Teamwork Exams!

"Hey! Tomikoa! Shindo!" I greeted them as they walked over.

"Hey, it's a pleasure to work with you, Alyx." Tomikoa smiled.

"Woah, you're that overseas kid, right? I've always wanted to work with you!" Shindo grinned with excitement.

I nodded and smiled. This was gonna be good, maybe even a cakewalk as well! Tomikoa's amazing in combat and Shindo's Quirk was incredible! Our team was first up to take the exam! We entered the Grounds and saw the dummy in front of us. It activated and looked directly at us.

"Remember, you have 20 minutes to complete this test!" Ms. Joke announced over the intercom.

A siren rang, signaling the start of the test. The dummy charged towards me, I activated Mode Three and slammed my fist right into its face! It went flying down the street, and I looked back at Tomikoa and Shindo.

"Well, looks like that was rather-" I smirked.

I felt a metallic arm wrap around my neck and send me flying into the air! It threw me into a building, glass shattered as I went through a window. I hurried over towards the now open window and noticed that Shindo and Tomikoa were gone!

"So much for teamwork..." I muttered to myself.

Tomikoa was going toe to toe with that robot, Shindo was staying back and just watching! I jumped down from the building and ran over to them. Right before I jumped in to help Tomikoa, I heard her yell something.

"Stay out of this!" Tomikoa commanded.

"We're supposed to be working as a team, Tomikoa!" I yelled.

Tomikoa turned her head and was going to say something but that robot hit her right in the stomach and threw her at me! I caught her and I set her down. The robot's eyes turned from a light blue to a very darker blue.

"Jump!" I heard Shindo order.

Tomikoa and I jumped into the air and Shindo let his Quirk loose! Vibrating the ground, he uplifted the street that the robot was standing on like an earthquake! The robot flew into the air and Tomikoa & I started a rush down attack on it!

"You're doing fantastic, Leonidus!" The robot complimented in a familiar voice.

We launched the robot backward with a combination punch.

"R-Rei?!" I exclaimed.

That was one of the Quartet Girls! How in the hell did she get a hold of one of the robots?!

"Sorry, but I just had to fight you again. Especially now that Creati girl isn't around!" She gushed in a sensual voice.

"Secret lover gone horribly wrong or...?" Tomikoa asked.

I shook my head, "No, random girl that gets you drunk on purpose to test your skills. Who apparently has some obsession over you?"

"I see. Let's just get rid of this thing, shall we?" Tomikoa chuckled.

Shindo stood behind us, ready to use his Quirk. But the robot shrieked, breaking the nearby glass windows! While we were disoriented, the robot grabbed me with its long metallic arm and slammed me into the ground.

"S-So much... For an easy exam!" I shouted.

I burst out of the robot's grasp as I entered Mode Three.

"A-Amazing!! Let me take a picture of this, this'll be my 1000th picture of you!" Rei proclaimed from the robot.

I zoomed towards the robot and kicked it right in its face! Tomikoa threw an ice shard at it and it impaled it! I stuck my hands out and light appeared from my fingertips.

"Stardust Shoot: Ten Fingers!" I shouted.

The beams of light erupted from my fingertips and pierced the robot until it was filled with nothing but holes. The robot deactivated, I think we did it!

"Well, that was easy." Shindo remarked as he brushed himself off.

We walked back to the huge entrance doors, but they wouldn't open.

"What's going on? Are these damn things stuck or something?" I wondered.

Our question was answered when we heard something coming towards us, that damn robot was still going! Before we could make a move, the robot exploded! The explosion made a crater in the ground, I slowly got up. I used up pretty much all of my Overdrive trying to protect myself from that explosion.

"H-Hey, are you guys... Okay?" I managed to say.

Tomikoa was holding her left arm and Shindo was getting back up as well! We looked back towards the smoke, the robot was still standing! I made my way over to Tomikoa. Then, we heard Ms. Joke over the intercom.

"We aren't sure what's going on with the robot! Hang in there kiddos, we're on our way!" Ms. Joke urgently told us.

"Not so fast, I want some alone time!" Rei retorted from the robot.

The robot's eyes changed back to it light blue state and it looked like it just did something.

"What's going on?" I asked Momo telepathically.

"We're locked in here! We're not sure how, but the A.I. you're fighting might have something to do with it!" Momo replied.

"Shit... Looks like they're locked in. It's just us against this thing!" I relayed to Tomikoa and Shindo.

The smoke completely cleared after I healed up Tomikoa. All three of us faced the robot, the robot let off a battle cry. Tomikoa and I did the same and charged at it! We started a fast chain of punches and kicks, so did the robot! The robot rammed its fist into my gut, which I responded by grabbing its arm and pulling the robot down. Tomikoa slammed her knee right into its face which knocked it back a couple feet. We stepped aside and Shindo did another earthquake attack which sent the robot flying into the air! He followed up by vibrating the particles in the air around him and shot them towards it! The attack zoomed past Tomikoa and I as we followed the robot.

