And, of course, the next couple of days without sight were absolute hell. I never thought that doing school work at midnight would be so irritating! Not to mention the fact that I had to miss out on a training day with everyone. Thankfully, my contact lenses arrived today! As I put them on, I heard Hatsume's voice.
"Heya! Is this thing on?" She exclaimed.
"H-Hatsume? Is this some kind of prerecorded message?" I asked.
"No silly! It's me! I've done some major upgrades to these special little babies! Now, you can access an interface PLUS I can see whatever you're doing in combat! When you want to access the Interface Mode, of course, just blink three times and BAM!" Hatsume explained.
Okay, good, it was gonna be weird if she saw EVERYTHING I did.
"So, you're basically like some sort of A.I. but not really?" I questioned.
"Yep! That's correct! Think of me as your personal sidekick or secretary! Oh, maybe even a consultant or a-" She kept going on and on.
I sat there and listened to her ramble on about the different aliases I could call her by. I'm not sure if "Super Mega Ultra Hatsume Guider Thingy" would be an ideal name.
"I-I think I'll just stick to calling you 'Hatsume' still." I chuckled.
"Good idea! Oh, I gotta go! Someone's trying to catch one of their inventions!" Hatsume yelled.
Her face vanished and I blinked three times to exit the Interface Mode. These lenses were actually a lot clearer than the previous ones! I walked downstairs and left the dorms. I noticed a lot of smoke coming from different buildings downtown.
"Huh... Something's not right..." I muttered.
I hurried back into the dorms and put on my hero suit. Whatever the hell was going on, there was no time to waste!
Sota stood in front of an injured Selina as a Nomu walked forward. The Nomu lunged at Sota, but the punch was caught! Sota opened his eyes.
"S-Sensei!" Selina shouted with glee.
The Nomu tilted it's head, "Master was looking for you! Master was!"
Alyx stared the Nomu down and punched a hole straight through its chest! It stumbled backwards and Alyx walked towards it. Two Nomus flanked him on both sides! But Alyx simply took one finger from each hand and sliced through the Nomus. Alyx dodged a strike from the Nomu by seemingly appearing behind it! Alyx held his hand up in the air and made a Flash Cannon, he turned around and glared at the Nomu. Without a second's notices, he flung the attack into the Nomu's chest cavity. Alyx opened his hand and the move detonated, blowing the Nomu to pieces!
After I took out the Nomus, I rushed over to Sota and Selina.
"What in the hell is going on?" I asked as I healed Selina.
"T-These things they... They came after all of us. We were all separated. They were talking about some master or father. I-I'm not too sure who they were talking about though." Sota explained.
I looked around and saw that besides the 3 that I killed, there were 5 other Nomus scattered about. Sota helped Selina back up to her feet and I healed Sota up a bit.
"You guys did good. Now, leave this to me!" I grinned.
"Sensei! Wait!" Selina shouted before I left.
I turned and faced her, "I overheard one of those bird brains talk about their master. They said 'Shigaraki' or something like that!"
My heart dropped to my stomach, as much as I didn't want to believe it, the only way these Nomus could exist would be through him. Then again, someone could've stumbled upon them. But if what Selina is saying is true...
"Thank you, you two stay safe, okay? You two need to get as far away from here as possible." I told them.
"B-But we want to-" Sota tried to say.
I interrupted him, "No! That's final. I'm not letting you guys get dragged into this. I'm sorry, but I just can't."
I flew out of the building before they could say another word. What Selina told me sent chills down my spine, could Tomura still be alive? There's no way... I watched him die! I looked down at the ground below, an army of Nomus were facing off against pro heroes. I couldn't move at all; the memories of Kyoto and Jaku City flooded my mind. I closed my eyes and shook myself out of the trance.
"Right, it's just what she overheard. She didn't say it WAS him." I thought.
"Yoo hoo! Hot stuff! ~" I heard Rei's voice.
