb. Didn't he care about her grade? She could fail if her participation was less than twenty five percent and I didn't need to be the principal to know that she wasn't even close to twenty percent.

Darn Enrique. He only focused on himself and it didn't bother him at all.


Just great.

Today was exactly seven days after my kiss with Jenny.

It happened last week in the science lab and despite my efforts I couldn't bring myself to forget it.

The memories seemed to be even much better than the actual kiss itself.

I remembered how she had her arms around me and tightened our first ever hug. Then She transferred her hands to my neck and I could feel the warmth as she touched me. My cold body already responded to the heat radiating from her, absorbing it in, warming me up.

When I started to kiss her, she didn't kiss me back and I thought something was up.

For once I didn't feel insecurity from her but what seemed like another face of fear.

What was she afraid of ??

I gathered enough courage to ask her what was going on but she stammered and there went my reply.

I was delighted when she replied with a kiss. I kissed her back and my body hot heated up. I started sweating and am sure she even felt it. My hair was literally wet and my skin slightly.

I laughed and sat up on my bed. I didn't feel like going to bed anymore.

I looked at the time and it was 6 in the morning.

What's the harm in waking up early to get ready for school? Who knows...maybe Jenny might come today?

That was enough motivation for me to get out of my bed and head for the bathroom

"Carlos Jeffrey!!!!" my mother's agonising voice filled the entire house and I already felt weak.

She returned two days ago from wherever she went and we haven't had a firm conversation since then.

She was avoiding me just like I was but I could see the urge in her to want to talk to me. She pushed my door open and walked in.

I quickly assessed her to hand an inkling of what she would talk about.

I noticed she was carrying the St Eriks shopping bag.

"What is this??" she asked showing me the bag.

"A shopping bag..." I replied keeping it low. I wasn't going to let her get to me with emotional drama today.

Enough was enough.

"I know it's a shopping bag did I ever say it's a school bag?? Where did you get it??" she asked again in a much clearer way this time around. "And this.....St Eriks....this is the most expensive chips brand there is on the planet....where did you get it from???" she asked again.

She was holding the bag in her hand with the other she had it opened and took out a carton of chips.

"Why does it matter where I got it from??" I answered and turned around to go to my bathroom. She grabbed my hand and made me face her.

"It matters. You're my son and I need to know exactly what goes on in your life. This is a Swedish brand and since I've lived here I've never seen or heard from anyone about it. The closest you'd get this is in Washington DC and that's nowhere near where were living right now....."

"Good detective job...." I grinned and fetched my shower basket from my closet. I took my shirt if and hang my towel on my shoulder. I removed my ponytail and did all I did without even thinking an inkling that my mom was there with me.

"Will you give me an answer or not???"

"It's none of your business!"

"I think it's certainly my business. You live under my roof and ---"

"The babysitting service costs $1,000 a month. I know you paid them $250 just because it was for a week and that brings us down to $500 since you paid for two people.

You and I both know that you hadn't had your salary by then, and even so...this babysitting company was way to expensive for our budget. Where did you get the money from????" I asked back and she got shocked.

She kept quiet and stared at me like I was some impostor in her house.

She kept looking at both of my eyes consecutively without fixing her eyes on mine.

Then, just like that she smiled and walked towards me.

From the expression on her face, I thought she was going to slap me or something. But instead she tossed the bag at me, shoving it just on my abdomen.

"Good detective job..." she returned my gesture and without looking at me, walked out without even saying a word. She shut the door and after I heard her footsteps fade on the wooden stairs, I took a moment to sit and relax on the bed.

I rubbed my hands on my arms to make me feel warm because my mother's cold heart left a breeze in here.

Abruptly getting up from the bed, I knew if I would do it now I was never going to do it.

It's now or never...

I had to shower.


After my geography class, I headed to the cafeteria and picked just the seat in the corner. Alex loved seats in corners just like the black widow Jennifer Gonzalez.

He texted and said he'd meet me here.

I ordered a plate of fries and some cucumber salad.

I knew after this I had to workout like nuts just to get my dream body again.

I always fancied all those strong and robust men I saw in magazines and on TV.

