We boarded a bus to head to that training camp today. It would be about a couple hours before we would get there, so at least I could get some more sleep in before we get there. I wonder what kind of training we'd do. Hopefully it'll be fun!
[Several Hours Later...]
I didn't think that we'd have to walk all the way to camp! Mr. Aizawa and this group of heroes called "The Pussycats" told us that it was a part of our training, somehow? Regardless, I didn't think that we had to fight these giant clay looking monsters either! They were huge! I blew through a couple of them, but it felt like they just kept coming and coming!
"Yo, watch out!" I heard Kirishima shout over to me.
As I turned around, a clay pterodactyl thing picked me up!
"W-WOOAAAAH!!!" I screamed as it took me into the air!
I broke out of its grasp using my Overdrive Fist! But I guess I forgot that I was in the air...
"OOOOH MYYYY GOOOOOD!!!" I yelled as I was falling from the sky.
I closed my eyes and hit the ground, which was a lot softer than I thought. I opened my eyes and noticed that I didn't hit the ground, but I hit a mattress?
"Are you alright?" I heard Momo ask me.
I got up from the mattress and brushed myself off, "Y-Yeah! I'm good!"
I felt a rush of cold zoom past me, Shoto impaled another one of those things!
[Several More Hours Later...]
By the time we got to the campgrounds, every fiber in my body was in shambles. We met up with The Pussy Cats and some kid. His name was Kota and was one of the Cats' nephew. Deku tried to shake his hand but was met with a low blow instead.
"Huh, that kid's got spunk." I heard Bakugo say.
"You two would get along just fine." Shoto piped in.
And then, came Bakugo's vintage screaming, It never gets old. We had to make food for ourselves, and oh boy, it was god awful. I mean, at least we're learning how to cook I guess? Most of us ate it anyway since we hadn't eaten anything until now, so all in all, it was quite the evening. We sat in this hot spring bath thing; it was actually really relaxing. And, as usual, Mineta tried to climb over to the girl's side but was met with a punch to the nose!
"You guys could've caught me!" Mineta yelled over to us.
Sero looked at Mineta, "We know."
After the whole dilemma, we all got ready for bed. We were separated, which I figured we would be, Mineta wasn't exactly pleased with it.
"Oh, come on! Why won't they let us all sleep in one cabin?" Mineta whined.
We all stared at him, "What? You guys are staring at me like I said something funny!"
"Speaking of girls, I know someone that has a crush on one of them!" Kaminari gloated.
"Ooo! Who and who?" Sero asked.
"Leonidus-kun! Haven't you seen how Yaoyorozu-san looks at him?" Kaminari exclaimed.
My face started to feel hot, "W-WHAT?! T-That's ridiculous! We're just friends, nothing more! You could ask her and she'll say the same!"
Mineta got up and left the cabin. I sat up and argued with Kaminari, it went back and forth and soon, everyone joined in the conversation.
"Yeah, man! You two are like, two peas in a pod whenever you guys are around each other!" Kirishima remarked.
Suddenly, the door burst open, Mineta was panting heavily and he eventually caught his breath.
"Yaoyorozu-san's been hurt! She's bleeding pretty bad!" Mineta shouted.
"What? Where is she? What she get hurt on?" I quickly asked.
As I stood up, I saw the smug look on Mineta's face, I turned back around at Kaminari who was snickering at me. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Good one you two, hilarious." I sarcastically responded.
I climbed into my sleeping bag and laid down. I tried to sleep but there was just so much on my mind. I stared at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep, but I just couldn't.
"Are you mad or something?" Kaminari whispered.
"No, it's just... I... There's just a lot on my mind, that's all." I told him.
[2 Hours Later...]
I still couldn't sleep; Sudden Death was still on my mind. I needed to figure out who he was and why he felt so familiar. Everyone else was asleep, so I got up and went outside. As I closed the door, I heard someone, it was Mr. Aizawa!
"Where you headed?" He wondered.
"Ah, Mr. Aizawa! I didn't think you'd be up this late. I can't really sleep, I'm still thinking about that Sudden Death guy." I told him.
"Oh, really?" His voice changed.
I looked back up to notice that it wasn't Mr. Aizawa, but it was him?! How did he sound like Mr. Aizawa? I tried to activate my Quirk, but I couldn't, it was like my whole body was frozen! Right before he hit me, I woke up in a cold sweat and shot up from my bed. Was I dreaming? I don't remember falling asleep at all. I looked around and pinched my side. I was completely awake, not dreaming. What the hell was that? I guess it was just a nightmare, but it felt so real. I decided to get up and get some fresh air. I walked up towards that cliff side area I saw earlier today, I sat down and took in the view.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing here?" A boy asked.
I looked behind me, "Oh, it's you. You're Kota, right? It's a pleasure to meet you!"
I turned back towards the horizon, I heard him walk over and sit down next to me.
"Why are you even here? I just don't understand why they bother to train heroes if all everyone does is cause misery." Kota wondered.
"To be honest, I guess I don't really know. Are you saying that heroes and villains only cause nothing but trouble?" I responded.
He nodded at me, "Isn't it obvious? My parents abandoned me when they decided to become Pro Heroes. I just don't get it, it's so dumb!"