I turned around and she was coming right at me! She rammed right into me.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you, daddy!♡" Rei gushed.
I gave her a disgusted look, "YOU AREN'T MOMO!"
I hit her in the face with an Overdrive Fist which sent her though a nearby building window. She somehow propelled herself back out of the window using her Quirk!
"I WON'T LET YOU-" Rei yelled right as she got smacked in the face with a wrench!
I grabbed her arm as she fell unconscious from the wrench shot, I looked to my right and saw Momo standing on a building next to her cannon. I gave her and thumbs up and she responded in kind. I brought Rei with me as I flew towards Momo. As I landed next to her, Momo created some rope and a gag to tie Rei up.
"What in the hell is going on? There's Nomus everywhere and it looks like the Quartet Girls are here too!" I asked.
"We've been dealing with it for the past hour now. It seems as if they just showed up out of nowhere, I thought the Pros dismantled the production of these Nomus!" Momo replied.
I looked down to the street below then back at her, "Selina told me something. Something that I don't want to believe."
"Oh? What is it?" Momo questioned.
"She told me that she overheard a Nomu either talking about or talking to their master with other Nomus. She said... She overheard the name Shigaraki." I told her.
Momo's faced turned white, "Y-You're kidding, right? He's dead, you guys killed him. We all seen it!"
"I know, the only way we can tell for sure is if we get more intel or if-" I stopped in my tracks.
I looked down at the street, all of the Nomus simultaneously stopped fighting, they then walked down the street and through alleyways. I watched as some of them started to fly in the same direction. I felt my entire body go numb and my eyes widened. The only one who could've created these types of Nomu were Shigaraki or someone else, but the only person with direct control of them was...
"No..." I muttered.
I grit my teeth and clenched my fists, "Goddamn it... He should've been... He had to have..."
[10 Minutes Later...]
Momo and I met back up with the others. Deku shared the same look I did, I finally took in everything that was going on. We managed to get Rei handed over to the police without any trouble, but the Pro Heroes will be keeping a close eye on the police station for the time being. The cleanup of the town was quiet, none of us said a word, but the First-Years were all chattering away. The ride back to the dorms was silent as well. I think we were all wondering the same thing, was Shigaraki back?
"You guys are oddly quiet. Talk to me." Mr. Aizawa announced.
I spoke up, "He's alive, isn't he?"
"So it seems. So it seems..." Mr. Aizawa responded.
I could tell that even Mr. Aizawa was feeling the same way that we were. He put all of us through so much hell, I wasn't going to let him do the same to Sota and his friends. As we got back to the dorms, all of us sat in the common room, still not saying a word.
"There's no point in not believing it, he's alive." I broke the silence.
"Yeah, I felt it as soon as we saw those Nomus. I didn't want to believe it at first, too." Deku added.
The more I searched for his Heat Energy, the more prominent it became, almost as if he was purposely flaunting it. I don't know how, but it's different, has he somehow gotten stronger?
"Well, we'll make sure to send his ass back to hell! I'm gonna enjoy pummeling his skull in again!" Bakugo smirked.
"Yeah, why should we worry about him now? I mean, we've got all of us here and then some!" Kirishima piped in.
I looked out of the dorm window, "I hate to be the barer of bad news, but it's been nearly a year since we last seen him. All For One is a Quirk that allows the user to steal other Quirks and give those Quirks to whoever. How many Quirks do you think he's stolen up until now?"
I looked back at everyone as they remained silent.
"What I'm trying to say is, we can't get cocky just because we've dealt with him before. Overconfidence is what nearly got us killed last time." I told them.
"But you've got that auto dodge stuff! You're like a living cheat code dude!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"Kaminari's right, your Infinite Mode can definitely put the hurt on anyone. I don't see why it couldn't take Shigaraki down." Sato commented.
I smiled and sighed, "That's true, but I can't use it for a long period of time. If I'm going to do it, I'll be out for quite a while once it runs out. Which means if I slip up or if anything goes wrong, it's over."