Hence forth, it became my dream to be a body builder. And the healthy way.

I wasn't going to have some steroid injected in me for awful purposes as those.

Nature had to run through and I'd do just that.

Workouts seemed easy when I'd seem all the tutorials from YouTube but when it came to actually doing it, it was harder than I thought.

But anywho I gave it my best.

I was wearing black plain t-shirt which fit tightly to my skin. I was impressed by how my body was coming out in this.

My dark blue jeans and my boots went so well in complementing my look, giving me the good looks of Avan Jogia.

My hair was down on my shoulders.

I wasn't doing ponytails today...a break was somewhat necessary.

"Carlos!!!" Kris's voice echoed around me and I looked around to see her walk towards me. She seemed.....happy??

I know she was always happy when she saw me but this seemed different and I already got expectant.

My eyes ran past her to the person behind her. Jenny....

My heart skipped a beat and my breath stopped.

Finally she showed up looking like an angel with a devils shadow.

She just knew how to play the role perfectly. She just knew.

She was wearing a white top, yellow jeans and a black leather top with some boots on her feet. She looked her usual self...stunning.

I composed myself to try and act natural.

"Hey Kris...." I replied and asked her to seat next to me. She took a seat and pulled my plate of fries towards herself and tucked in.

I smiled and watched her eat.

She was one fascinating human being.

"Aren't you coming??" she gestured to Jenny who was still standing at a distance from us and was playing with her charm bracelet.

After she heard Kris call, she sighed and walked to sit opposite to me.

I could tell being here was torture for her and she wasn't even trying to hide it.

"What a pleasant surprise. I can't imagine the queen of England is literally sitting at my table...." I looked at Jenny and she looked back at me after she noticed I was talking about her.

"Queen of England my ass....", she replied and that just brew a smile to my face. "Am not wearing a crown, am I? Those things only give you a headache"

"Yeah totally....I can't imagine carrying a heavy piece of metal on my head 24-7" Kris agreed with her and shoved more fries into her mouth.

"What's going on??" I asked. "I know for sure there's no way you'd want to ever sit next to me...for lunch...." I bit my tongue before saying she usually goes out for lunch.

That would be an extreme and she'd get nervous I know.

She'd know am trying to find out more about her and would most certainly involve her body guards then things would get ugly real quick.

"You got that only here because Kris forced me to come...." Jenny faked a grin as she looked at Kris.

"It's our monthivesary today and it's only fair for you to do as I ask...." Kris crushed jenny's only hope causing her to shrug her eyes.

"Monthivesary??" I asked curiously looking at either of them.

"Nothing you'd know of...." Jenny shook her shoulders and looked at me in a manner that made me feel like the dumbest person on earth.

She went on to grab some of my fries too like her friend did and together they finished my meal.

If it were someone else I'd be hungry but since it was these two ladies, I'd let it slide.

"Sorry we finished your lunch Carlos...." Kris popped her lips and gave me just the those eyes. Leilani does that each time she wants me to make her breakfast and I find myself losing every time.

"No worries...I'll get another one...." I said and looked back at the counter which certainly had a lot more people now that I thought about it.

"I know but with that, you'll definitely last a month before getting your order attended to...." I shrugged my eyebrows at him and took my phone out immediately dialing just one particular contact.

"Please deliver a streetwise pack of fries to Chester high" She demanded in the kindest way possible.

"with chicken...." Kris whispered and Jenny smiled.

"With chicken...." she repeated on the phone.

"and ketchup and salad .." Kris whispered again and Jenny ..she smiled again too.

"And ketchup and salad...." she repeated on the phone, again.

"And two cans of soda..." Kris whispered again only for me to laugh under my breath and Jenny to glare at her.

She took her phone and put it on Kris's ear asking her to lay down whatever she wanted to have and she wholeheartedly did.

"Please bring it in five starving...." Jenny hang up the call and placed her phone back into her pocket.

"Thank you...I love you!!" Kris smiled as she hugged jenny's side. Jenny smiled back as she pulled Kris close to her and planed a peck on her forehead.

"I love you too" she smiled and leaned her head on Kris's.

