The U.A. Sports Festival! Rage Quirk Appears? (Part 2 of 3)

"Oh man, I kinda feel bad for you!" Kirishima exclaimed.

It was Mineta and I going up against Shiozaki and Kaminari. I looked down at Mineta and he seemed to be super excited.

"Finally! I'll get to win something for once!" Mineta shouted.

Momo kissed me on the cheek, "Good luck, you're gonna need it."

Our match-up came up next, we sat in the waiting room and waited.

"So, what's the plan? You gonna go all out?" Mineta asked.

"I don't mean to be harsh, but we might just lose this one." I was trying to make Mineta prove me wrong.

"W-What?! What are you saying? You can knock those bozos out of the arena with ease!" Mineta noted.

I shook my head, "What I'm trying to say is, I think you'll just get in the way, that's all."

"Me? YOU'LL get in the way! I'll prove it to you! I'm gonna march out there and kick their asses!" He scoffed.

We left the waiting room and headed to the arena, I looked all around at the Pro Heroes and every other student that was watching. I still get goosebumps just standing out here! I faced Kaminari and Shiozaki, then the air horn went off. Mineta let out a war cry and charged at both of them, Shiozaki simply used a vine to throw him out of the arena.

"Looks like this'll be a one on two matchup folks!" Present Mic announced.

"Uh oh, looks like we're gonna 'wrap' this up!" Kaminari made a pun on Shiozaki's Quirk.

I took a deep breath in, and quickly activated Overdrive: Speed Bound. Luckily, I would be moving too fast for them to actually see what I looked like. Shiozaki and Kaminari tried to do some sort of combination attack by electrifying Shiozaki's vines! I was moving so fast, I left a body double in front of them, and I jetted behind them.

"Over here!" I yelled.

The vines hit my body double and it vanished. I used that air fist move to knock both of them out of the ring!

"Woah! And just like that, Alyx Leonidus is moving on to the singles tournament! That was quick!" Present Mic announced.

I walked out of the arena stage and helped Kaminari and Shiozaki up, I think I went a bit too overboard with that air fist!

"G-Geez, man! That really hurt!" Kaminari exclaimed.

I rubbed the back of my head and smiled, "Yeah, sorry about that, I guess I went overboard a bit! That'd be the first time I used that move on a person!"

"JUST A BIT?!" Kaminari shouted.

"Well, nonetheless, may the divine creators watch over your fights and lead you to victory, Leonidus." Shiozaki smiled.

I nodded at her, "Thank you!"

We all walked back up to the stands, the rest of the matches were fantastic! Especially Shoji's & Shoto's match against Jiro and Tsu, I never knew Shoji could fight! After every tag match was said and done, it was time for the singles tournament to start! Here were the preliminary matches:

Deku Vs. Monoma

Momo Vs. Kendo

Bakugo Vs. Shoto

Kirishima Vs. Me

Sero Vs. Mina

Tsu Vs. Setsuna

Uraraka Vs. Hatsume

Shinso Vs. Kosei

This whole line up has got me amped up! If I do win against Kirishima, there's so many awesome people I can fight against! My match with Kirishima starts this whole tournament off, so I headed down to the waiting room. The only thing that nerved me up about this fight was the fact that it was 50-50 between Kirishima and I when it came to matches. The time came for me to head out to the arena.

"Come on, Leonidus, sir!" I heard Sota shout from the stands.

I looked back at him and grinned, then I turned my attention back to Kirishima.

"Let's give 'em a show, Kiri!" I shouted to him.

"Alright! Let's go!" Kirishima agreed.

The air horn sounded off, and Kirishima and I launched towards each other. We engaged in our fast-paced strikes!

"DORARARARA!!!" I yelled as I connected with his fists.

"RAAAAAH!!!" Kirishima roared as he connected with my fists.

We stepped back from each other, waiting for the other to make a move. I charged in, Kirishima swiped at me with his right hand, I ducked and punched him full force right in the stomach! Kirishima hardened up and grabbed my arm, he used his full force to pull me in and punch me in the face! As his fist connected with my face, I looked at him and smiled. Kirishima smiled back, and I shot back with a fist of my own! I managed to break through Kirishima's hardness with my Overdrive Fist! Kirishima hardened his hands and slashed at me, I managed to dodged it, but it cut up my U.A. gear in the process!

From the air, I launched an assault of Stardust Shoot at Kirishima, which he guarded against. I used Boost Fire and darted down towards him, I slammed him into the arena floor! While breathing heavily, I managed to pin him down! Just to make sure, I used Heaven's Gates: Bind against him.

"Kirishima, can you move?" Midnight asked.

Kirishima tried, but he couldn't move at all, "N-No!"

"That settles it then, Alyx Leonidus moves on to the second round!" Midnight announced.

I released the bind and helped Kirishima back up.

"51-50." I told him.

Kirishima smiled and shook his head, "Damn! And here I thought I was gonna win! That was pretty fun!"

"Yeah, we actually got to fight with no interruptions this time!" I agreed.

