It's been about a week since I got called by that Serial Killer, the Pros were scouring the cities around Japan for him. The entire city of Musutafu was almost on lockdown because of it. This morning when I woke up, that's all the news notifications on my phone talked about. I walked downstairs after getting ready for school.
"Yo!" I greeted.
"Hey, Alyx are you..." Deku's voice trailed off.
"Woah... Is that your burn scar?! That looks so fuckin' manly, bro!" Kirishima exclaimed.
I nodded and smiled. Shoto walked over to me and looked at my scar.
"We are now one in the same, brother." He monotoned.
"Yes, we will now fuse, and take over the planet." I deadpanned.
Shoto held his hand out in front of me and I lined mine up with it. I put my hand down and laughed.
"Come on, let's get going!" I smiled.
[20 Minutes Later...]
Mr. Aizawa told us to head directly into the locker rooms before we even got into the classroom. As I was changing into my hero costume, I heard Iida shout at Mineta.
"Mineta! You cannot dig a hole in the wall, that's destruction of school property and vandalism! You should be ashamed of yourself for destroying the property of this establishment!" Iida shouted.
"Oh come on, man! Just let me do this!" Mineta whined.
I turned my head and looked as he attempted to unclog the old peephole. I activated my Rage Quirk and grabbed him with my extra arm. I walked over to him, then smacked him on the back of the head. I set him down and looked through the peephole.
"Sorry, ladies! I'll make sure this thing is PROPERLY Mineta proof." I told them.
"Thank you, Alyx!" I heard them shout from the other side.
I turned my attention to Mineta after I deactivated my Rage, "Okay, you really need to get ahold of yourself, man."
After we got changed, we met Mr. Aizawa outside along with the other teachers and staff.
"Alright, being that we had held that World Hero Association program a few months back, we decided to split this year for you all into two terms. This will be formatted the exact same way, except that this won't be a final test, as there will be the official Final Term Test at the end of June. This is just the end of the first semester, due to the current issue going on, we're sending you on a 4-week break. You'll return to your classes in March." Mr. Aizawa explained.
A break?! Awesome! I couldn't wait!
"So, as you know, you'll be going up against one of the teachers you see in front of you, including..." Mr. Aizawa looked to the side.
"POOOOWWWEEERR!!!" Mirio shouted.
"L-LEMILLION?!" We all yelled.
"How's it going? Man, you guys sure are growing, huh?" Mirio smiled.
If I had to face off against Mirio, I'm sure I'd fail!
Ectoplasm stepped forward, "Alright, the two students that will be facing off against me will be... Leonidus and Hagakure."
[10 Minutes Later...]
Hagakure and I walked forward and saw that Ectoplasm was standing a yard or so away from us. The test hadn't started yet since the other teams weren't situated yet.
"Alright, so, what are we going to do?" Hagakure asked.
"If it's too much to ask, could you take your gloves and shoes off?" I asked.
Hagakure looked confused, "But I'll be completely invisi... Wait, you're the only one that can see me... WAIT, I'M COMPLETELY NAKED!"
"Hagakure, you do know that I'm not Mineta right? Though that isn't a good reason, since to me it's morally wrong to infringe on a woman's privacy, I can blindfold myself if it'll make you feel comfortable." I told her.
"Oh, no, it's alright. I just feel weird now that I completely forgot that you-" Hagakure stopped talking.
"Yeah, it's blindfold time!" I exclaimed.
I tied it around my eyes just for it to be immediately undone by Hagakure.
"BUT... I know you aren't gonna be a creep like Mineta, so I'm comfortable. As long as you pinky promise that you aren't gonna switch gears and start thinking like that perv!" She said.
I nodded and curled my pinky finger around hers. I'd have to admit, being the only one that can see Hagakure, it was honestly extremely awkward when she put on her hero costume, although it was pretty much cool with everyone else. Recovery Girl signaled for our exams to start. Within seconds, Ectoplasm created 30 clones of himself!
"Oh man... This doesn't look good!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"I know, we're definitely outnumbered, plus we'll easily be overwhelmed. With as that many in one area they're bound to run into you. There's only so many I can handle at one time. Unlike Deku, I can't blow them all away with one punch." I noted.
Hagakure stood silently for a moment and she looked around. She grabbed my arm and we ran towards an alleyway. We stopped in front of an abandoned house.
"Break this window, quick!" Hagakure told me.