"I guess I see where you're coming from. But I don't think your parents would've abandoned you by becoming Pros. They most likely did it to protect you, Kota. You're still here, aren't you? It's okay to not like heroes, there's plenty of people that feel the same as you, but that shouldn't make you think differently about your parents. Pro Hero is just a title, nothing more, nothing less. The same goes for villains, anyone can be a villain, but it's just a title. You aren't in the wrong for not liking heroes, Kota." I answered.
I don't think he really expected me to agree with him, somewhat. He held his legs close to him as he rested his chin on his kneecaps.
"You really aren't like those other wannabe heroes, are you?" He spoke quietly.
"I guess not, Kota. You're a good kid, there's nothing wrong with having an opinion like yours, just remember that your parents will never abandon you no matter where they are." I smiled.
He stood up and quickly hugged me, I thought he was going to punch me for a second! I hugged him back, who knows what this kid has been through, nobody his age should really think like that.
[The Next Morning...]
We all were focusing on improving certain aspects of our Quirks and our Quirks in general. If I remember right, Annie told me that Overdrive was more of a charge up kind of Quirk. Maybe that's how I can get Mode One! I found myself a cliff side area, and stood still, taking deep breaths in and out. How exactly would I charge up my quirk? I started off by going into my Base Mode, which only surrounded my arms and legs. Maybe if I surround my entire body, then I can charge up! Try as I might, I couldn't get my Quirk to go around my entire body. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
"Oh, come on! I did it at the U.S.J., why can't I do it now?!" I thought to myself.
After my unsuccessful attempt at tapping into Mode One, I went back down the cliff side towards the camp. I've been working hard on trying to gain access to Mode One. I've been running laps around the entire campsite until I'm nearly out of breath. Not to mention the fact that I've been using logs as weights in order to improve my strength. I tossed of my gym uniform top and undershirt, I was hotter than hell right now!
"Oi, Amnesia!" Bakugo called out.
I looked up and saw him standing across from me. His Quirk sparked from the palms of his hands.
"You aren't gonna wimp out of that deal, are you?" He smirked.
I grinned back at him, "As long as you don't, I'm game, Bakugo-san."
We charged towards each other, I slammed my fist into Bakugo's stomach, he retaliated by doing the same. He sent me flying back after igniting an explosion, I rolled off the ground and rebounded towards him. That Quirk of his was definitely powerful! He darted towards me and I ducked a grab attempt from him. I grabbed the back of his shirt and flung him into the ground. I jumped into the air and Bakugo exploded up towards me. I flipped over him as he launched an explosion from the palm of his left hand. As I did, he quickly turned around grabbing my arm and using his Quirk, he spun himself around. He launched me straight into the ground thanks to the momentum from his explosions.
He charged straight towards me from the air, "YOU'RE GONNA REGRET FIGHTING ME, AMNESIA!!"
I got up as Bakugo made his way to me, I narrowly dodged his hand, I countered him with an Overdrive Fist to the face. My fist sent him flying into a tree, he hit it with a loud thud! He stumbled up to his feet and I stood in my fighting stance. I slightly panted as Bakugo wiped blood from his face.
"Amnesia... You motherfucker!" Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows and grinned.
I wasn't sure if he was happy, excited, or angry. Which, to be honest, was absolutely terrifying! He threw his tank top off and cracked his neck.
"It looks like someone can actually match my level! Good, that means I'll feel great proving that you're nothing compared to me!" He shouted.
"Oh, is that so? It seems as if that ego of yours is getting to your head." I laughed.
We charged towards each other once more, I rocked him with a right hand to the jaw, he slammed an explosion right in my face. We continued to beat the holy hell out of each other, each of us landing a single strike against one another. We both jumped into the air, he sent me down to the ground hard with his Quirk, and I sent him down to the ground with an Overdrive Fist. At this point, I was beyond exhausted and so was Bakugo. I heard him slowly get up, I started to get up as well. My hair fell down to it's natural state. Both of us tapped each other's Quirks out for good it felt like. I spit blood onto the ground.
We stumbled over to each other, I hit him with a fist, his body trembled as he reeled backwards from it. Bakugo returned the favor to me, then, we both rammed our fists into each other. I pushed my fist into his face and he responded in kind. Both of us fell to the ground, breathing heavily and sweating profusely.
"Y-You... Hit... T-The ground... F-First... I-I... Win..." I panted.
"Fuck... Y-You..." He lightly chuckled.
Did he actually laugh? I guess I must've impressed him!
[Later That Night...]
So, I guess they decided to finally give us a break tonight. They set up some sort of haunted forest thing. We had to go in pairs one at a time, which wasn't so bad. Manga from Class 1-B was paired up with me and we were going after Bakugo and Todoroki. As we were waiting, there was a loud boom in the distance.
"What was that?" Someone wondered.
Good question, that definitely didn't come from the forest. I looked up in the sky and saw smoke and... Blue flames?! Something was going on, and it sure as hell wasn't good.
"Everyone! Stay together!" I shouted.
All of the sudden, Ms. Mandalay told us through telepathy that we were under attack, and lethal force was okay. I thought this place was secluded! I grouped up with Iida and some other kids, whatever was going down, wasn't good! I looked towards the forest; nobody has come out of there for a while!