We walked back up to the stands, I waved at Sota and his friends as I passed by them. Nisaki was staring me down, for a first-year, he sure was scary! That stare sent chills down my spine! The next match was Momo and Kendo, I wonder who would win? I've never really seen Kendo's Quirk in action before, so it's tough to say.

As Momo walked into the arena I waved down at her, "Good luck! Give it your best, both of you!"

[10 Minutes Later...]

That was... Incredible! I heard Momo shout just before she landed the finishing blow something along the lines of, "...because of what Alyx taught me, to never give up until I can't breathe!" Momo won her match and after that, I met her in one of the corridors that led to the stands.

"That was amazing, Momz! You did fantastic! That match was almost like my match with Kirishima except you and Kendo did a lot more than we did in like what 10 minutes or so I really really thought that everything you two did was super cool I really hope I can fight you guys someti-" I rambled.

I kept rambling and rambling until Momo put her hand over my mouth which stopped me mid-sentence.

"Darling, you're rambling again." Momo giggled.

"Oh, sorry!" I laughed.

We both walked back and sat down together in the stands, I really couldn't wait until the second round!

[25 Minutes Later...]

A lot of the matches ended rather quickly, except for Deku and Monoma's match. Deku actually won against him, and instead of being a sore loser like he normally would've been, he actually shook Deku's hand and smiled at him! Ms. Midnight directed all of our attention to the screen. It lit up with the next set of matches:

Momo Vs. Me

Deku Vs. Bakugo

Uraraka Vs. Kosei

Mina Vs. Setsuna

"Ooo, you're going up against Yaoyorozu- Alyx, what are you doing?" Uraraka wondered.

I was shaking like a jack hammer and had a huge smile on my face, I exploded with excitement.


Bakugo smacked the back of my head, "Get a fuckin' hold of yourself, Amnesia. Ponytail looks about as excited as you are."

"S-Sorry, this whole tournament has me pumped still!" I replied.

The first match was Uraraka and Kosei. It was actually quite the sight to see, Uraraka won by a landslide victory! She's gotten a lot better with her Gravity Quirk, that's for sure. The next match was Bakugo and Deku, which ended about how I expected. Bakugo put up one hell of a fight, but he slipped up and Deku managed to push him out of the ring! Now, it was time for Momo and I's match!

As I sat in the waiting room, I thought of a strategy against Momo. It's kind of hard to pinpoint what exactly to do when you don't really even understand your own girlfriend's fighting style! She can easily adapt to almost any situation now, plus she kind of knows how I fight. Hmm... I made my way out to the arena yet again; I was extremely nervous. I walked up the arena steps and stood several feet away from Momo. She didn't seem nervous at all. The air horn sounded, but Momo didn't move, neither did I.

"I want you to use it, Mode Four." Momo demanded.

I lightly smiled, "It puts a lot of strain on my body, but I think I can manage!"

I haven't tapped into it since I first got it, so I'll have to charge back up into it. Momo stood there and waited as I charged up.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" I roared as I entered Mode Four.

I had my eyes closed, but I opened them and shot a look at Momo, "Alright, let's get started, shall we?"

I glided towards Momo, I disappeared then reappeared behind her. She turned around and hit me in the face with a metal pole. The metal pole bent in the shape of my face, I turned and faced her, I put two fingers on her chest, and One Inch Punched her. Momo rolled across the ground and almost fell out of the arena, but she held on using a pitchfork she impaled into the ground. I walked slowly towards her.

"Want me to tone it down a bit? This seems to be too mu-" I tried to ask.

Before I finished my sentence, she jammed her staff right into my stomach, then went up and hit me in the jaw with it! She created a shield while I was stunned and whacked me in the face with it, then followed up with a right-hand brass knuckle hit to my stomach. My eyes widened and my chest burned. Was I getting mad?

"ENOUGH!" I shouted.

I hammered Momo with an Overdrive Fist. She went flying back and hit the ground hard. My back was burning up, and I noticed that there was red and black smoke starting to surround me. What snapped me out of it was Present Mic's voice.

"Holy moly! What a powerful shot from Leonidus! It looks like he's preparing another move, how will Yaoyorozu react?!" Present Mic shouted.

I deactivated Mode Four and went into Mode Three. I think I hurt Momo pretty bad, she was holding her stomach and rib cage area. She stumbled forward towards me and I ran towards her, what exactly was she planning? Right as I was about to make a move, Momo fell over, luckily, I caught her! She must've passed out from the pain. Why did I do that? That wasn't because of Mikaboshi, I would've felt him.

"Momo Yaoyorozu has been knocked out, Alyx Leonidus moves on to the Semi-Finals!" Midnight announced.

I carried Momo out of the ring and into the stands where I healed her. I sure as hell didn't feel like a winner, that's for sure.

"Woah, Alyx, what was that?" Kaminari wondered.

I didn't say anything, I just stared at the arena and waited for the next matches. It felt like everyone in the stadium was looking at me, what did I do? Or, what was I GOING to do? I was subconsciously using my telepathy, and I heard Momo's voice.

