The U.A. Sports Festival! Alyx's Rage Quirk Ignites! (Part 3 of 3)

"The decision has been made! The winner is..." Midnight announced.

Uraraka and I smiled at each other and we saw the second slot of the screen light up. I was finally getting my rematch with Deku! I've always wanted to fight him again; we've gotten much stronger since the last time we met here. I still had that worry in my head that I might hurt Deku with that dumb Rage Quirk.

"Hey, if you win, I've got a surprise for you." Momo whispered in my ear.

Momo whispered the surprise to me, I immediately lit up! That was my favorite, and I'll get it if I win?! Instead of waiting, we had to immediately go out into the arena. As I stood there, looking at Deku, I couldn't help but notice how much we've changed. Instead of him being that shy, sheepish boy, he looked more like a confident, well organized man. The air horn sounded off for the last time and I couldn't be more excited for it!

"Hey, how about we give some nostalgia?" I asked.

Deku looked a bit confused, but he immediately knew what I was talking about as I went into my Base Mode. I charged towards Deku and he hit me with his Delaware Smash move. I used my Overdrive Whip to rebound from the air, I pulled myself towards Deku and blocked one of his punches. I uppercut him and he stumbled backwards. He retaliated with a Detroit Smash, which I narrowly dodged. The gust of wind cracked against the stadium wall! I stepped back from him.

"Why aren't you using your full power?! You wanted to go all out right?! Quit stalling you baby!" Deku yelled to me.

I felt that feeling come over me, but I ignored it and kept striking at Deku. He kept dodging my attacks.

"What's wrong, can't hit me? Come on!" Deku nagged on.

What was he trying to do? I hit him right on the cheek and he hit me full force in the jaw! I rolled backwards and slowly got back up.

"If you're trying... To get me to use my Rage... Forget it! I don't want to hurt anyone!" I yelled.

Deku snapped at me, "YOU WANNA BE A HERO, RIGHT?!"

My eyes widened; I was about to say something but I just couldn't.

"You have to take risks to be a hero, even if it might lead to something new. Please! Don't be afraid to use your Rage, it might remind you of him, BUT IT'S YOURS TO CONTROL! DON'T YOU DARE DOUBT YOURSELF DAMN IT! IF YOU KEEP DOUBTING, YOU CAN JUST FORGET ABOUT BECOMING A HERO!!" Deku screamed.


(I.R.P.: Listen to "You Say Run (Episode 23 version)")

Midoriya's words echoed through Alyx's mind, reaching the deepest depths of his memories.

"You see that? The evil man isn't going to harm you if you use your Quirk! Look at Mommy!" Alyx remembered his Mother say.

"...IT'S YOURS TO CONTROL! DON'T YOU DARE DOUBT YOURSELF!!" Repeated in his mind over and over. His pupils started to flicker wildly as he slowly started to clench his fists.

Alyx's hair started to flow up and his breathing became shaky. Tears dropped down his face as he activated his Rage Quirk! The red and black smoke unleashed like a wildfire! Midoriya covered his face as the smoke surrounded him and the arena. Everyone in the stands covered their faces as well, as the smoke blew intensely and savagely around the stadium. Just like how Midoriya saved Shoto Todoroki with his words, the same result happened with Alyx!

(I.R.P. Alternate Option: Listen to "The Invincibles" by Tendril)

"H-He... He's using it!" Shinso shouted.

"Incredible...!" Sero muttered.

"Deku, what in the fuck are you doing? D-Don't tell me... You're trying to save him like you saved Icy Hot last year..." Bakugo thought to himself.

Yaoyorozu smiled as she realizing what Midoriya was really trying to do. The smoke settled down and acted like an aura around Alyx. His hair flowed much like the smoke that surrounded him, his eyes were completely white. Large shadow like hands had burst out of his back and his face was covered with red and black lines. His soulless eyes were followed by a blank expression.

"I've never gotten mad before, I'm not sure what would happen if I did. I'm afraid that I'd hurt the people I love, so that's the reason I refuse to use my Rage. If I hurt one of you badly, I don't think I could ever forgive myself. I injured my own Mother with it, I hated myself for years afterwards." Alyx remembered.

His body twitched as he slowly bent upwards to look at Izuku. A rather intense grin appeared on his face.

"Y-You've really done it... Haven't you?" Alyx asked.

Midoriya uncovered his face and looked at Alyx. A look of shock and happiness fell over him, he smiled at Alyx.

"Amazing..." Midoriya whispered.

Alyx's body fell limp and the Rage arms enveloped his arms. He looked back up at Midoriya and slightly smiled back.

