Part 9

Breaking news: "After Sebastian Smith, the owner of The Extraordinary Circus, got sick and particularly cancerous, and the new show woman Cat joined the team, and train's stuff, the crew had met Scarlett Carter, the owner of the "Lightening Star" which had a dramatic end: the fire. Then, Carter joined the crew to be temporarily the owner and the manager of The Extraordinary Circus, in place of Smith. And she promised us to change the shows into her way. Fans and public are waiting without patience for the show, which will be performed... tonight. So, will Carter succeed in saving the circus and raising at least one million dollars before the end of this month to keep the train? We'll see that tonight."

During preparing itself, the crew talked to Scarlett, and it found her lovely and nice to them, of course except Cat who got isolated from them. But when she saw the crew how much they became attached to Carter, she got angry and went to them while they were blabbing with her:

Cat: Hey! People! What are you doing?!

Rose: Easy Cat, we're taking a rest with Scarlett.

Cat: Did you forget very fast your real master? Your real boss?

Rocky: Forget our real boss? Cat, what do you mean? You're scaring us!

George: We forgot no one: all what's happening is; we're trying to blend with our new manager. That's it!

Cat: She's not "new"! She's our boss temporarily!

Jasmine: Cat! Don't be that rude!

Cat: She's destroying us! (She looked at Magnus) Magnus! Tell them!

Magnus: A... she's funny?

Cat: Man!

She ran away to her locker-room and started crying. But Magnus followed her, and he asked her permission to get in her room. And when she accepted, he sat down next to her. And he queried her after some seconds of silence:

- Cat, honey... what's happening?

- Magnus... Don't you feel we're going down? Huh? My uncle is cancered, we'll lose our train, and now, a strange woman got in us and tries to change our show... and no one reacts for that... we're dying and now they're asking me why am I rude with Scarlett...

- Catherine my love... you're right... Sebastian also is feeling the same... and this makes him sadder and sicker... but he found out that Scarlett, even if she's a stranger, could be our chance, and more than a chance; our miracle who will save us from our problems. Ok? We just need to go blend with our solution even if we don't feel good toward.

- But why do I feel that Scarlett will ruin our circus?

- Oh honey, don't think as this way... If you, I and Seb found out that Carter is ruining us, we won't let her do it.

- And the crew... I feel they got hypnotized by her...

- You know they are simple... and she's funny and charming too.

- Really? I find her very evil and boring.

- It's ok... I always regard Seb as a dull old man, and so? He's my boss, and I became his closest friend.

- Maybe because you're duller.

- Ha ha... funny... Now, I need you to believe and blend with all what is happening... because you're Cat, and don't forget that you are our second boss, and the second ringmaster... we still need you...


The tent was fulfilled completely by the impatient spectators who were waiting for the new changes in the show.

After that everyone took its place, lights were turned off, and we hear a terrifying sound, a sound close to be ghosts'. And suddenly, ghosts appeared: they were flying and scaring the public whom some of clients ran away and restored they money.

Then, two "vampires" were somersaulting up: they were the twins who got disguised as vampires. After that, a knife thrower chose one of spectators to throw knives on him. But, despite his talent and skill, he was perturbed and scared cause of these changes and stress and so, as you expected, the thrower hurt the spectator. Thus, spectators got anxious and worried.

Next, Cat appeared with clowns who turned into Frankensteins, zombies and vampires, and danced a horrible dance with a more horrible song. And the clowns, during their dance, were scaring spectators and some of them were kids who started crying.

Anyway, no need to describe the rest because at final, every spectator left the show and restored their money, plus of course bad words...


At that night, no one had eaten or slept. All of them were sad and angry. And indeed, the angriest one was Catherine who spoke after a long time of silence:

Cat: Am I right now when I got angry? Am I right now when I said that you forgot your boss? Look now at what happened: we lost our spectators, they restored their money that we had to collect, and all the circus critics are speaking badly about us. So, we followed Ms. Carter's orders and now, we changed the show, thinking people will come and they did. But we danced the last dance for no one! All of them left the show and no one had finished it! James (the knife thrower) hurt a spectator! Imagine what will happen to us! Now, if we dared to perform another show under the command of Scarlett Carter, two things will happen: they will call us "dumb and stupid enough to repeat their mistakes", and no one will come! Mrs. Snowman herself left the show! Well done!

Rose: We had no choice but listening to Scarlett.

Magnus: Scarlett... why have you done this to us?

Scarlett: I chose that the show becomes a bit terrifying because... I've read a lot about these fables, like Frankenstein and vampires... And you know that people love them that they disguise as them in Halloween so... I thought they'll like it...

Magnus: I've watched some shows for the "Lightening Star" and in my opinion, if Scarlett was the inventor of their shows, she has right to say that, and we must forgive her.

Cat: Excuse me?

Magnus: That's right, Catherine; Scarlett is a circus fan, and lover more than a fan, like Sebastian, so everything she liked, she inspires from it for her circus. Now, she didn't succeed maybe because it was more terrifying than we've expected. But Scarlett is like Sebastian.

Rocky: So? What do you want to say?

Magnus: Tomorrow in the morning, we'll go to Seb and tell him what happened and what must we do next, ok?

Cat: And Scarlett will join us?

Magnus: Yes Cat, Scarlett will join us. And now because we're all here, I need to announce that the crew needs the manager and its assistant TOGETHER; means, Cat and Scarlett, you can't help or even lead us if you were fighting. So, my two beautiful ladies, can you please come to here? (They stood in front of each other, and Magnus was next to them) Now, in front of all the crew, you will officially forgive each other and stop reacting rudely toward each other.


Magnus: Yes.

Scarlett: Seriously?

Magnus: Of course. I need to hear a sincere apology from both of you. Cat, you start.

Cat: Ah... Ok... Dear Scarlett, I'm sorry for my rudeness. I was and still touched by our troubles and I couldn't accept a stranger in our circus.

Scarlett: I'm sorry too, Cat. I had to behave nicely with you in the coffee shop.

Magnus: That's touching... Good, now, shake your hands.

And they did.

Magnus: Perfect! Now, everybody goes to his room, sleeps and forgets what happened, to be optimistic tomorrow when we meet Sebastian. He hates to see us sad, you know that. Good night!