I hate to dampen everyone's spirits like this, but it's the truth. Not only did we have Shigaraki to worry about, the other Quartet Girls were still out there.
"So, what are we gonna do?" Hagakure asked.
"The only thing we can do," Deku replied, "Prepare. We don't know how much Shigaraki has changed since last year."
I nodded in agreement. As the other talked, I kept looking out of the common room window. I remembered what I told Momo after we defeated Arlen. Can I... Save Shigaraki? From what it sounds like, he's had a very troubled past, similar to Arlen. I walked away from the window and headed up to my room. I sat on my bed cross legged and began to meditate. I was honestly nerved up about the whole situation, but I didn't exactly want to freak out and cause a panic. I heard someone sit down on my bed next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Hagakure.
"Alyx, are we going to die?" Hagakure asked.
"No, we aren't gonna die." I responded.
"B-But... Midoriya said that he's probably gotten a lot stronger than before! He could feel it just like you can!" Hagakure exclaimed as she began to cry.
"Oh, come here." I hugged Hagakure.
Momo walked into my room, "Oh my... Hagakure, sweety, what's wrong?"
"She's scared, that's all. Here, wait one minute." I replied.
I got up and Momo took my place, I walked over to my closet and pulled a box out.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Momo asked.
I looked back and smiled, "Give me a few minutes and I'll be back!"
[5 Minutes Later...]
I rushed into the room with my Great Saiyaman costume, it surprisingly still fits! I did my Justice Pose as I introduced myself.
"Evildoers beware! For I have arrived, The Protector of Hope: The Great Saiyaman!" I exclaimed in my generic hero voice.
Hagakure looked up and started giggling, "What is that thing? Wait, you're the Great Saiyaman?"
"That is correct, Toru Hagakure! I... Am the Great Saiyaman!" I smiled as I pointed at her.
"I think she's wondering if that's you, darling." Momo told me.
I took off my helmet, "Oh, I figured she was asking me to restate myself."
"Ooo! Can I wear it?" Hagakure exclaimed.
I figured that it would get her mind of off things, so I handed her my helmet.
I gasped, "I have an idea! Momo, do you still have yours?"
"Alyx, you aren't saying..." Momo sighed.
[10 Minutes Later...]
I stood next to Momo who was wearing her Great Saiyaman 2 outfit. Hagakure stared at us puzzled.
"So, what are you two doing?" Hagakure questioned.
"We're gonna cheer everyone up! Honestly, we shouldn't be letting this situation get to our heads." I told her.
I looked over at Momo and gave her a smile, I nodded and she did her Justice Pose.
"Do I have to say anything during or no? I think it'd be best for the immersion." Momo said.
I told her what to say and we choreographed our poses together. We walked downstairs and hid behind the wall that leads into the common room; everyone was still sitting there. I nodded and slid into view.
"Hello, U.A. High! It is I, the Great Saiyaman!" I exclaimed with pride.
Momo slid in front of me and did her justice pose, "And now... Introducing the newest Protector of Peace, the Great Saiyawoman!"
"No way! It's him!" Kaminari shouted.
"A little birdy told us you all were feeling upset, so we're here to make those frowns turn upside down!" I proclaimed with my generic hero voice.
"Hey! Mr. Saiyaman, who's that you've got with you?" Mina asked.
Inside I was extremely nervous, what was I supposed to say to that? My sidekick wouldn't be a good answer because they'll be asking who it is!
"Oh! This is the Great Saiyawoman! She... She's my wife! That's who she is!" I responded.
"Awww, that's so sweet! How long have you two been together?" Uraraka smiled.
"We've been together for almost 2 years! But anyhow, what seems to be the problem, young ones?" Momo replied.
Deku stood up and started talking, "Well... There's this person that we've dealt with in the past. We think he's coming back but we aren't sure if we'll be able to take him on again."
"Trust me, Midoriya, you and your friends don't need to worry about this evildoer. It's always okay to worry, but it's never okay to let it rule over your mind!" I advised.
