Part 4

Everybody was talking about the new mysterious show woman of The Extraordinary Circus "Cat". Nobody had known her or her name. A lot of TEC fans travelled to London to attend the show in a side, and in another side, to meet for the first time Cat.

Sold of tickets was out. A quarter hour before the show, the circus was plenty and completely full. While everyone was talking about Cat rumors they've heard about her, the latter was definitely nervous. Magnus was putting make-up on her face in her locker-room when she said, while the crew was also noisy, stressed and in chaos outside the room:

-Magnus, I'm afraid.

He looked at her and he realized how much really she was perturbed and scared. His usual charming confident smile disappeared and he shut for a while then he announced:

-Look, Cat, before every show, I get afraid, like you. Although I've performed 128 shows in my whole life. And this show is the 129th. Relax. Do you see on my face how much I'm scared like you?

-A… no?

-Anyway, when you start presenting the show, change that fear to excitement!


-Yeah! When you turn it to excitement once you meet the spectators, start screaming while you're trying to make the excitement out. And suddenly, you'll find yourself excited and already ready to perform your show very well. That's my success' secret. Ok?

-Yes, Magnus. Thank you.

-You're welcome, love.

Abruptly, Seb got in, wearing his suit of the "showman" and his black hat. He asked his niece:

-Honey, are you ready?

-Yes, uncle.

-Good, let's go. They're waiting for you. Every person is impressed to discover who the mysterious Cat is!

Lights were turned off, we heard a specific rhythm of clapping from the spectators. Suddenly, the red curtain was opened and the silhouette of Cat appeared. Then she walked into the center of the ring and she stopped. After that, lights were lightened on Cat. She was looking down while the spectators clapped stronger and stronger: she was wearing a brown long coat of ringmasters, black high heel shoes, tight black pants and the weird was that she cut her hair into a short hairstyle, and she was wearing also a short red skirt.

After that, she abruptly tided her hands and people stopped making noise. Next, Cat said when she raised her head:

-Ladies and gents, welcome to the land of dreams…

The public clapped twice then Cat continued:

-Welcome to the city of imagination…

They clapped again, and she said:

-Welcome to the extraordinary land…

They clapped for the last time, and finally she announced:

-Welcome to The Extraordinary CIRCUS!!!

The public stood up, screaming and clapping with joy. Cat continued yelling to attract excited public's attention:

-And now, ladies, gentlemen and dear kids, before the beginning of our unforgettable show, let us greet our showman, our ringmaster, the manager of our circus, Mr. Sebastian Smith!

Sebastian got out of the same door his niece did. He stood next to her and welcomed his spectators, thanked their coming and appreciated their passion toward his shows and the circus world in general, and added that this and next shows would be different. Then, he said:

-And now, shall we begin with a soft dance with my new assistant and show woman Cat?

He tided his hand while Catherine answered, catching the hand:

-Yes please, with pleasure.

A soft music began from a jazz band. Seb and Cat started dancing with secret looks nobody of the spectators understood them: indeed, they didn't know that the amazing Cat was Sebastian's niece. While they were dancing on the rhythms of a cold jazz music, some clowns came and each one joined another one and began dancing as their boss' way and turning around the two ringmasters. Then, the music had stopped, dancers stopped in their places without moving. Suddenly, lights were turned off, it was dark: we heard only some breaths and murmurs of the spectators. Abruptly, we heard a hot jazz song and lights were turned on again; we discovered that clowns disappeared and many acrobats got out of the door, jumping and flipping through the air. They stood around Cat and Seb in vertical rows, while Magnus - the leader of these acrobats - stood next to Cat. Then, all of them began dancing crazily, screaming the same song with the hot rhythms of jazz. And the spectators were completely charmed by the show; jumping, singing…

Suddenly, lights were turned off again, but two white lights lighted on Rose and Jasmine who were dancing slowly in metal circles very up, with the calm rhythms of the famous Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake". Then, they got down with the circles and once they put their legs on the sand of the ring, the acrobats, fastened to white ropes, jumped and flew by the ropes which were moving and holding them up. Then, they went down. While Cat took off the brown coat, and turned her short red skirt to a long one, and she caught a rope also and flew around the ring, clapping the public's hands. And her uncle was watching her and pointing her out with his "magician" stick, we could notice through his eyes how much Sebastian was very proud of his "daughter". At final, Cat got down, entered a metal circle which held her up. While two white horses got out of the door, ridden by Angry, were turning around inside the ring. And two tigers were jumping and passing through fire circles with the guide of Rocky. And finally clowns were dancing behind with the guide of Sebastian who was moving fluently and fast like a young man…

Anyway, I can't tell everything happened in the show, but we need to conclude that that show was incredibly "fascinating".

