I felt Momo adjust herself which woke me up. I slightly opened my eyes and yawned. I looked over at her and saw that she was still asleep, I turned to look at her clock, it read 3:25 AM.
"Huh, I wonder how long I can sleep for this time?" I thought.
I was about to fall asleep until I saw something poking out of her closet. I wasn't sure what it was, but it looked like a plushie of something, maybe it was one of Hagakure's that she left in here? Momo's door slowly opened and I sat up, expecting that serial killer jackass to finally show himself! But instead, I saw that familiar little horn.
"Mr. Leonidus," Eri whispered, "I had a bad dream."
"Why'd you come all the way up here? What about Eraser Head?" I asked quietly.
"W-Well, I couldn't find him. And Mr. Deku's door was locked!" She told me.
I nodded slowly, "Well, come on up, what'd you dream about?"
Eri climbed up onto Momo's bed and sat down next to me.
"Do you remember that man that gave me those ouchies? I still think about it." Eri gloomily admitted.
"Yeah, I don't blame you. It's easy to blow the visible ouchies away but not the ones you think about. It takes a lot of strength to do, but I'm certain you have that strength, Eri. In all honesty, I think you're stronger than me!" I reassured her.
Eri looked up at me, "Really? But... I can't do the cool things that you guys do!"
"Doing cool things doesn't make you strong, being able to do things your way and embrace it is what's really strong. Just because someone tells you that you're only good for one thing, doesn't mean that you can't do whatever it is that YOU want to do, Eri." I replied.
She looked down and smiled a bit. She grabbed my hand and a tear rolled down her face.
"Thank you, Mr. Leonidus." She whispered.
I smiled and laid back down. Eri laid in the middle of Momo and I, which it didn't take me to long to fall back asleep.
[6 Hours Later...]
I woke up to a little hand lightly tapping my face. I turned my head and saw that Eri was sleeping on my back, accompanied by Momo who had her arm around me. I tried moving but it was almost as if they wouldn't let me!
"Momo, baby, I need to move." I whispered.
"A likely story." She groggily replied.
I turned my head to look at her, "If you move, you'll wake her up."
I sighed and accepted my "defeat." Momo sat up and yawned. She gently grabbed Eri and held her.
"See? Gentle movements won't wake someone up. Now, what were you going to do?" Momo asked.
I was about to say something but my mind went blank. What was I gonna do?
"Everything alright in there?" Momo giggled.
"Oh, yeah! I guess I forgot what I was gonna do." I replied.
It finally hit me, "Oh, right! That's what it was!"
I leaned forward and gave her a kiss. Eri stretched out her arms and laid her head on Momo's shoulder.
"Morning." Eri sleepily smiled.
Momo created a brush and Eri moved to her lap so that she could brush her hair. I softly smiled at the two of them, I walked over to Momo's curtains and opened them. I looked out towards the city, one question was in my head, where was that serial killer hiding? People have been calling him "Mr. Detonator" which I can see why.
"Woah, Mr. Leonidus, you've got fluffy hair!" Eri giggled.
I looked at Momo's mirror from across the room, I heard Momo giggle with Eri.
"Well, would you look at that! The last time I saw my hair down was... Hmm... When I was 13 maybe?" I told them.
"So, are you going to keep it down or do you need Kirishima to help you style it, darling?" Momo wondered.
"I think I'll leave it down today. Besides, it's not like something bad is gonna happen!" I replied.
I quickly found the nearest wood surface and knocked on it. Momo got done with brushing Eri's hair and she left the room. I stood back at the balcony and looked out once more.
"Is everything alright, Alyx?" She asked.
Something about her tone, it seemed... Off. Maybe I'm just still hung up on the whole device thing that was planted in her.
"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just thinking." I told her.
"Oh, okay! Well, we should probably get downstairs. I'm sure the others are waiting for us." Momo replied.
I nodded and followed her out of her room. I decided to make a stop at Deku's room, thankfully, he hadn't left. I knocked on his door and tried to open it, but it was locked. I knocked on it again, which he opened it afterwards.
"Yes, Alyx? What is it?" He asked.
I looked at his eyes, they looked glazed over, the same with Uraraka's.
"O-Oh... I just thought that I'd stop by and say good morning!" I smiled.
They smiled back but didn't say anything else.