Shindo's attack hit the robot three times and put it through a window! I only had enough of my Quirk left to cover my legs, which I used to jump into the building with Tomikoa. We punched the robot in its metallic torso, which it roared and hit us with its extra arms! It sent us out of the building and the robot jumped down towards Shindo. Shindo fired off more particles of air at the robot, but it managed to ram right into him, destroying the ground they were standing on.

"Throw me, Leonidus!" Tomikoa yelled urgently.

I got excited, "Alright!"

I landed on the building and was sliding off of it, I clasped my hands together and Tomikoa landed on top of my hands. I chucked her towards the robot, she was gonna use that Killer Lotus move! She ran right into the robot, pushing it through the street and some buildings. The robot managed to flip around and slam her into the ground. Tomikoa was still holding onto the robot as she was getting flung around. I charged in from the sky, pushing myself into Mode One, and rammed into the robot as well. Tomikoa's green and red aura combined with my violet-blue aura as we pushed the robot into the ground. We took off into the air with the robot.

"RAAAAAAAH!!!" We both screamed.

We used our Quirks to create a controlled explosion that incinerated the robot! We landed onto the ground hard. I coughed up a bit of blood and I managed to sit up.

"H-Hey! We... We won!" I laughed a bit as I declared victory!

Tomikoa was still laying on the ground, "If I have to fight... Another damn robot..."

Shindo made his way over to us.

"Are you guys alright?" He yelled over to us.

"Y-Yeah, I think?" I answered.

Shindo helped us up, I'm surprised that I was able to stand. Usually my legs lock up, plus my arms weren't locked up either! The teachers and some students rushed in.

"Alright! Where in the fuck is this thing!?" Bakugo demanded.

We told them about what happened, I also mentioned the Quartet Girls and how they knew me. I was sent to Recovery Girl's office, and so was Tomikoa. We were both beat up pretty bad thanks to that explosion! I sat there in one of the beds with bandages and gauze around my right arm and my rib cage.

"So, you here often?" Tomikoa asked me.

"Nah, but Deku used to be here all the time. I'm pretty sure Ms. Recovery Girl gave him a punch card!" Tomikoa laughed with me.

"Really? Interesting." Tomikoa responded.

Ms. Joke and Mr. Aizawa came into the room.

"M-Ms. Joke? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"She's here to take Tomikoa back to her home." Mr. Aizawa replied.

Ms. Joke helped Tomikoa out of the bed and they walked out of the room. I sat up from the bed and felt at my stomach.

"I'm assuming we passed?" I questioned.

Mr. Aizawa nodded at my question, "Yes, you three did. Now, I have a question for you."

"Oh, what is it?" I asked.

"Why aren't you wearing those wraps?" Mr. Aizawa questioned me.

"Oh! I guess I forgot to tell you! Hatsume created these lenses for me, they protect my eyes from the sun AND even make it easier for me to see!" I replied.

[A Few Minutes After...]

I walked inside the dorms, and was immediately rushed with the smell of Teriyaki Soba. I sat down on the couch next to Shoji and Aoyama.

"So, did you guys pass your test or are you doing that tomorrow?" I asked them.

"Well, after what happened today, we only ran through 3 more teams and called it good. They're reprogramming the A.I. dummies for tomorrow." Shoji responded.

I nodded at him, "Ah, okay. I guess I can understand why."

After dinner, I hung out with Kaminari in his room, I was sitting on his bed while he was drawing. I noticed something that caught my eye, I grabbed it and looked at it. It was a "Deep Dope" tank top. This looked a bit too small for Kaminari to wear...

"Hey, Kami, is this Jiro's shirt?" I asked him.

Kaminari slowly turned his head to face me, his eyes widened, "W-WHAT?! No! No! T-that's mine! I bought the wrong size!"

Kaminari quickly grabbed the shirt from me.

"YEET!" Kaminari shouted as he threw the shirt into his closet.

Kaminari was breathing dramatically and still had his arm out in front of him.

"That was... A little dramatic." I commented.

Kaminari closed his eyes and sighed, "Okay, fine. Yes, that was Jiro's..."

"Are you two...?" I smiled.

Kaminari put his thumbs up, "Yep!"

My mind practically blew up after hearing this! I was super happy for him!

"No way! You're serious? That's awesome, man!" I congratulated him.

"Thanks! We haven't told anyone though. Well, besides you, I guess. I think, anyway." He replied.

I pretended to zip my lips, "Your secret is safe with me, Kami."

[10 Minutes Later...]

I was laying on Momo's bed and she was reading one of her books in a chair next to me.

"You wanna hear something?" I asked her as I stared at her ceiling.

Momo looked up from her book, "Hm?"

"Jiro and Kami are dating." I told her.

"Oh! I know, Jiro told me!" She responded

I sat up from her bed, "Really? Kaminari told me after I found one of her shirts in his room."

"One of... Her shirts? In his room?" Momo questioned.

"Yeah! I guess she must've left it in there on accident!" I beamed.

Momo looked at me, "Alyx..."

"What?" I asked.

She closed her book and put her glasses on the bridge of her nose. I sat there in deep thought for a minute, trying to figure out what she meant.

"Oh..." The sudden realization hit me.

"OH MY GOD, OH NO!!" I shouted.

I looked down at my hands, "OH SHIT! AAAAH!!"

Momo was laughing her head off.