I got up this morning with a weird burning sensation on my back from my scars. Maybe I should ask Tokoyami about it, maybe he'd know more? I got downstairs and there was Mirio and Eri! What was Mirio doing here I wonder?
"Yo, Alyx!" Mirio greeted.
"Hey! Long time no see, how's Pro Hero life treating you?" I asked.
"It's great! It took me a while to get used to my Quirk again, but now that I'm a Pro, I'm better than ever before!" Mirio smiled.
Eri tugged at my shirt, "Mr. Leonidus, I have a question."
"What's up, Eri?" I smiled.
"Mr. Chargebolt said that you're stronger than Mr. Lemillion! Is that true?" Eri questioned.
I seized up, he said what?! I haven't seen Mirio's Quirk in action in a while, how in the hell am I stronger than him? He's probably gotten way stronger since then! I looked over at Kaminari. He had a rather sly grin on his face.
"Yeah, man! After everything I've seen, you could totally take on Mirio!" Kaminari confidently smiled.
"I'm not sure, Mirio's Permeation is really strong now!" Deku disagreed.
"Well, I guess there's only one way to find out!" Mirio replied.
[10 Minutes Later...]
We went into Gym Gamma, Mirio stood a few feet in front of me.
"Alright! Here we go!" Mirio announced.
I got into my fighting stance and Mirio seemingly fell through the ground! I heard him jump out of the ground behind me, I back elbowed the air and he phased right through me back into the ground. I activated Mode Three and stood in the middle of the gym. Mirio popped out of the ground again, but right before I could hit him, he dived back into the ground, then back up and punched me in the stomach. Man, I heard Mirio was practically Pro Hero level last year, but he's way beyond that level now! I created 3 afterimages and jumped on each side of the gym walls.
Mirio popped out from the gym floor, "Woah! What kind of technique is that?"
"It's an afterimage! It's pretty effective in situations like this!" I explained.
I landed on the ground as I noticed Mirio wasn't planning on doing any attacks. Mirio motioned someone from behind me.
"Hey! Midoriya, Uraraka! Come here!" He shouted over to them.
They walked up next to me, "How would you guys like to patrol around the city for a little while?"
"Sure! Why not? But, are you sure you don't want to continue? That was awfully quick!" Deku replied.
"Well, I would, but since I'm a Pro Hero I've got a lot of things to do and no time to waste! Or well... I guess time for some things!" Mirio chuckled.
We all walked out of the gym, I was super excited to be working with Mirio! Momo made her way up to me as we walked out of the gym.
"Hey, I'm planning on going to the store to pick some things up, I figured I should let you know." Momo told me.
"Oh, do you want me to come with you? I can stay behind while Deku and Uraraka go with Mirio." I wondered.
She shook her head, "No, it's alright. I'm only picking up a few things. It's not much so I do not think I'll need any help."
I nodded, we went back inside and I put on my hero costume. Mirio was waiting for us outside.
"You guys ready to go?" Mirio asked.
"Yep! We're ready!" Uraraka bubbled.
Mirio had this cool looking car that he drove here! It was white and red, it even had 1,000,000 engraved on the side! We got in the car and headed to his agency. I couldn't help but feel uneasy, maybe it's because I haven't really gone out on patrol in a while. We shortly arrived at their agency; it was rather large! It's probably the biggest agency building I've seen so far! We entered the building and Nejire floated over to us.
She gasped and hurried over to us, "Hey, hey! I never thought I'd see you guys again!"
"Well, they're here to help us patrol the city for a while. I figured it would be nice to get them out of the dorms!" Mirio explained.
Mirio told Nejire to lead us on our patrol of the city. This was gonna be fun!
[A Few Minutes Later...]
We were wondering the city, nothing seemed to be happening.
"So, how long do you think until we find a villain?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, from what it looks like, everything here is peaceful!" Deku responded.
Then, the ground started to shake, I could hear thumps in the distance. Kind of ironic given what Deku just said... Whatever it was, it wasn't moving fast at all.
"Look alive, everyone!" Nejire shouted.
The culprit appeared, some sort of thug with a Gigantification Quirk! We all sprang into action!
"You guys deal with that giant douche; I'll help out the people down here!" I yelled to them.
They took off towards him. I shielded a group of people from the falling debris. I guided them to safety. I heard a scream coming from right behind me. I looked over and noticed a woman and a baby. The woman was hurt, her leg got slashed by a piece of debris! I looked up and noticed that a building was going to fall on top of her! I activated Mode Three and rushed over to the woman and baby. Right before the building fell on them, I managed to get under it and keep it held up!
"Y-You're... A-Alright!" I mustered a smile.
I pressed my ear onto my shoulder and activated my communicator, "G-Guys... Kinda... N-Need help... Here...!"