"You should get downstairs; breakfast is on the table for you." Uraraka mentioned.
I nodded and walked away from the room. I felt them staring at the back of my neck, what was going on? I headed into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Something was going on, I just wasn't sure what! I opened the bathroom window and climbed out of it. There was only one person I know that I could go to!
[5 Minutes Later...]
She opened her door quickly, "What? What's wrong? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Listen, have you eaten anything from the dorms or anything like that last night or today?" I asked.
"No, not today. I get food from Lunch Rush every day." She told me.
I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God, listen to me, I don't know what's going on but everyone is acting strange."
"Strange? Like, how strange?" Hatsume tilted her head.
"I'm not sure, I don't know how to describe it. Maybe I'm just being paranoid." I fretted.
The workshop door opened up and I heard Sota.
"Alyx, what are you doing here?" He questioned.
A red flag went up in my head, I looked over at him. I couldn't blow my cover so I had to act just as off.
"Sorry, I'm just talking to Hatsume. We were discussing plans for an invention." I responded.
Sota nodded and walked away. I turned to Hatsume and she looked concerned.
"Whatever the hell is going on, it must've hit everyone but me and you. We need to get out of here." I whispered.
Hatsume nodded and we walked out of her workshop. There were dozens of people in the hallways, all of which shared the same expression. We kept looking forward and made it to the front entrance. As we left, I grabbed Hatsume and we quickly flew out of there!
"That fucking bastard... He's managed to mind control the entire school!" I exclaimed.
"How? He's got some sort of explosion thingy Quirk, right? That doesn't sound like brainwashing or mind control!" Hatsume noted.
We landed down on the ground, "I know, he's created some sort of small device that allows him to do that. It can be taken out, but let me tell you, I don't think I can punch holes through everyone's stomach without being overwhelmed."
"So, where are we? This isn't some sort of ploy to get me away from my babies is it?!" Hatsume shouted.
"No, no! You can make as many things as you want in here, we're gonna need it." I responded.
My phone began to vibrate, Deku was calling me! I answered the phone.
"Where are you? Everyone is acting weird, Uraraka's starting to get scared and I locked us in my room. We thought you were acting weird as well, so we had to make up an act." He whispered.
"Okay, listen to me. What I want you to do, is keep yourselves locked in there, do NOT open it for anyone. I'll be there in a minute!" I told him.
I hung up my phone and let Hatsume inside my house. I took off towards the dorms to rescue Deku and Uraraka. It didn't take me long to get to his balcony. His door was getting hammered in! I smashed through his balcony door and they looked behind them.
"Alyx!" They both beamed.
The door flew open and everyone stood with their Quirks active, ready to fight. I stood in front of them, circled my arms, crossed them, then activated my Quirk.
"Heaven's Gates: Repel!" I shouted.
I turned around and grabbed Deku & Uraraka. We hurried out of the balcony and I flew as fast as I could back to my house.
"W-What's going on?" Uraraka asked.
"I'll explain once we get back to my house!" I replied.
[5 Minutes Later...]
We made it back to my house and we hurried inside. Hatsume stood in the hallway with her back to us.
"Hatsume? What's wrong?" I called out to her.
I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, she snapped out of whatever trance she was in and fell backwards. I caught her and she took deep breaths in and out.
"I-I... She..." Hatsume muttered.
I looked up and saw Annie looking out of the window. I stood up and felt that something was wrong. Annie slowly turned her head and grinned.
"Welcome home, Alyx." She menacingly smiled.
Her eyes were shining a bright purple, the whites of her eyes and lines in them! I looked over at Hatsume, she must've somehow resisted whatever is affecting Annie!
"I-I stopped her... From getting to... Your Mom..." Hatsume muttered.
Deku joined my side as Annie began to cackle.
"You fool, you really don't understand what's going on? Do you really think that a device could do this? I'm sure you remember it dissolving in your hands, Leonidus." Annie smirked.
How could I have overlooked it! That wasn't a device, it was a Quirk! Unless... This isn't from someone; this Quirk IS someone or something!
"Get the hell out of my sister you goddamn freak!" I demanded.
"I think this is a perfect body for me to conduct my work. Although those other ones are useful, the amount of power this body hold's amazing!" Annie exclaimed.