"Alyx, whatever just happened, I know you didn't mean it." Momo told me.

I didn't feel like saying anything, but I decided against it. I guess it wouldn't make sense to hold it in.

"Yeah... But it didn't feel like it when I did." I replied.

The next set of matches I couldn't concentrate on; I honestly didn't want to use my Quirk anymore. As ungrateful as that sounds, I felt like I was going to snap with whatever surrounded me. The Semi-Finals were up next and I was facing off against Uraraka.

"Oh, sweet! We've never actually been paired against each other, have we, Alyx? This'll be cool!" Uraraka smiled.

I just looked at her and smiled softly, then I looked back at the arena. Deku was going to go up against Mina, which that ended fairly quickly. Mina got hit by Deku's Delaware Smash and she flew out of the ring. Now, after about 5 minutes, it was me going up against Uraraka. I walked down to the waiting room, still feeling that burning feeling on my back. I sat down and put my hands on my head. I heard a knock on the door, was it time to head out already? I just got in here! The door opened and it was Hagakure?

"Hey... I noticed you looked a bit down back there." She remarked.

"How did you... Wait, never mind, I'm the only one that can see you. Wait, actually, how did you get down here?" I double guessed myself as she was wearing the U.A. gear still.

"I can manipulate light, silly! Remember?" Hagakure laughed.

"Oh, right..." I replied.

I looked back down at the table.

"You're still feeling bad about what happened during your match with Yaoyorozu, huh?" Hagakure questioned.

I nodded my head and Hagakure sighed.

"Well, whatever it was, I'm pretty sure it won't happen again! If it was that Anger Quirk of yours, I'm sure that you of all people can handle it!" Hagakure reassured me.

I looked at her and smiled, "Thanks, Hagakure."

"Hey, that's what B.F.F.s are for, right?" She asked.

I laughed with her, "Yeah, that's what they're for!"

Hagakure and I hugged. It honestly was nice that she understood how I felt.

"See you out there!" Hagakure smiled as she left the room.

I sat back in my chair, that made me feel better about it, I guess I really shouldn't blame myself. Shinso told me about the Rage Quirk I have, maybe I somehow tapped into that on accident?

[5 Minutes Later...]

It was time for the match! I was still feeling a bit nervous about using my Quirk, but I couldn't let an accident cloud my mind. As I walked up the steps to the arena stage, I took a deep breath in and out. Honestly, I kind of felt a bit rejuvenated!

I got into my fighting stance, "Okay, Uraraka, let's give it our all!"

I didn't want to go too far into my Quirk, I still had that worry in my mind. I went into Mode One.

"Oh? I haven't seen this in a while!" Uraraka said as she charged towards me.

"Yeah! I just want to take it easy for now." I responded.

I backflipped away from her, "Don't get it twisted though, I'm still not holding anything back!"

"Good! Because I'm not either!" Uraraka shouted.

Where did her jacket go? How did I not see her take it off? Her jacket came flying at me and it hit me in the face! While I was blinded, she came up and side kicked me in my back. I spun around with my right arm out, hoping I'd hit her, but she wasn't there! She was keeping quiet on purpose! If I can hit her, I won't have to worry about her jacket! I was still blinded, but this was still familiar territory for me. I closed my eyes and took in my surroundings; I felt the air change to the right of me. I side stepped Uraraka's attack and grabbed her arm, the jacket fell off of my face.

"Gotcha!" I exclaimed as I opened my eyes.

"Oh crap!" Uraraka shouted.

I gripped her arm tight and I swung her around! I threw her to the side, as soon as I did however, I went flying with her! She must've made me float as soon as I threw her. If I did this right, I wouldn't have this match end in a draw! I used that air fist move to propel myself back towards the ring, then I created a blade out of my Overdrive and sunk it into the arena floor. I looked around, where was Uraraka? I lifted the blade from the ground and deactivated my Quirk. I wasn't floating anymore; did she get eliminated? As it turns out, she pounced on my back, I stumbled to the side. I could eliminate her like this as long as I kept two of her fingers off my face! I fell backwards to the outside, we both hit first the ground! Hopefully this counts!

"Oh my! What a finish! How will this be ruled out?" Present Mic announced.

Uraraka let go of me and we both sat up. Honestly, it was anyone's call at this point.

"Until further notice, the results of Ochako Uraraka and Alyx Leonidus will be on hold. The decision will be made shortly." Mr. Aizawa informed us.

I chuckled at what he said, "Geez, here we go. How long do you think it'll take them to decide?"

"Eh, hopefully not that long. That was pretty fun, Alyx!" Uraraka giggled.

I agreed, Uraraka helped me up and we both walked back to the stands. We both sat with anticipation, wondering who would go on to the finals. The screen lit up, with Deku's image on it, and the second slot empty.

"Alright! The decision has been made! The winner is..." Midnight started to announce.

Both of us sat at the edge of our seats and our eyes were glued to the screen. The result appeared on the screen, we both looked at each other and smiled. This was gonna be good!