Like usual, popular and rich persons who watched the show, went directly to the party organized by Seb like I said above in a specific hotel. So, Sebastian seized this chance to answer every question about Cat, to get rid of wrong rumors and to show them his new assistant. Thus, after he and the crew changed their clothes to party, Seb took Cat with him, and set off directly towards Mr. and Mrs. Snowman; a very old businessman and his very old wife - By the way, Mr. Snowman was very jealous about his wife, especially when she used to be with Seb and Magnus, because they were always joking and playing with her, you'll understand how -. When Seb got in, he found with them Mr. Cooper, a famous jazz singer.

Mrs. Snowman: Oh, Sebastian! Hi!

Sebastian: Good evening Mrs. Snowman, my crew and I are very happy for your coming with Mr. Snowman (he looked at him) who looks very angry…

Mrs. Snowman: Oh please, you know how much Jared (her husband) is jealous of men.

Sebastian: Anyway… (He started joking as I told you above) you look very elegant and beautiful Mrs. Snowman… beautiful and pretty like a young sweet lady… (She was in her eighties)

Mrs. Snowman: (we call it a joke because Mrs. Snowman believed every compliment from Sebastian and Magnus, and because she was cute) Oh! Please stop! I'm married!

Sebastian: (lying with a smile) Oh! I forgot that. Anyway … Oh, Mr. Cooper! How lucky I am! Very pleasured to meet you!

Mr. Cooper: Mr. Smith, very glad to meet you too… your show was completely… extraordinary! Critics had right when they called your circus "the extraordinary circus"…

Sebastian: That was 5 years ago. I love your songs… You're standing in front of a fan…

Mr. Cooper: My pleasure to meet such a talented and successful fan… (He looked at Cat) Are you Cat?

Cat: Yes, I am.

Sebastian: (looking at Mrs. Snowman) My lady, and gentlemen, let me introduce to you my new pretty assistant: Cat.

Mrs. Snowman: Wow! You have presented a very nice show! Actually, I'm a fan of the circus, and tonight I discovered a very huge difference between shows before, with Sarah, and shows now: new stuff, new ideas, new songs… Well done! And the red skirt!

Mr. Cooper: Yeah! The skirt! It's very lovely! And when you flew and clapped the public's hands! And when you danced with Mr. Smith, it's…

Mr. Snowman: Magical!

Mrs. Snowman: Yeah…

Sebastian: My pleasure. From now, Cat will be always my assistant, and the ringmaster.

Mrs. Snowman: That's good! Keep her… she's a perfect one!

Magnus came and joined the group, wearing a beautiful black suit, holding a cup of juice:

Magnus: Good evening ladies and gentlemen… (He saw Mrs. Snowman) Oh! Mrs. Snowman! How are you! (He moved his light moustaches, of course joking like Seb) You look very charming tonight! Oh by the way, when I was somersaulting in the sky with the twins, I forgot completely to give you this. Here is it.

He took a rose from a hidden pocket in his suit and gave it to her, very politely but he was still joking. Him and Sebastian were sometimes "agitated" with some people, and two of them were the couple Snowman. They were also funny, charming and active despite their ages.

Well, Mrs. Snowman got the rose, completely happy and thinking that two handsome gentlemen like Seb and Scottchand liked her. While Cat, she had an opposite opinion. So, she said:

Cat: Madame, gentlemen, excuse me; I need to talk to my un… I mean my boss and Magnus. Good evening again.

She dragged them from their arms and went away until she announced:

Cat: What are you doing to Mrs. Snowman? I've noticed that you were mocking of her. Can you explain this to me?

Seb and Magnus looked at each other then they laughed.

Cat: What? Why are you laughing?

Sebastian: Oh honey. You're very… angelic and innocent…

Magnus: Me and your "boss" are so turbulent… it's ok… maybe it's good to tell to a very old lady that she's pretty… Also, we're still young in eyes of women; we still can flirt with them…

Cat: With Mrs. Snowman?

Magnus: She's cute!

Sebastian: We're still young, Cat…

Magnus came back to Mr. Cooper, after he got a very brilliant idea, and he asked him:

Magnus: Mr. Cooper, with all my respect; do you mind if we sang one of your amazing songs?

Mr. Cooper: Of course not, Mr. Scottchand… I liked your performance today; it was amazing.

Magnus: Thank you Mr. Cooper.

He went to a stage inside the room, took a microphone, talked to a musician band who brought their instruments with them, and he started singing one of Cooper's songs. Then, after he finished the first short part, Sebastian began singing too and dancing with Magnus funnily. And they brought Cat to dance with them. And, in the "hot" and "fast" part of the song, Cat and Seb sang it and danced crazily while everybody in the room began dancing madly too.

While this noisy dance, Sebastian felt something weird happening in his stomach, as he would vomit. But he ignored that…
