Super Duper Training! Hand-to-Hand Combat Course!

"Okay! So, first things first..." I yawned.

Uraraka stood in front me. Momo said not to worry about training with her yet, so I told Deku that he didn't need to help me out anymore. I started stretching before I continued talking.

"... Hand-to-hand combat can be a bit complex. I'll show you the basics for now, soon, we'll get into more advanced things!" I continued.

"Alright, I'm ready!" She yelled to me.

I got into my fighting stance, "Now, I want you to come at me with all you got!"

Uraraka charged forward and swung at me, I ducked out of the way, lifted her over my shoulder and she hit the ground. She tried to hit me with her Quirk, but I grabbed her arm and flipped her over my back. I held onto her arm and kept myself distanced from her other arm.

"You're striking too wildly and slowly. Also, you're making it obvious that your Quirk solely relies on you touching your opponent by how you strike." I observed.

"H-How'd you move like that without your Quirk?" Uraraka asked.

I let go of her arm and healed her up a bit, just in case I hurt her, "I trained with my sister before coming to U.A. She taught me how to stick and move, and I've kind of learned stuff on my own."

She stood back up and brushed herself off. I could tell she looked as if this all was pointless.

"Don't get me wrong though, you managed to catch me off guard during the Sports Festival, remember? That in itself is a pretty remarkable feat! Just focus and you'll do fine." I reassured.

Uraraka's face went from hopeless to determined, "Alright, I'll give it my best!"

I smiled and nodded. I put my hands behind my back and motioned for her to come at me. She took a couple deep breaths before she darted towards me. She swung at me with her left hand, but somehow switched to her right! I narrowly dodged it, but she managed to hit me with a spinning kick to my side. I jumped backwards and smirked.

"Good! That's it! Now, keep it up!" I yelled to her as I went into my Base Mode.

"Y-You're gonna use your Quirk?" She gulped.

"I won't attack you unless you want me to, your opponent's speed won't always be the same. This is about as fast as most villains that don't have a speed Quirk can go. I won't be going all out with it, only at a higher speed than before." I explained.

Uraraka acknowledged it and ran towards me, she tried to uppercut me, but she did it so hard she spun around! I quickly put her in a Full Nelson Lock and she struggled to get out of it. Now that I'm thinking about it, if my life was some sort of Harem, this would've been muuuuch different...

[Terrifying Thought]

"A-Alyx-kun... I hope you don't mind me asking if you could exercise my lower half, it needs a... Little roughing up..." Uraraka moaned.

Then we'd be...

[Back in the Real World...]


"What's your next move?" I asked.

"T-This!" She exclaimed.

Uraraka managed to touch my right hand with all of her fingers, I started to float upwards, bringing her with me. She broke out of the hold and dropped to the ground.

"Release!" She shouted.

I fell to the ground and landed on my feet.

"Nice job! You're doing great, so far!" I complimented her.

"Thanks! I can't thank you enough for doing this for me!" Uraraka responded.

I stretched my arms, "Now that we're done with that warmup, I can show you some basics."

I taught her how to establish a fighting stance, it took some work, but she made one up! I created a ball of Overdrive and handed it to her.

"When you're up close and personal with someone, you need to be focused on their movements. In order to do that, you have to work on maintaining that focus. I want you to focus on balancing this Flash Cannon on your finger." I instructed.

"Doesn't this thing explode?" Uraraka nervously laughed.

I held up my closed fist, "As long as I don't open my hand. But if it does explode, it won't kill you. It'll possibly render you unconscious, but it won't do any major damage."

She stared at the Flash Cannon and balanced it on her finger. I kept track of the time and made sure to log how long she could balance it. She managed to hold it for a minute and 16 seconds. I walked over to her and picked up the Flash Cannon.

"Good work, you did a lot better than what I expected! Now, we'll do one more thing and we'll continue tomorrow after school." I told her.

I stood in front of her and created an Overdrive Blade, "I'm gonna come at you with this, I want you to try and counter it."

She nodded and I rushed towards her. I jabbed at her side, but she managed to pull my arm past her and she knee'd me in the stomach! Then she grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground.

"Ha! How about that?" Uraraka proudly exclaimed.

I got up and dusted myself off, "That was good, definitely caught me off guard again, that's for sure!"

We picked up our gym gear and Uraraka picked up her coat, we then walked out of Gym Gamma.

"Hey, aren't you cold? Shouldn't you at least put your shirt back on?" Uraraka asked.

"Oh, I'm fine! I'm currently keeping myself warm thanks to my Overdrive. It's kind of like a built-in heater and A/C." I explained once more.

We made it back to the dorms and Uraraka ran over to Deku and hugged him.

