The Voice of Hope: Braveheart! Overdrive: Full Control!

Thankfully, Hatsume's an absolute genius! She helped me get set up with this huge live stream that would be broadcasted on every screen in Japan.

"So, Hatsume, how exactly are you able to do this?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions you aren't able to handle the answers to." Hatsume replied.

I blinked a couple times, "O-Okay...?"

I stood in front of the camera and took a deep breath in.

"Ready?" Momo shouted over to me.

"Yep, I'm ready!" I smiled.

She gave Hatsume a thumbs up and she did hit a bunch of switches. I stood and waited.

"Is this thing on?" I wondered.

"Yes! It's working perfectly fine and it's live!" Hatsume told me.

"O-Oh! Right... Good Afternoon, citizens of Japan. As most of you know, I'm Pro Hero in training Braveheart, there's no secret that things are rather crazy right now. I know a lot of people are doubting Pro Heroes, and are now questioning Pro Hero Hawks and Endeavor in particular, but I'm not here to defend them. Their actions can only be described and defended by them. The reason why I'm here is because I'm wanting you all to give the Pro Heroes another chance. What happened in Esuha City... Nobody could've predicted that. The frustration, the fear, the wondering of whether or not you'll wake up to an intact city... I understand completely." I started.

"But rioting, harming others, and general acts of violence aren't going to assure that our cities and towns won't be destroyed. If we all come together, regardless of our Quirks, we can achieve the peace we're close to having, the peace we all are striving for. I know you all aren't looking for a Pro Hero, but for some sort of voice, someone that'll address your worries and doubts. Rest assured, I fill that role without hesitation, I promise. I'm not speaking like a Pro Hero here; I'm speaking to you all like a person, someone who doesn't need to be flashy in order to convey the safety of others. Due to my past actions, to me, I can't call myself a hero." I continued.

"But regardless of that, I can at least start to become one again by helping all of you. So, I'm handing the rest to you, Pro Heroes of Japan. The ball is in your court and you've got thousands of people wanting answers that I can't give them. Until then, I'll be protecting them even if it means my death. What I've said doesn't end after this, what kind of person would I be if I ran off empty promises? To the villains of Japan, this even goes out to you, I'm not one to discriminate based off of what society has labeled you. But rest assured, things like what happened in Esuha and the events that occurred in Jaku City, they won't be tolerated. Everyone, I'm counting on you to make things right, all of you. In order for there to be peace, we have to be at peace with one another. This has been Alyx Leonidus, Third Year at U.A. High, signing out." I ended.

The live stream ended and the camera turned off. I took a deep breath in and then out, that was probably the longest I've ever talked! I turned to face Momo and she smiled at me.

"Wow... That was rather incredible, your words definitely were quite genuine, not to mention the body language you had." Momo complimented.

"Thank you! Honestly, I wasn't sure what to say at first, I kind of just winged it!" I smiled.

Hatsume picked the camera up, "Come on! There charging me a crap ton of Yen every 5 minutes we're here!"

I looked out the window and saw how bright the sun was, actually, it looked a lot bigger than usual.


The "sun" that approached them was a huge ball of light sent down by Mikey himself! Thanks to Alyx's message, Mikey was able to finally locate the exact location of Leonidus. His attack exploded and rattled the entire building! Through the smoke, Mikey emerged, a devilish smirk glazed his face.

(I.R.P.: Listen to Sapphire's cover of "Before My Body is Dry –nZk ver-" from Kill la Kill)

"There you are, Alyx! I was wondering where you were." He smiled.

Alyx pushed himself up, debris slid off of him, Mikey quickly approached him and kicked him in the stomach. It sent him rolling across the ground and towards the window.

"You have NO idea how long I've waited for this. All these years, I've never really repaid you for the annoyance you've caused me, have I?" Mikey growled.

A ball of light lit up in his hand, he placed it on Alyx's chest. It exploded and sent Leonidus flying out of the window and into a nearby building. The people inside panicked and screamed. Alyx stumbled up to his feet, Mikey landed inside the building and walked towards him.