I nodded and slammed my fist into it. We ran away from the house and found other another place, which I smashed in that window. I looked up at the roof of one of the buildings and looked over at Hagakure.
"Let's head up, if we're off the ground he'll think that we're hiding one of in those buildings." I told her.
She nodded and wrapped her arms around me. I activated my Base Mode and jumped onto the roof of a building. We laid on our stomachs and watched as Ectoplasm's clones patrol the streets below.
"We need to head for the exit, but how are we gonna do that?" Hagakure quietly asked.
"Hmm... He's only got 4 clones guarding the exit, one of which could be him. This might look easy but the rest of his clones could converge on us in seconds. There might be one way, but we'll have to time it right. I'll need you to use your Warp Refraction with my Quirk." I explained.
"You're wanting to try and blind him? It might be risky, but I think it'll work. How are we going to do this?" Hagakure replied.
"I have an idea, but it may render me immobile, so we'll need a clean shot of the exit." I said.
Hagakure hopped on my back and we jumped down from the roof, we landed in the middle of the street and I activated Mode Four. The clones hadn't noticed us yet until I output more of my Quirk. I stood still and charged up, in order for me to generate enough light for her to warp, I needed to output as much of my Quirk as possible.
"There you are!" Ectoplasm shouted.
The clones charged towards us, I sent 4 afterimages to try and halt their progress towards us. I clenched my fists and grit my teeth as my aura grew higher.
"BOOST FIRE... TIMES 40!!" I shouted.
The rose-gold aura shot up and surround my blue and white Overdrive. I was straining every fiber of my body, but I generated enough light for Hagakure to warp it!
"HAGAKURE!! DO IT NOW!" I yelled.
She held onto me tightly and absorbed the light from my Overdrive & Boost Fire. In seconds, a white light flashed intensely! The clones stumbled backwards and covered their eyes. My arms, especially my right one, was starting to lock up. The same with my legs, not only were they starting to lock up and they felt as if they were on fire! I turned as quickly as I could and jumped towards the exit.
"Team Yaoyorozu and Midoriya! Congratulations! You're the first two to pass! There's only 20 minutes left for the rest of your exams." Recovery Girl announced.
We careened towards the exit and Hagakure held onto me as tightly as she could.
"H-HOW FAST ARE WE GOING?!" Hagakure screamed.
My arms and legs were completely locked up, which meant I overused my Quirk completely... Aaaand we were headed straight into the bus that transported us here!
"Hagakure! My pouch!" I told her.
She reached forward and opened my pouch, she opened the vial and poured it on me. I had just enough to create a barrier around the both of us, preventing any damage to us! We crashed in through one of the bus windows and landed hard on a seat. We indented the inside of the bus as well.
"Holy shit! That was fucking crazy!" I exclaimed.
"Y-Yeah, you think?" Hagakure laughed.
I pulled her gloves out of my pouch and gave them to her, "Thank you!"
"Uh huh! No problem! Wait, you didn't leave your shoes back there, did you?" I asked.
"Um... Yes?" Hagakure nervously responded.
[15 Minutes Later...]
After using my Rage Quirk, somewhat, to drag myself across the exam area to look for her shoes, we returned back to U.A.
"So, are your arms alright? They look a little less stiff." Hagakure noted.
"Yeah, kind of. Don't even get me started on my legs!" I chuckled.
Hagakure nodded and kept staring at me, she had a look of awe in her eyes. She slammed her hands down on the seat and leaned forward.
"Can I do your makeup?! Please? I think you'd look amazing!" Hagakure pleaded.
I sat there and looked at her, "No."
[1 Hour Later...]
"That blue looks amazing! Holy hell!" I exclaimed.
"See, what did I tell you?" Hagakure giggled.
I gasped, "WAIT! You wouldn't happen to have a wig around here? I know it's a weird question but-"
She pulled a mini cabinet thing from underneath her bed.
"I thought you'd never ask! Which one ya want?" She grinned.
I chose one and she put it on me, now there was just one more thing to do...
"Alright, now, I think this'll be perfect to prank Mineta with! I think if I use my Leonidus Secret Technique I could fool him!" I snickered.
She tilted her hand and raised her eyebrow, "Your huh-who-what? A secret technique?"