"I learned a lot today! Can I show you?" Uraraka asked him.

I smiled and shook my head at the sight, "Good grief..."

I walked upstairs and into my room, I crashed down onto my bed. I missed laying in my own bed, those hotel beds in England were weird! Comfortable, but weird. My phone pinged and I looked at it, why was Momo texting me? She simply texted me, "help", and I sprung off my bed and ran to her room. I quickly opened her door.

"What's wrong?! Is everything alright!?" I yelled.

She turned and looked at me with the look of sorrow and defeat, "It's broken."

I walked over to her and looked at the slightly chipped teapot. She held the tiniest piece of it in her hand. I simply placed my hand on it and activated my Quirk. In a matter of seconds, it reconstructed.

She gasped with delight, "You did it! It's fixed! Would you care to tell me in great detail how you did it?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. I fell into her and held her.

"If you just wanted my attention, you didn't have to chip your teapot, Momz." I told her.

"Oh, I know. I knew you'd fix it anyway! ~" She smiled.

"So... Why did you text me in the first place?" I asked.

"Sudden realization hit me as to what I just did to my teapot. And I started to freak out." Momo replied.

I shook my head and smirked.

[The Next Day...]

"WHACHA!" Uraraka yelled.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

She stopped and looked at me, "I'm warming up, what does it look like?"

"It kinda looks like you're flinging your arms everywhere." I told her.

After her warmup, we got ready to train.

"Alright, you did pretty good yesterday. Keep it going, and you'll be able to fight effectively in no time!" I beamed.

"Okay! So, what'll we be doing today?" She asked.

"We'll be working on making your strikes a lot quicker and more intense. You did decently yesterday, but I think you can do a lot better than that!" I responded.

Uraraka nodded, "Alright... I'll see what I can do!"

I stood there and waited as she came towards me, she threw a left punch which I dodged. I kept my hands behind my back as I jumped backwards.

"Come on! There's no way you aren't faster than that!" I exclaimed.

Uraraka ran towards me and flung her fists faster! She was still swinging wildly, which made her punches easier to avoid.

"You're still striking loosely, tighten up your strikes!" I advised.

"R-Right!" She responded.

Uraraka's attacks eventually became more precise, I ducked a high kick and smiled. I blocked a punch with my forearm, I swing my right arm at her and she dodged it! I smirked; she's definitely getting the hang of it! She managed to touch my side and I floated into the air. I activated Mode One and landed back on the ground.

"What?!" She shouted.

"I'm not gonna let you get the drop on me that easily!" I yelled back at her.

She released her Quirk and I deactivated Mode One.

"You're learning rather quickly. You've improved a lot since yesterday!" I noted.

Uraraka smiled, "Thanks! Deku and I practiced a bit last night, so I know a lot more about it."

"Huh, is that so? Well then, I'd imagine he's taught you quite a bit as well." I smiled.

I created a Flash Cannon and Uraraka's face went from excited to dread. I handed it to her and she began to balance it on her finger. I activated Mode One and sat cross legged in the air. I slowly spun in a circle as she continued to balance the Flash Cannon. After a minute and 30 seconds, she broke the silence.

"H-How much longer?" She asked.

"Well, you've beaten your previous time from yesterday, if you want to stop you can." I told her.

She stopped after another 15 seconds, Uraraka handed me the Flash Cannon and I absorbed it.

"Alright, now... Hmm... Oh! If you're going to be on the defensive end of a battle, you can't have a stiff body. Aoyama taught me some stretches and I have some of my own that I can show you!" I explained.

I taught her one of Aoyama's stretches, "The Star", which is honestly a lot harder than it sounds. Uraraka almost had it, but she wasn't bending forward and neither did she balance correctly. She was leaning left and right all while trying to stay on one foot.

"That's gonna take some time, trust me, I couldn't do it for the longest time! Do you need me to help you?" I chuckled.

"U-Uh... Maybe? Actually... Yeah!" She exclaimed as she started to lose balance.

I held onto her arm and placed my hand on her back. I'm still 100% convinced that if my life was one of those Harem things that Mineta reads, this stretching exercise would've gone other places... BUT that's beside the point, I slowly stepped away from Uraraka and she was balancing pretty well!

"Hey! I think I'm doing it!" Uraraka exclaimed with glee.

Then she lost balance and fell over. I helped her back up and I heard someone enter the gym. Momo walked over to us and had her gym outfit on.

"Hey, Momz! I was wondering if you'd join me or not." I greeted.

I looked over to Uraraka, "You can go ahead and head back to the dorms if you'd like. We'll continue tomorrow."

Uraraka thanked me and headed back to the dorms. Momo handed me a bottle of water and I drank a bit of it.