"I-I'm not sure... How long I can control... This. Please, whatever happens... Don't. Hold. Back." Alyx told him.

Alyx stomped his foot on the ground and reeled his right arm behind him. The wind blew viciously around him, Midoriya charged up an attack of his own, and the wind blew around him with the same pressure. Cementoss sent down waves of cement to try and block the attack.


Midnight got closer to the boys and let off her fumes.

"Right!" She replied.

Midoriya and Alyx rushed each other, the huge cement walls proved no match for them as they flew straight through them!

"DON'T HOLD BACK, ALYX!!" Midoriya shouted as they reached each other.

They both hit each other in the face! The impact blew away the cement walls, shook the entire stadium, and the entire arena shattered beneath them! They stood there, with both of their fists still connected to their faces. The entire stadium was silent, looking at what just happened. Alyx pushed his fist a bit further into Midoriya's face. Alyx's Rage Quirk deactivated and Midoriya fell to the ground unconscious. Alyx took a deep breath in then back out.

"Thank you... Deku." Alyx whispered to himself.


I stumbled backwards, still clinging on to what consciousness I had left. Present Mic was actually speechless! I'm pretty sure he would've said something about what just happened, but the whole stadium was silent. I felt blood going down my back and I felt like throwing up.

"W-Well folks... Izuku Midoriya has been knocked unconscious! Alyx Leonidus is the winner of the Second-Year Sports Festival Tournament!" Midnight announced.

The stadium cheered and roared! I let off a tired looking smile and I picked Deku up. I carried him out towards Recovery Girl's stadium office, I hoped they were letting us get healed up, I don't think I could go another minute standing up without puking. Recovery Girl healed us up. My Rage Quirk, it was honestly interesting to me! How strong is it compared to my Overdrive?

[5 Minutes Later...]

We stood on these huge podium-like things! The tallest one I stood on since I won the tournament. Deku was on the second one, Uraraka and Mina were on the third. Endeavor placed a huge gold medal around me, I was honestly proud of myself! Honestly, I was mostly proud of everyone! After we were awarded and listened to a speech from Endeavor, The Sports Festival went on with the Third Years. Once the Sports Festival was over, we headed back home. I was extremely tired, but Momo still had that surprise for me! As we got home, I decided to change into bed clothes after taking a quick shower. I took a nap, where I was later awoken by Momo.

"You ready? Come on." Momo smiled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me off my bed.

We walked downstairs, and there it was!

"What's this?" Bakugo wondered.

My eyes twinkled as I looked at the kitchen table, "Only the best thing mankind's created! Tatertot Casserole!"

"Really? That's what you were excited about? It's just fucking food, Amnesia." Bakugo scoffed.

Kaminari walked downstairs and stood beside Bakugo.

"Holy fuck! Tatertot Casserole?! That's God's greatest gift to man!" Kaminari shouted.

"You're right, Kaminari, it IS my greatest gift to you guys!" Momo smiled.

All three of us looked at her with our eyes narrowed, "I'm just kidding! I had to restart on this like, 2 times!"

We all sat down and ate. It was probably the best thing I've ever had in my entire life! I had at least 3 plates full! Right after dinner, Kaminari switched on the T.V. which we still haven't changed from the news. Some report on this "V.I. Vanilla" guy was on. Was he supposed to be some kind of hero?

"V.I. Vanilla? He looks like a jackass." I laughed.

His hero suit looked kind of like mine, except a lot flashier. It made him look like a damn idiot! I heard the reporter ask him a question about his hero suit.

"Well, as it seems, this was MY original idea! Not to be confused with that of a certain wannabe second-year hero in training! I'm surprised he even won during the Sports Festival, the kid's a clear copycat of yours truly!" Vanilla stated.

I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows, "Excuse me?"

"Trust me, we all have issues, but that kid? He sports around these ugly 1,000,000-year-old earrings, like come on! His Daddy must've given them to him!" Both the reporter and Vanilla laughed.

I stood there and watched, speechless and angry.

"Hey! V.I. Vanilla's live streaming! Come look!" Kirishima told us.

I walked over and saw him flaunting his abilities.

"So now! Let me show you my latest find! The villain herself... Himiko Toga!" He shouted.

My eyes widened, Toga was bound and gagged! What kind of Pro Hero was he? For the first time, I saw her crying, genuine fear was on her face. I remembered the same look Momo gave me when she was being held by that giant, all I could think about was saving her. I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my hero suit, if he's going to talk all that shit about me, he better back it the fuck up! As I was leaving, I heard Momo.

"Alyx, what are you doing?" She asked me.

I turned around and smiled, "Taking out the trash, that's what."