"Yeah! It's more of a mock illusion technique, Camie kinda taught me about her Quirk and its functions. I somewhat adapted her ability into a technique that allows me to make an 'illusion' using my Overdrive. It's more like your Warp Refraction; I can manipulate the image of my body by masking myself with somewhat of a nonvisible 'mist' of Overdrive." I explained.
"Ooooh... Okay! Show me what you got!" Hagakure beamed.
Right as I showed her, the girls walked in, I froze in place. I felt them staring me down.
"Hagakure... Who is this? Did Alyx not show up? I wanted to see what he'd look like with makeup, damn it!" Mina whined.
I turned around and they were still confused.
"Dojyaan?" I reluctantly replied.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" They shouted.
I stopped using the Leonidus Secret Technique and held my hands out, "Easy, easy! I was just showing her my Leonidus Secret Technique! I was gonna prank Mineta with it but-"
"We're in. Mina, get your phone out, we're recording this." Jiro quickly agreed.
I walked downstairs and immediately felt regret and embarrassment. I stood behind a wall and looked over at Mina and Hagakure.
"I don't think I can do it; can I take this shit off?" I whispered.
"It'll only be 2 minutes, come on! It'll be hilarious!" Mina whispered back.
I sighed and used the technique. I walked around the corner and everyone looked up. The other girls tried not to laugh and Mineta looked up from the T.V. The look he gave me nearly made me break, but I kept my serious look. I sat down on the couch next to him and smiled at him. I put my hand on his and he started foaming at the mouth. I leaned forward towards his ear tried not to laugh.
"Can I get a uhhhhh... Burger?" I whispered.
"W-WHAT THE?! ALYX?!" Mineta screamed.
I fell off the couch and died of laughter! I lost control of my Leonidus Secret Technique, and sat up, wiping tears from my eyes.
"Damn, bro, you're lookin' awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed.
I looked down at my hands and saw black marks on them.
"What is this? Am I some sort of oil rig now?" I asked.
[Later That Night...]
All of us guys were in the Common Room watching T.V. Except for Bakugo, who was already in bed by now. My phone vibrated and I looked at it, Momo sent me a text in all caps that said, "ENGAGE C U D D L E S >:)."
"Well, shit, I'm going to bed. What's on the agenda for tomorrow?" I yawned.
Deku was trying not to fall asleep, he looked up at me and rubbed one of his eyes.
"We'll probably have breakfast or something, like, maybe McDonalds?" He sleepily responded.
I nodded and head up to Momo's room. I knocked on her door and entered her room. She extended her arms out and I fell into her.
"Since when did you start typing all fancy? Normally it's 'I need you to come to my room, please' and that's it." I laughed.
"Jiro taught me ways that I could spice up my text messaging! I'll show you!" Momo told me.
She grabbed her phone and went into her messages. I watched as she made a little emote that looked like a bunny.
"Well, isn't that something! Also, you have me saved under 'Aly Cat' on your phone? That's adorable." I smiled.
She started blushing, "O-Oh! I didn't think you could see that!"
"It's fine, I have you saved as 'Bad Bitch' with like, 20 hearts next to it." I admitted.
"That's... Definitely something I wasn't expecting, but sweet nonetheless!" She giggled.
"Uh huh! Just to name a few, Deku is 'Spicy Broccoli MAN', Kirishima is 'The Rock', Bakugo is 'Katchsuki', Kaminari is 'God', and Mina is 'Mini Bean'." I explained.
Momo looked at her phone and then back at me, "That's quite creative, I never thought that you'd have nicknames for the others in your contacts."
"I think even Luna has a phone now! Which is honestly kinda weird being that she's a cat and all. But her name in my phone is 'Meow Meow'." I replied.
"She has a phone? Who in the world taught her and gave her a phone?" Momo questioned.
I shrugged my shoulders, "I dunno, maybe Mr. Aizawa or one of the teachers? That's what I'd assume, anyway."
My hair finally came down which made Momo jumped a tiny bit.
"I completely forgot that your hair isn't like that normally! You should keep it down more; I think it looks cute." Momo expressed.
"Well, maybe I can since we're on break tomorrow, and because I won't need to use my Quirk." I replied.
She combed her fingers through my hair, "Even though it looks so spiky regularly, it's rather fluffy feeling. Almost like fur or something similar."
I snuggled up closer to her and she stopped playing with my hair. Honestly, after that exam today, I was super tired! Although it was rather quick, that move I did with Hagakure really wore me out.