"So, how's it coming? Is she improving?" Momo asked.

"Yeah! Uraraka's learning rather quickly. Deku's also helping her out as well, so that should make this training go by fast." I replied.

Momo took off her gym gear top and created a staff. I went into Mode Two and stood in my fighting stance.

"Do you normally train without a shirt on?" Momo questioned.

"Why? Is it distracting you or something?" I smirked.

"N-No! I just figured that it would... Just never mind!" Momo blushed.

I nodded and she we stood silently for a few seconds. I went into Mode Three and charged at her. Momo countered my strike by blocking it with her staff. I deactivated my Quirk and she went for an overhead strike. I ducked it and tried to go for an uppercut. She managed to move her head back quick enough to dodge it! Momo managed to get me turned around and she trapped me in between her and the staff.

"Tripped you up, didn't I?" Momo gloated.

I kept the staff back from my throat, "N-Not... Quite!"

"HAAAA!" I burst into Mode Three which knocked her away from me.

I ran towards her and surrounded her with afterimages. She picked her staff back and looked around.

"Tripped YOU up, didn't I?" I repeated.

Momo rolled her eyes and grinned, "As if!"

She created Russian Dolls and threw them towards my afterimages, I looked down at them and they exploded into light! Did she just flashbang me?! I couldn't see anything but white! I closed my eyes and dodged a staff strike from Momo. I felt vibrations below my feet and I jumped over a low kick from her.

"S-Shit...!" I muttered.

I landed back down on the ground and jumped away from her. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head, no matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't see straight! I felt my heart drop as I realized what happened, the intense light from the flashbang somehow screwed up those contact lenses! Momo realized what happened as well and dropped her staff.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, darling!" She apologized.

"I-It's fine! It was bound to happen anyway, Hatsume can possibly fix them or make me a new pair." I reassured her.

Momo ran over and hugged me, "I know, but I feel awful! If I didn't make those flashbangs, they wouldn't be broken right now!"

I had to keep my eyes closed since the sun was somewhat shining. Momo guided me back to the dorms and I heard Shinso's voice.

"Any reason you're keeping your eyes shut, Alyx? Is there something wrong?" Shinso asked.

I nervously laughed, "Yeah, it's a funny story actually. I may have broken those contact lenses Hatsume made me."

"WHAT?!?!" Everyone in the room shouted.

"How'd that happen?!" Mina yelled.

I wasn't sure what to say, I didn't want to say that Momo and I were training and the flashbangs she made practically destroyed them! I quickly thought of a lie.

"Oh... I got water in my eyes, which made the contacts malfunction, so I guess I'll be blind until further notice." I responded.

"This isn't good, all the support course kids are out for another week on some trip to an invention expo. So that means..." Ojiro fretted.

I could feel Momo's mood shift, I quickly interjected, "It means that it's gonna be fine. I can live without sight for a week. I mean, I did it for nearly a month, what's a week compared to that?"

"I guess you have a point there Alyx. But we can't forget to tell Mr. Aizawa about this situation. I'm sure he'll have you stay at the dorms for the time being." Iida piped in.

I nodded and Momo guided me up to my room, she closed the door behind me and I opened my eyes. Everything was really blurry, I could barely see Momo, so I just kept my eyes closed. She hugged me and I fell back first onto my bed, I felt tears dampen my shirt.

"I-I'm so sorry, Alyx. I didn't mean to hurt you!" Momo sniffled.

I held her close to me, "Hey, you don't need to apologize. We didn't know that would happen, accidents happen all the time, Momz. I'd rather you go all out than just standing there and do nothing!"

"But this 'accident' just ruined your means of sight! How can I not feel guilty about this entire situation?" Momo responded.

"Well, I'll tell you what I said when this first happened. As long as I'm still smiling, you should be too, Momo. It'll only be for a week, so there's nothing to worry about." I comforted her.

My door opened and I heard Deku's voice.

"So, I have some good news. Iida talked to Hatsume, she said she could make you some new contacts! It'll take her a couple of days since she has to send it to U.A. and all that." Deku told me.

I smiled, "See? I told you there's nothing to worry about, Momz."

Deku closed my door and I wiped the tears from Momo's eyes. I opened my eyes again.

"I can now see life in 16 bits. Or what I'd like to call 'Iida Vision'." I joked.

Momo started laughing and I think she started to wipe her eyes.

I laughed with her, "Hey, maybe I can start learning braille now!"

Momo kept laughing as she hit my chest, "Alyx! What the hell!"

"Just making the best out of the situation! Besides, I like it when you're smiling." I told her.

This had been quite the day today, hopefully these next couple of days get easier!