As I studied them, I managed to get to keep myself distracted because looking at them for so long got me wishing I was in Kris's place.

I so much wanted to be in Jenny's arms as much as she would be in mine.

That kiss made things weird.

My feelings for her grew with so much intensity that I couldn't handle it anymore.

Before speaking, I literally had to tap my knee or bit my lip to control whatever was going to come out.

I was nervous around her and it made me feel defeated.

Fortunately, she was just like me and asides from making a mockery out of it, she tried to act like it never happened and I decided to go with her flow...act like it never happened.

Kris's phone rang and she took it out of her pocket. I looked at her as she replied to whoever it was. She kept flattering her eyelashes, making eyes and blushing.

Definitely just had to be Jace Parker.

"Am sorry sweetheart but I'll have to go...." Kris slid out of the bench and an anxious Jenny stood up after her.

"Yours not going anywhere" Jenny demanded only for Kris to purse her lips and wear one of a sarcastic smirk.

"Of course I'll have to. My boyfriend wants to meet up with me ....." she said in defence as she placed her phone in her bag.

Jenny gave me one glance and I tried not to look at her.

She turned to Kris and pulled her aside hoping I wouldn't eavesdrop on their conversation. But just like Superman, I had a perfect hearing sense.

'Kris! you can't leave...this wasn't part of the agreement'

'Darling, the agreement was that you have lunch with Carlos my monthiversary present, you'll have to do it for me'

'Oh God. Couldn't have it been with any other guy?? Why not Jace?'

'Sweetheart....Jace is my boyfriend....'

'Its not like I'd date him behind your back....'

'Ofcourse I know that but you just have to be with some other guy....'

'Pick someone else then...anyone but Carlos....'

'Jenny you know very well you can't just hook up with a random guy. That's a risk am not willing to least I know Carlos....I trust him too....'

Risk she wasn't willing to take....

What did Kris mean by that??

'Oh God...ask for anything else. I'll do it for you... anything...'

'You promised to do something without the influence of your money this time...and this is just perfect...'

'Oh my me.....'

'Fine! George or Carlos??? pick one??'

'Geo---Carlos it is...' Jenny cursed and crossed her arms on her chest.

'Thats my baby' Kris tiptoed and pecked Jenny's almost white cheek beneath that hat of hers.

Who was George??

Kris said that Jenny doesn't date then who the hell was he??

"What are you girls talking about???" I interrupted hoping they'd stop and I couldn't hear more about George.

"None of your business Mr Jeffrey..." Kris walked to where I was and placed her arm around my shoulder. "I'll have to go Okay....but please take care of my friend...." she gave me that whirly look and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Keep your hands and lips off of her", she whispered and I found myself laughing.

"I'll do the absolute opposite..." I replied as she got up to leave.

"That's fine if you wanna end up in a me this time you'll get a black eye...." she point d her finger at me and I raised my eyebrows in demure.

I looked at Jenny who looked at Kris, begging her to stay.

She looked just like a toddler who didn't want to be left alone on a Monday morning at a new school.

After Kris was gone, she walked back to the bench and took her initial seat, opposite to where I was sitting.

"So....she's gone!"

"Yeah I see that...leaving me to the mercy of your company...what was she thinking..."

I laughed. "You guys are bad whisperers...."

"Oh heard our entire conversation...."she gasped as she placed her hands on her mouth, something I never imagined she would do. It was....too girly for someone like her.

"Mm-Hm...." I mumbled.

"Lucky you I promised to be on my best behaviour...."

"Yeah...lucky me...." I bit my lower lip as I looked at her. She had her hand on the desk while her other hand was supporting her head with her palm. She looked amazing sitting like that and my nerves started itching.

I pinched myself and hoped that I'd get better soon.

These intense feelings were driving me mad and I had to do something about it.

Then, a middle aged woman approached us carrying a few bags from what seemed to be some fancy restaurant.

She placed the bags on the table and served Jenny.

My jaw dropped when I saw what was going on. She placed a napkin on Jenny's lap for her.

That was something she would do on her own, why do it for her?