Momo leaned on my shoulder with her arm, "He's right! You kids shouldn't be worried about some nasty villain! You all have remarkable Quirks, there's nothing you all can't do if you work together!"
I could tell the mood of the room lightened up, so I decided it was time for the Great Saiyaman and Saiyawoman to leave.
"Well, my friends, we must go! I know you all will do amazing!" I told them.
Before anything else, we hurried out of the dorms and I told Momo to grab my shoulder. I used Overdrive: Breakdown to bring us into my room.
"Phew, this thing was making me hot!" Momo took off her helmet and flipped her hair out of her face.
"Yeah, this suit still fits but its honestly kinda tight. Maybe I should get it retailored..." I muttered.
Momo giggled as she slipped the outfit off, "Don't tell me you're seriously going to wear that thing!"
"No! I'm just saying that it might be useful if-" I almost finished my sentence as I threw my costume into my closet.
My door opened and Mineta stood in the doorway, "Hey! You should've-"
I tensed up as Mineta's jaw dropped. Oh fuck, here we go...
"You... I KNEW IT! YOU WERE GONNA HAVE-" I cut Mineta off by wrapping an Overdrive Whip around his mouth.
"I-It's not what it looks like! For the love of god Mineta, we weren't doing anything like that!" I quickly told him.
Momo stood next to me and simply winked at Mineta which made him pass out. I closed my door and locked it, I turned around and saw that Momo found one of my hoodies. It was definitely the cutest thing I've ever seen.
"Goodness, I knew your hoodies were a bit baggy, but this is a bit ridiculous." Momo told me.
"I could be wearing crop tops. I'd rock one of those I bet." I joked.
I walked over and kissed her. I put a shirt on and sweatpants before I opened my balcony door.
"Where are you going?" Momo asked me.
"I'm gonna check on Toga and the others. If Shigaraki's back, he'll be looking for them." I responded.
I activated Mode Three and took off towards Toga's direction. She was at home; I'm assuming the elementary schools called in for a snow day? At least I don't have to set up and schedule guest visits at that school she teaches at. It took me about 4 or so minutes to reach her house. I walked up the porch steps on knocked on her door.
"For the last time, I'm not interested in any damn-Oh! Alyx, what are you doing here?" Toga greeted.
"I just came to check in. You haven't seen or heard anything weird, have you?" I asked her.
She narrowed one of her eyebrows, "Was I supposed to or...?"
I laughed, "No, no. I'm just wondering, may I come in, please?"
She let me in and we walked into her living room.
"I'm assuming you wanted to talk about something?" Toga wondered.
"Yeah, I do. This is gonna sound completely crazy but... Shigaraki he... He's alive." I replied.
Toga's eyes widened and she sat up, "What? You're fuckin' with me! We watched him die!"
"I wouldn't be here if I was. I don't know how he survived, but things are gonna get bad soon, I can already tell." I told her.
"If I know Shiggy, then let me tell you this, you've definitely pissed him off. Both you and Deku, I don't mean to cause any worry but, he might go after your family. He knows how to get what he wants and he'll do it through any means necessary." Toga explained.
"I guess I couldn't expect less from him. At least I know that you're alright, I'm gonna go check on Kiko and Dabi." I agreed.
As I left her home, she gave me a hug, "Be safe, okay?"
I smiled and nodded. I took off towards Dabi and Kiko, which only took me about 5 minutes to get to their house. I landed down and walked to their door, which before I knocked, Dabi already opened it.
"Well, what do we have here? I thought you were dead, kid." He greeted.
"In some places, but that's beside the point. I like your new hair color! Did you bleach it?" I replied.
He chuckled, "What? No, this is my natural hair color. I guess you don't know, you don't need to call me "Dabi" anymore. You can call me Toya, or Toya Todoroki."
My mind exploded; I unknowingly connected the dots when I first met him! He let me in and I sat down at their kitchen table. Kiko walked in with drinks for her and Toya.