"We've got our hands tied with this guy, just hang in there a little longer, Alyx!" Deku responded.
"G-Good grief..." I sighed.
I took a deep breath in, then back out again, let's hope this works... I looked up and noticed that there were people inside this building as well! I had to be careful here, I don't want these people to die!
"B-BOOST FIRE: TIMES 100!!" I shouted.
The Rose-Gold aura flared up and I slowly lifted the building up. I was making sure to not go to quickly, the people inside needed to gather their bearings and move with the motion of the building. I slowly lifted the building back onto its foundation. I reconstructed the building back onto its foundation by using my healing. I looked back behind me and noticed Nejire taking pot shots at the giant thug. I flew over towards them, I got right up to that giant thug's face.
"Diamond Buster!" I yelled.
I shot the attack off to him, It exploded and he stumbled backwards, roaring in agony.
Deku zoomed past me, "Manchester Smash!!"
Deku hit him right on the top of his head! The thug fell backwards, Uraraka held the thug down by releasing large pieces of debris and they landed on his hands and feet. The thug's Quirk eventually dispersed and he returned to normal size. We stood in front of the now unconscious criminal.
"Hey, hey! Nice job, guys!" Nejire complimented us.
We handed the thug off to the police and we went back to their HQ. They thanked us for helping them, and we thanked them for letting us see them again. Mirio dropped us off at the entrance of U.A. I noticed that Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi was walking towards the dorms.
"Hey! Mr. Naomasa!" I yelled to him.
He turned around and smiled, "Oh, hello! Is Aizawa in?"
"I'm not sure. We could tell him you were here! Or we could just tell him what you said." Uraraka replied.
"Well, you guys might want to sit down, it'll be a bit." Naomasa told us.
We sat down, I could tell that something was wrong by the look on his face.
"I believe that you three are friends with Momo Yaoyorozu, correct?" He asked.
We nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we are! Alyx is actually dating her. Uraraka and I are great friends with her too, why? Is there something wrong?"
Detective Naomasa looked down at the ground then back at us, "Well, this'll be a bit harder to tell you guys. But at around Noon today, she was attacked by the League of Villains. It was an ambush, the motive behind it was because of what happened in Jaku City. It seems like they wanted revenge for Shigaraki, we're not sure where they ended up."
My eyes widen and my heart sunk into my stomach. They attacked her? Out of all people... Why her?
"Y-You're serious...?" I muttered.
"Yes. She's suffered severe burns on some parts of her body, several stab wounds, lacerations, and the trauma she experienced put her into somewhat of a coma. It's a miracle that she's even alive." Detective Naomasa explained.
I sat there, feeling cold and empty. I felt Uraraka and Deku's eyes staring in at me. I got up from my chair and entered the dorms. I didn't say a single word.
"How'd the patrol go, Alyx?" I heard Shinso ask.
I didn't say anything, I didn't even bother to look. I just kept walking past them and I went up into my room. I closed my door and just stood there and stared at the middle of my room. I felt like crying my eyes out, but I just wasn't able to do anything. I'm pretty sure by now, Deku and Uraraka already told everyone about what happened. I felt like screaming, I left my room and walked downstairs to the Common Room. Everyone was getting around to head to the hospital.
"I'll meet you guys there." I deadpanned.
"A-Are you sure you don't want at least one of us to come with you, Alyx?" Jiro questioned.
"No, I'll be fine." I answered.
I walked outside before anyone else said anything to me. I flew towards Momo's near minuscule Heat Energy. I eventually landed down at the Musutafu Hospital, I walked in and the front desk attendant looked up at me.
"O-Oh, Leonidus! What can I do for you?" She asked.
"Momo Yaoyorozu. What room?" I responded.
"She's just across the way here in room 8." She pointed.
I nodded at her and made my way towards the room. I slowly opened the door, I bit my tongue as I saw her. I walked into the room and sat down next to her. Her entire body was bandaged up, the bandages stopped halfway up her neck, some of her hair was singed off from Dabi's flames. I couldn't imagine what she went through, if only I was there... I should've been there with her... I held her hand and looked down at it.
"I'm so sorry Momo, I should've came with you... I... I should've..." I lamented.
I felt Momo gently hold my hand, I looked up and saw her eyes open, but only narrowly.
"Alyx..." She croaked.
"Hey, thank God you're alright, I came as soon as Detective Naomasa told us. I'm so sorry I didn't come with you, Momo." I told her.
"I... It's... Okay... I'm sure... Y-You would... Say the same... To me..." She responded.
I smiled at her as I cupped my hand on her cheek, "Yeah, I guess I would. But... I'm going to find them. I won't let them get away with what they've done to you."
Momo gave me a look and she slowly shook her head at me. I could understand why she didn't want me to, but I just couldn't let them get away!