Then, this woman unwrapped the bags she brought and carefully placed a dinner plate in front of Jenny. She parted some fries for her, with a few cucumbers.

I was still shocked to blink. This could not have been happening.

As if that wasn't enough, she even sliced the steak for her as though she was some kid.

My mind blew up when she placed s fork and knife in jenny's hands.

Something was definitely wrong...

My sister would do everything on her own and she was only five.

This was humiliating.

"It smells nice, doesn't it?" she asked Jenny who nodded vigorously.

"It smells delicious..." she smiled.

"You're finally eating real very happy...." she said before planting a kiss on jenny's hair and placing a glass of soda which she had poured from the can.

What did she mean Jenny was finally having real food?? She never ate often? She ate a lot of junk foods??

"Thank you Anila..." Jenifer grinned and the woman turned to me.

"No thanks....unlike other people I've got two perfect...." I replied and I saw the chuckle on her face.

When she walked away, I couldn't stop the heavyweight on my chest from lifting off. I just had to else I'd burst.

"Who was that?"

"My nanny...." she replied and I thought I didn't hear her right.

"Your what???" I repeated while drinking my soda

"My nanny....she baths me, dresses me, feeds me and sometimes sings me to sleep..."

I immediately choked on my soda.

I placed it down and coughed trying to release the the build up so that I'd breathe again.

"She baths you??? Please tell me you're joking..."

"No am not....what's there to joke about....??"

"You're a grown woman! You don't need anyone to bath you....and what she did for you just now...couldn't you do that for yourself?? My little sister does it all alone and she's five!"

"It's not my fault that I get to have a nanny...sometimes I get too lazy to bath or even dress myself...Eating is a heavy job too and I nee someone to do it for me...." She wiggled my eyebrows and fixed her hat before eating her chips.

"You're insane....." was all I managed to say while I looked at her. "Super insane...."

"Psychologically...psychopathic, schizophrenic....That's what the doctor said about me when my dad took me to the hospital when I was ten just because I mistook a bee for a serpent..." she let out a sly laugh and wore a shameful expression on her face.

I banged my head a number of times not knowing what exactly was going in.

This wasn't the Jenny I knew.

She was someone else....

"I was then sent to a therapeutic school in Utah, where I spent my sophomore and junior years of high school. Came in handy right? Trust me, if it were up to me, I'd have sough for emancipation ruling by then....." she scratched her hair lining exposing her glittering manicure.

She popped her lips to one side of her face as though she was posing for some picture.

"You've been to Utah?? Oh My God...please help me understand something then...if you already did highschool...why are you here????"

"I applied into a college of journalism and they wouldn't accept my application because I did most of my school online. So I had to relive my highschool to learn interactive skills...." she shrugged the moment she said the last part.

I was curious and had so many questions.

More than before but I kept them for later.

"Is that why you never participated in the science group project and miss school everyday...?? How exactly are you supposed to gain socialisation then??"

"Because Carlos Jeffrey...I will learn in my own way....and your science project was a tiny bit of glory. The one I had was far more glorious and I did it all alone..." she boasted just the way she does.

"Impressive....very impressive...."

" should come to my place and see for will be left wowed that I can guarantee...." If I didn't know better I'd say she was being sarcastic but thankfully I knew best to know she was being sincere.

"How's Saturday...??"

"Saturday.....night...come Saturday driver will pick you up from your place...." she confirmed it and I nodded.

We spent the next few minutes staring and again, I saw that bluish colour in her eyes.

I sat up and continued looking at her but she looked away.

I prayed that she wasn't trying to evoke the hatred that she had for me. I could tell it was fading with the bit of minutes we were spending together.

"Umm.....excuse me....?" she shrieked and her bodyguard came running.

"Yes ma'am..."

"Please get me another soda....this one lost its fizz...." she ordered so seriously and I got my jaw smashing against the ground again.

"It...what?? What did you just say??? It lost its fizz?? Oh My God....this is really unbelievable...." I massaged my temples and of course didn't miss the grin on her face.

"No fizz...I won't drink..." she licked her lips and rested her chin on her palm again exactly in that beautiful way that she does it.

Just like my Jennifer....