Part 5

At night, after that soirée, Cat and Seb came back home, completely tired. Each one went to his or her bedroom.

In a late hour, Sebastian had the same feeling of vomiting again. But now, he couldn't ignore it; he went to the toilet and indeed, he vomited.

Cause of loud voices Smith was making, Catherine woke up, terrified. She went to the source of this voice and she found her uncle in a miserable situation.

-Uncle! What happened?! What happened to you?

-I don't know…

-Did you drink or eat something bad?


-Did you drink alcohol?

-I don't drink… (he vomited again)

-A… what should I do? Do I give you some pills of aspirin?

-Ok… just take me to my bed, sweetie…


She held him slowly and took him to his bed. She covered him, gave him two pills of aspirin and prepared a cup of infusion. Then, she came back sleeping, although her brain was still thinking about the cause of this surprising vomiting…

But, after an hour, Sebastian ran to the toilet and this time, he vomited blood.

Very scared, Catherine called the emergency and Magnus. The ambulance took the ill man to the hospital and put him in a room, while Catherine and Magnus were completely frightened and lost-brained.

In the early morning, after many examinations, the doctor went to the girl and Seb's right-hand, and he announced after seconds of silence:

The doctor: Ms. Cat, Mr. Scottchand… Mr. Smith is in… a very bad situation… he is… with cancer…

Cat: What?!!

She screamed and started crying strongly and hardly while all what Magnus did was just being shut with much opened eyes. The doctor continued:

The doctor: It's liver cancer…

Magnus: From where did the cancer come? He doesn't drink, never smoke.

The doctor: It's not his mistake; he has an "iron overload"

Magnus: Iron what?

The doctor: Iron overload: it means the accumulation of iron in the human body, it's usually caused by genetic disorder, which leads to the absorption of large quantities of iron from the digestive system, so, it's deposited in the liver and this leads to the liver cancer.

Cat: Will he die?

The doctor: In this case, Ms. Cat, Mr. Smith has a little tumor, so we can save him through…

Magnus: Through?

The doctor: Doing a surgical operation…

Magnus: No…

The doctor: The surgery costs one million dollars. We can control the tumor for a little duration, with medicines. There is a chance also in killing the tumor just by medicines… But not always…

Cat: How much time medicines can control the tumor, in case they didn't kill it?

The doctor: Over a month… If we passed it, and medicines couldn't do it, the tumor would spread in the whole liver then in the entire body in a short time. Anyway, Mr. Smith is very lucky.

Cat: How?

The doctor: In most cases, the cancered human can't realize he's sick until he's in the last stages; means death. Mr. Smith's tumor now in his first one; means we can save Mr. Smith.

Cat: Thanks God…

The doctor: Now, I prefer you let Mr. Smith alone; he's now taking a rest and under the effect of medicines… I didn't tell him about his sickness yet… You can come back after few hours…
