The U.A. Traitor! Hidden Secret Revealed!

[The Next Day...]

I woke up at around 1 in the morning, not because of my insomnia, but because I had a reason to. I moved to my desk and pulled out the letter I wrote before I went to bed tonight. Tokoyami told me that he couldn't keep it a secret anymore, that it was only hurting him and it would hurt me as well. I grabbed my hoodie and my hanafuda earrings before leaving my room. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, I placed the note on the kitchen table, I also made sure to disable all of the campus' cameras. I was leaving U.A. High tonight, I put everyone in danger.


[6:30 AM...]

Class 1-A slowly got up from their slumber, Izuku being the first to awaken from his sleep. He made his way downstairs to prepare breakfast for the others. He found a note lying on the kitchen table.

"A note? Who would leave a note? Maybe Kacchan wants something different for breakfast." Izuku thought.

He opened up the note and read through it:

"Dear Everyone,

By the time you read this, I'm already gone. I've most likely gone several miles towards wherever the hell my mind wants to go. But I'd like to apologize, I should've come forward with all of this, but it was me. The attacks on the Lodge, it was because of me. I had no choice. The League threatened to harm my family and you guys if I didn't give them information, I also almost did something that I can't even mention here. So, I've decided to leave U.A. for good. I don't deserve to be called a hero for everything I've done. I'm so fucking sorry. -Alyx Leonidus"

Midoriya slowly moved the note down after he finished reading it. His arms dropped to the side as he kept staring forward.

"D-Deku-kun... Is everything alright?" Uraraka groggily asked.

Izuku didn't say a word, he rushed past Uraraka and outside. He ran as fast as he could to U.A. He was stopped by Shota who was tinkering with one of the gate cameras.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look panicked." He questioned.

"I-It's... It's Leonidus-san!" Izuku exclaimed.

Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows with wonder. He followed Midoriya back into the dormitory. Uraraka, Mina, Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, and Tokoyami all stood by the doors as Izuku and Aizawa walked in. Midoriya handed Shota the letter and he read it out-loud to the students. He stopped and stayed quiet, not sure what to make of this startling news.

"Mr. Aizawa, we need to find him! Please! I don't want him out there by himself. We can help him out!" Izuku pleaded.

"I'm going to have to talk with Principal Nezu and the other staff members. Chances are, he might not be coming back." Shota responded.

Midoriya clenched his fists, "No... That isn't right... He was forced into doing this! He had no say in the matter! You can't tell me that you won't let him back in to U.A., it's not his fault, goddamn it!"

Izuku's outburst startled everyone, even Shota himself! Midoriya closed his eyes as tears began to build up in them.

"H-He's the closest thing I've had to a sibling, he didn't mean to do anything to hurt us, he was only trying to protect his family. Please Mr. Aizawa... Please..." He sniffled.

Aizawa looked at Izuku, his expression changed slightly, Shota walked out of the dorms with note in hand. Uraraka rushed over to Izuku and hugged him tightly.

"We can't tell Yaoyorozu-san about any of this, I don't want her feeling like this too." Midoriya told them.

[A Couple Hours Later...]

After telling everyone but Momo about Alyx's departure, they came up with a plan to tell Yaoyorozu that Leonidus had gone to visit his Mother. This plan worked well!

"Oh, I see! I was wondering where he went when he wasn't in his room this morning." Momo smiled.

Everyone smiled and agreed with her. Midoriya got up from the couch and walked outside. He made sure nobody was looking out of the windows before taking off towards Musutafu. Izuku made his way to Leonidus' sister's agency, he figured that Annie would be able to help track down Alyx. He landed down on the rooftop as his sister looked out towards the city.

"I can't find him, his Heat Energy, it's vanished." Annie announced.

Izuku looked confused, "What? How'd you know that I-"

Midoriya stopped as Annie turned around. Her eyes were empty and dark, filled with nothing but sorrow.

"Because I've been looking all damn night for him. That's why." She wept.

Midoriya rushed over to Annie, she collapsed in his arms, hysterically bawling.

"I couldn't fucking save him, Midoriya! I should've known that he was in trouble by the way he acted, but... But I didn't look into it!" Annie cried.

Izuku didn't say a word, he hugged her as she cried on his shoulder.

"I'll find him, I'll do whatever it takes to get him back safely!" Izuku promised.


[Several Days Later...]

