Part 10

The crew, again, had a meeting in Sebastian's room - who looked sicker. After he heard all what happened, he said, deeply sad:

Sebastian: I see eye to eye with you, Magnus; Carter had a passion for the circus like I do, and so everything she likes, she turns it for the best of her circus. And "The Lightening Star" had succeeded in a period of time thanks to brilliant and unique ideas and performing. That's why we need to forgive Scarlett for that and give her another chance.

Seb looked at his niece how she was very disappointed of his opinion. Thus, he told her:

Sebastian: Catherine my love... I know you still have some problems between you and Scarlett, although you made peace with her thanks to Magnus, because you're afraid you lose me or the train.

She looked at him with teary eyes. She nodded and then her uncle continued:

Sebastian: It's ok, honey, you will lose nothing...

She ran and hugged him. Suddenly, Mrs. Snowman knocked the door and entered.

Rose: Mrs. Snowman?!

Mrs. Snowman: Oh! Hi people! Hi Sebastian! Are you going better?

Sebastian: (lying to himself) Yes, Mrs. Snowman... thanks for your coming...

Mrs. Snowman: Good... Actually I brought some flowers and chocolate for you...

Scarlett: Well... thanks!

Mrs. Snowman: (after studying her well) Who are you?

Scarlett: My name is Scarlett Carter... the temporary substitute of Sebastian...

Mrs. Snowman: Hah... I hope you do the same he does and better next time, you know...Sebastian is unique and irreplaceable.

Scarlett: Thanks... I think...

Mrs. Snowman: Now... did you prepare yourself well for the competition?

Cat: What competition?

Mrs. Snowman: You must be kidding! The International Circus Competition! ICC! Did you forget that?!

And Seb abruptly clapped his front:

Sebastian: Damn it! How did I forget that!

Cat: Uncle I mean boss, what competition?

Sebastian: The ICC is an international competition for all the circuses in the entire world... the circus which performs the best show wins 1 million dollars.

Cat: Wait a second... Did you say "1 million dollars"?

Sebastian: Yes...

Cat: What's the wrong with you people?! This competition can save us!

Sebastian: Sorry darling, I don't think we'll succeed... it's very risky and we're not ready for another failure... especially you, Cat.

Cat: I know but... what if we tried now... now or never... it's our chance! We're The Extraordinary Circus! And we have here the owner of The Lightening Star! Boss! Don't you ask us all the time to be optimistic! Now we must be! Come on guys!

Mrs. Snowman: I'm with you but I'm not in a good health now to help you in jumping and somersaulting... At least, I'm happy I helped you with this information... I could help you more by giving you money you need. However, you know my husband, very selfish and very jealous of Sebastian and Magnus; he won't give me a dollar for you... I have to go now... Good luck in the competition!

She left the room and once she disappeared, Sebastian screamed with a crazy smile:

Sebastian: I love her!

Magnus: You can't imagine how much I love her too... she's very cute!

Cat: Hey! Guys! Stop playing! Uncle... when will this competition start?

Sebastian: Always on the last days of February.

Cat: Means the end of this month...

Jasmine: But...

Rocky: We can't act recklessly anymore...

Scarlett: It's our last chance. And like Catherine said: now or never...

Cat: Uncle, what do you think?

Sebastian: Now or never...

Angry: What should we do now?

Scarlett: By the way, I know that this show I've created failed, and yours is the best. But I heard that many circuses are working hard to win... and The Extraordinary Circus is their example to follow...

Sebastian: (proud) Very pleasured to hear that...

Scarlett: Means: they are stealing from your shows!

Cat: What?

Scarlett: They are imitating you... even if you did your best in your show... they could win because they add more on what they steal from you. So, we, I mean "you", need to change your show.

Magnus: And how will we get new ideas?

Scarlett: I'm afraid that if I suggested something else, I would be again the cause of your failure.

Sebastian: It's ok, tell us your idea and we judge.

Scarlett: During my circus' days, I wanted to change the shows because people started leaving it; wanting something new. So, I travelled to India where one of my friends - he's dead now - greeted me. I got touched by Indians' culture that I inspired from it for the new show. And it was a fabulous success!

Sebastian: I've read about that...

Magnus: So?

Scarlett: What if we turned the world? Huh? And we inspire from each famous city its culture? So that our show becomes rich of ideas!

Sebastian: It's very risky... but we have no other chance

Magnus: Ok.

Cat: I agree but... we have now less than a month. How will we turn the world?

Scarlett: Not all: the most famous capitals of countries.

Cat: People, what do you think?

And everybody nodded his head after some hesitation.

Magnus: So... we're all leaving?

Sebastian: You will all leave me?! No, no, no! One of you stays. And because I want the relationship between Cat and Scarlett gets stronger, and I want Cat to rely on herself, and to be the responsible for the crew and the circus, I'll let both of you go with the crew. While Magnus stays with me here, he'll take care of me well.

Cat: Uncle... will you be fine alone?

Magnus: Why alone? I'm with him!

Cat: I mean without me...

Sebastian: I'll be good, darling.

He kissed her front very tenderly. At final, he ordered:

Sebastian: Catherine Smith and Scarlett Carter will be the two responsible women for the circus and its future. Together, they'll decide which country you'll visit, and they'll create the show's events. Magnus, go now and register our name in the ICC. And in the end, choose tonight which the first city you'll start with. Tomorrow, you'll leave. Cat, get closer to me.

When she did, he hugged her with all his efforts, and with teary eyes. He whined:

Sebastian: Catherine my love, you grew up; you're a woman now, a young woman. And whatever happened, to me or to the circus, don't lose hope, don't lose that hope which shines in your eyes... don't lose your smile which shows us how much you're active, optimistic and energetic... Life doesn't have one road: there's happiness, and there's sadness. But after all, it's us who chooses which way we'll live... I need you to be always that beautiful little Cat. Enjoy your time now in the different cities you'll visit.

Then, he spoke to the rest of his crew:

Sebastian: This speech is also to you, my loves, don't give up... in the competition or in your lives... Give all your best, and help your new bosses. Promise me that, if we lost this chance, you keep this crew, keep The Extraordinary Circus... if we didn't get money for my problem or the train's, you can get it later on, and mostly I'm still alive! Don't worry, loves, we'll be fine...