I activated Mode Four and Deku went 100% with his One For All. For a split second, I saw Annie's face, the look of fear was all over it. In a flash, I appeared in front of Annie and punched a hole through her stomach. I grabbed whatever was inside her and quickly healed her. I threw it at Deku who pulverized it completely before it could evaporate. I knelt down and sat Annie up as she regained consciousness. She hugged me tightly.
"I-I... I'm so sorry, I didn't know what was going on. Thank you, you guys." Annie wearily replied.
"It's alright, there's a bunch of crazy things happening right now. I think we're the only ones not controlled." I comforted her.
I helped her up to her feet and I healed Hatsume up.
"So, what are we going to do? Where do we even start?" Deku asked.
I stood up after healing Hatsume, "I'm going back and saving Momo. Clearly whoever or whatever this thing is, is just using them as pawns and not as a main vessel."
"What? Are you crazy!? Alyx, that's a suicide mission!" Uraraka exclaimed.
"I know, but I promised her parents that I'd keep her safe no matter what. Half of this damn city could be after my ass, but I'd still fight to keep her safe, even if that meant I was gonna die." I told them.
They stood there silently while I looked back out of the window.
"I'll be in and out, I don't plan on being mind controlled, that's not exactly on my bucket list. You guys stay here and-" I ordered.
"Alyx, you need to stop fighting these battles alone. Let us help you!" Annie interrupted.
"It's too risky, if all of us get overwhelmed, then we're done for." I countered.
Before they could say another word, I left the house and flew towards the dorms. The streets were all crawling with people, they all looked dead, almost as if I was looking at shells that were looking for their souls. I stopped above the dorms and looked down at the ground. Students and staff were wondering the area, I didn't see Midnight, Mr. Aizawa, or Snipe anywhere, maybe they're alright?
I put two fingers on my forehead, "I've always wanted to use this technique like this."
I teleported to my balcony using my Overdrive: Breakdown technique. I slowly slid open the door and peered inside. My room was alright, nothing inside was damaged. I saw Momo rocking back and forth on my bed saying "get out" over and over again. I slowly walked in and up to her, I placed my hand on her shoulder but got no response. I could move her freely, so I hauled her over my shoulder and took off! She still kept repeating those words, then, she went into a frenzy! It knocked me out of the sky and sent me crashing into a rooftop.
She created a staff and tried to choke me out with it! I held it back, but I could tell that she was abnormally strong. I activated Mode Four and blasted her back. From seemingly out of nowhere, Mirio popped out of the ground and punched her in the face! I quickly followed up with a kick that rendered her unconscious.I was going to say something but Mirio put his finger to his mouth and held his hand out. We froze in place and I watched as dozens of people crawled up the building! They stood around us, looking for whatever made those noises, I didn't dare move a muscle. They eventually left us alone and we finally got a break. Mirio injected some sort of serum into Momo's neck.
"What in the fuck is going on?" I whispered.
"That Mr. Detonator guy created some sort of... Thing? Nejire, Amajiki and I had thought that it was some sort of Quirk, but no Quirk can spread or do something like this." Mirio quietly explained.
I knelt down and sat Momo up, "So, it's like some sort of brainwashing virus? What Pros are infected?"
"Thankfully, nobody yet. They're in secluded locations until some sort of action or plan is declared. They've completely cut access to the outside world and there's no way we can leave. Apparently, they're sending in reinforcements to help us out." Mirio told me.
Great, we're now living in a fucking zombie movie. At least these guys don't eat flesh? Momo regained consciousness and cough up this almost green-blue liquid.
"Alyx... L-Lemillion...? Is it gone?" She asked.
I nodded and hugged her. Mirio looked up and smiled as Nejire & Amajiki landed down on the rooftop.
"Things aren't looking so good, Mirio. People are starting to get infected rapidly." Nejire reported.
"Damn... How's the cure coming along? How much longer do we have until it's done?" Mirio responded.
"Uh... I dunno, maybe a couple days or so? It's taking a while since we haven't fully gotten it down right." Nejire guessed.
I stood up with Momo, if this cure does work, how are we gonna distribute it to the entire town?
"It's going to be more than just a couple days; we need to spread it throughout this entire town." I noted.
[10 Minutes Later...]
Momo and I arrived at my house, thankfully, nothing bad happened. A startling thought hit me, was Eri already brain washed? I just couldn't bear to think about it.