I walked down an alleyway, I had no clue where I was, neither did I honestly care. I've been staying at a hotel since I ran away from U.A. under a different name. It's hard to believe that they don't ask for an ID when you book a room.

"Hey, kid, come 'ere!" I heard someone say.

I ignored them and kept walking. I heard footsteps come up from behind me, whoever it was touched my shoulder. Their grip tightened on it and they leaned towards me.

"I don't think you heard me, kid." He growled.

I activated Mode One and shot a beam of Stardust Shoot through his left kneecap. He immediately fell to the ground in agony. I stood over him and a look of disgust came across my face.

"It's people like you that make me sick. I don't understand what gives you the right to speak to someone like that. If someone doesn't want to talk to you, take the hint, and go fuck off." I retorted.

I knelt down next to him and searched his pockets, I found his wallet and looked into it. He was a 35 year old man by the name of Endo Yuudai. I stood back up then threw his wallet down next to him.

"Don't speak to me like that ever again, not unless you know who I am." I warned.

I sent my foot directly into his face, knocking him out and shattering his nose. I healed him back up before returning to my walk. I put my hood up over my head and looked down at my phone. It was 3:28 PM, I wonder what there was to eat around here? I walked out of the alleyway and onto a main street. I stopped walking as I found a little mask shop. I walked in and looked around at the beautifully carved masks of different animals. There was one that caught my eye, I picked it up and walked over to the woman behind the wooden counter.

"How much for this?" I wondered.

"Ah, the white fox, it'll be ¥2,500. Are you interested in it?" The woman replied.

I pulled out ¥2,600, "That I am, keep the change."

She nodded at me and took my money. I walked out of the shop, I looked down at the mask. I quickly unhooded myself, put on the mask, then threw my hood over my head once again. I continued walking down the street, it started to rain, I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Excuse me, ma'am, have you seen this kid?" I heard Kaminari ask.

I was hoping that he wouldn't come to me, I was also hoping that the woman didn't see my face as I put my mask on. I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"E-Excuse me, have you seen this kid?" Kaminari asked me.

He held up a picture of me, I looked at it, I shook my head and walked away from him.

"Wait!" He shouted.

I stopped dead in my tracks, I slowly turned my head towards him.

"I like your mask! It looks really cool, bro. Thank you for your time!" Kaminari smiled.

I looked away from him and walked away. I hurried around the corner of the building I passed, were they all here? If they found me... The other members of the League would probably kill me before they kill them. I sat down in the entryway of an apartment building as the rain poured down. I put my hood up as I took my mask off and set it down beside me. I pulled my phone out to find that Momo had texted me sometime yesterday, it was a picture of her, Jiro, Kaminari, and Hagakure. My breathing got shakier as I noticed everyone else in the background.

I grit my teeth as tears flowed down my face, "I'm a fucking idiot... I really am..."

I wanted to turn back and just run to U.A., but I couldn't do that, not anymore. I doubt that Mr. Aizawa would let me back in, even if everyone tried to defend me. Although I even doubt that as well, I'm pretty sure they all hate my guts now. I wiped the tears from my eyes and face then put my phone in my pocket. I put the fox mask back on my face and made my way towards the League's base somberly. I walked through the ran for about 20 minutes until I finally reached the base. I was met by Dabi who was sitting on a couch.

"Huh, nice mask, Alyx. I like it." Dabi complimented.

"Thanks, I wasn't followed, was I? Nobody was lingering behind me?" I questioned.

"Not to my knowledge, no. I would've noticed them. Why?" He replied.

"I got stopped by one of them, they were looking for me." I informed them.

I saw Toga run to me, "Boo Bear! You're back!"

She hopped onto me and wrapped her arms & legs around me. She gently pressed her nose against the front of my mask.

"Did you have fun on that walk? I would've loved to come with you! We could've had all sorts of fun!" Toga grinned.

I didn't say a single word to her. I heard a door slowly creak open, I turned my head and saw...

"Hey, look what we found! Dead fucking meat!" Bakugo shouted.

Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, Shoto, and Deku stood in front of us. Dabi ignited his flames in his right hand.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. You kids don't have any-" Dabi tried to threaten.

I held my arm up to stop him. I walked in front of him, I rushed towards them. Kirishima hardened his arms up and tried to hit me. I ducked his punch and rammed my fist into his gut. I looked over and saw that Kaminari fired off an assault of electricity at me. I used Kirishima as a shield and it hit him dead on. I felt something wrap around me, it was Deku's Blackwhip, I looked over and saw Bakugo come flying towards me.