"Oh, hey kiddo! Glad to see you're still alive." Kiko greeted.
I waved at her, "Hey, Ms. Kiko!"
She sat a drink down in front of Toya and Kiko sat next to him.
"So, what brings you back to our lovely abode? If you're looking for somewhere to stay, the couch is open." Toya joked.
I laughed, "No, thank you though! I'm here because of something... Serious."
Kiko looked interested and Toya leaned back in his chair.
"Oh? Something serious? Do you need our help?" Kiko asked.
"No, I'd prefer if you guys stayed out of it. I don't want you guys to get hurt. It's about Shigaraki, he's still alive, somehow." I told them.
"Really? I guess I can't be surprised, that guy's tenacious. I bet he's back with a revenge, too." Toya suggested.
I looked down at the table, "I know but... I think I can save him. I'm not sure if it'll work, but I at least want to try."
"Alyx, you're gonna try and save Crusty Lips? Kid, you might be out of your head with this one." Kiko admitted.
"I'd have to agree, but I wish you the best of luck, Alyx. You're gonna need it." Toya told me.
I nodded, "Thank you. I'll be going now; I'm glad you guys are alright!"
I got up and they followed me out the door, I flew back to the dorms.
[8 Minutes Later...]
I landed on my balcony and walked into my room. Momo was eating popcorn while doing some sort of shopping on my T.V. somehow. I sat down and hugged her from behind. She was still looking cute as ever!
"How are you doing that?" I asked as I put my chin on her shoulder.
"Oh, I'm using your game system to shop online. It's quite nifty honestly, did you not know you could do this?" Momo told me.
"I honestly did not. I didn't even think you could do that." I replied.
Kirishima stumbled into my room laughing, he put his finger up before I could say anything.
"D-Dude! Kaminari... He... Oh my god!" Kirishima laughed.
"What? What'd he do now?" I asked.
"Just look!" Kirishima exclaimed.
He showed us his phone, it was a video of Kaminari wearing a colander on his head.
He then proceeded to haul ass across the room and jump over one of the couches. Kaminari didn't jump high enough and his foot caught the top of the couch, he then face planted into the coffee table!
"Holy shit!" I laughed.
"Goodness gracious!" Momo added.
I hurried downstairs to see what happened. Jiro was practically dying from laughter on the floor and Kaminari was laid out on the couch. I walked over and stood next to him.
"So, how'd it go?" I asked.
"I can't feel my jaw." He responded.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Alright, let me patch you up."
I activated my Quirk and healed Kaminari's injury. I found the colander next to the table and picked it up. I set it on the table since Kaminari was bound to try it again. I walked back upstairs to my room.
"Is he alright?" Momo questioned.
"He is now, I healed him up a bit. As long as he doesn't do it again, that is." I replied.
She giggled and shook her head. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. I saw that she had almost 30 items in her cart!
"Holy geez! What are you buying, babe?!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, you know, the essentials! Which include skin care products, bath bombs, hair care..." Momo rambled the list off.
I blinked a few times after she finished the list, "A-And how much are you spending?"
"Only ¥550,000 darling!" Momo replied.
"O-ONLY ¥550,000?!" I shouted.
"What? It's not that much! I'm pretty sure you could've bought them for me." She cooed.
I shook my head, "Good grief..."
Momo pressed her cheek against mine, "You know you love me, Aly."
"But would I spend ¥550,000 on you...? Without a doubt and within a heartbeat. Give me that controller." I told her.
So, I spent ¥550,000 on this essential stuff for Momo. Hopefully Mom doesn't find out...
"Thank you, darling! I promise I'll give you something in return." Momo cheerfully said.
I waved her off, "Oh, you don't need to. There's not a whole lot I want anyway. Actually, maybe another blanket!"
Today's been quite the day, not only am I fearing for my life, I spent ¥550,000. Who knows, maybe it'll get better?