"A new face, huh? I'm gonna make you regret joining the league, Fox Face!" He grinned.

He blasted me in the face, completely destroying the left half of my fox mask.


As the smoke cleared, Deku retracted his Blackwhip, Bakugo cackled at Alyx.

"HA HA! So much for that loser!" He smirked.

Leonidus held his hand on the left side of his face, he slowly looked up and everyone's eyes widened.

"L-Leonidus-san...?" Izuku muttered.

"Leave. Now." Alyx demanded.

"N-No... We... We aren't leaving until you come back with us!" Kirishima shouted.

Dabi stepped forward, "He's not going anywhere. I suggest you take his advice and leave before you become another stain on the floor."

"You guys get out of here too, I can do this by myself." Alyx told them.

"Boo Bear, you can't-" Toga tried to reason.

"I SAID... GET. THE FUCK. OUT." Alyx roared.

The League listened to him and retreated. Izuku stepped forward towards Alyx then held his hand out to him.

"Please, let's go home. I don't want to do this, I know you don't either, I understand how you feel." Izuku pleaded.

Leonidus clenched his fists as he threw his mask off, "You don't understand... None of you will ever understand. You've never had your family's lives held by the thinnest fucking string, capable of breaking with one minor, false move. You never-"

"It doesn't matter anymore, Leonidus-san! What's done is done, I didn't want to believe it at first but I understand everything now! What would your Father think of you right now?!" Midoriya interrupted.

Alyx grit his teeth and tightly clenched his fists. He activated Mode One and charged towards Izuku. He drove his knee into his stomach.

"SHUT UP!" Alyx thundered.

He drove his knee into Midoriya again, "SHUT... UP!!"

Leonidus took Izuku to the ground, Alyx's Quirk deactivated, rage filled his eyes as he began to pummel Midoriya. Izuku allowed himself to be punched by Alyx, still keeping a smile on his face.

"You don't... Understand... A fucking... Thing! I had to... Forfeit everything... In order to keep... My family safe... JUST TO HAVE MY FATHER KILLED!" Alyx yelled.

Alyx raised his fist up and was about to hit Midoriya once again. Bakugo held back his arm.

"Y-You... You don't... Have to do this alone... Alyx... That's what I meant... I didn't want you to... B-Be upset... at yourself... Because, you... You're like a brother to me! " Izuku croaked.

Tears filled Izuku's eyes after he spoke. Alyx's fists slowly untightened as realization sank in. He looked down at his bloodied hands. Kaminari, Bakugo, and Kirishima knelt down next to him, Kirishima placed his hand on Alyx's back.

"We've stayed up for days trying to find you, Leonidus-san. We haven't stopped looking since the day you left U.A." Kirishima informed him.

Tears began to fall down Alyx's face. Izuku slowly sat up on his knees in front of Alyx. He quickly hugged Izuku and began crying into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so fucking sorry, Izuku..." Alyx quietly sobbed.

Midoriya placed his hand on the back of Alyx's head. Izuku looked up at Bakugo, he had a worried look on his face, something Izuku thought he'd never see.

"I forgive you Alyx, for everything. Let's just go home, okay?" Izuku spoke softly.

[One Hour Later...]

All four of them returned to U.A., Momo looked over from one of the couches in the Common Room and smiled as she got up.

"Ah, darling! How's your Mother doing?" Momo greeted.

Without saying a word, Alyx quickly hugged her, burying his head in her shoulder. Momo hugged him back but gave a look of concern towards Kirishima, Midoriya, Bakugo, Shoto and Kaminari.

"It's a long story, I'm sure he'll tell you." Kirishima told her.

"Can... Can we go to your room?" Alyx whispered.

Momo slowly nodded and they both walked upstairs to her room. Shortly after, Shota Aizawa walked into the dorms with Izuku.

"He can stay, it didn't take too much to convince Nezu, which was rather surprising." He informed them.

A humongous wave of relief washed over Class 1-A.


I rested my head on Momo's chest as I cuddled up with her.

"Is everything alright, Alyx?" She asked.

"I... I'm just an idiot, that's all." I replied.

She kissed my forehead, "Well, you're my idiot, you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to. No matter what it is, it won't change how I see you."

I didn't say another word, I just closed my eyes and moved a little closer to her.