"Still not staying down, eh? That's fucking unfortunate, but I'd be more than happy to knock the shit out of you until you do!" He shouted.

He ran towards Alyx, delivering heavy blows to him, every punch drew blood from Alyx. Mikey drove his knee into Alyx, then grabbed his head and slammed him into the ground. Mikey lifted his hand up and a huge fist comprised of his Light Quirk appeared around his arm. He reeled his fist back and slammed it repeatedly into Leonidus.

"Why... Won't... You... DIE?!" Mikey screamed.

He stopped slamming his fist into him. Mikey panted and stumbled backwards as Alyx continued to try and get up. He rushed towards Mikey, swinging wildly out of rage, landing blows of his own! Mikey blocked a fist and sent Alyx flying back into a wall, locking him in place! Even though blood was pouring down Alyx's face, he continued to fight, against the unbearable pain his body was going through. Mikey wiped blood off of his mouth and laughed.

"Look at this... Oh how... The goddamn tables... Have turned." He panted.

Mikey turned to a sharp piece of concrete, he chucked it at Leonidus, impaling his stomach! Alyx shouted out in pain as he vomited blood. Alyx grit his teeth and still tried to break free from Mikey's attack.

"What's wrong? All out of options? The great Alyx Leonidus isn't as strong as he seems, now is he?" Mikey mocked.

He slowly made his way towards Alyx, who finally stopped struggling, Mikey let out a laugh as he watched him seemingly give up.

"Ha Ha! This is the end of Little Leonidus!" He sang.

Alyx's blank expression turned into a smirk, Mikey stared at him as he began to cackle.

"What in the fuck is so funny, Leonidus?" He retorted.

"I-It's... Just that... Y-You think... That you've won... W-When... I actually have..." Alyx replied.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Sirius" by Eir Aoi)

Alyx's left eye scar began to ignite with Overdrive. His aura slowly surrounded him as he entered his Demon Form and activated his Rage Quirk! The wall behind him exploded with Overdrive energy, freeing him from Mikey's grasp and destroying the concrete that pierced him! He launched towards him, ramming his fist into Mikey's stomach!

"RAAAAAH!!" He shouted.

He threw him out of the building, chasing him back into the building he was at originally. Fists of Overdrive flew at Mikey, pelting him rapidly, sending him next to Hatsume! Alyx grabbed Mikey's neck and the two fell through the wall. Hatsume looked through the newly made hole in the wall.

"H-Holy... Fucking... Shit!" Hatsume squealed.

Alyx's body lit up as he unleashed a wave of Overdrive and Rage into Mikey, slamming him into the ground below! The surge of power completely overwhelmed Mikey!

"H-How... HOW IS HE DOING THIS?!" Mikey thought to himself.

Mikey slowly pulled himself out of the ground as Alyx landed down a few feet away from him.

"Mikaboshi, can you lend me your power?" Alyx asked.

"Of course! As you wish!" He replied.

Mikey stumbled up to his feet, bleeding heavily, as Alyx was enveloped in a bright light. The light began to uncover parts of his body.

"This, is the light of hope, the light of my will. This is... Overdrive: Full Control!" Alyx shouted.

The design of Alyx's earrings were etched and glowing a bright blue on his body. He stared down Mikey who chucked a ball of light at him. It exploded but didn't seem to effect Leonidus! In a flash, he appeared in front of him, slamming his fists into him faster than what anyone could see!


His last fist sent Mikey into a shipping container! Alyx ran into him, driving him through the container, and out to the other side. He zoomed towards him as Mikey bounced off the ground, reeling his hand back, and backhanding him into the ground. Leonidus grabbed Mikey by his hair and slammed him back and forth on the ground. He tossed him up into the air and smirked.

"Total Concentration: Whirlwind Breaker – Stargazer Strike!" Alyx yelled.

Unveiling a brand-new Ultimate Move, his right arm lit up an assortment of brightly shining colors! He darted towards Mikey and slammed his fist into his face. He drove his fist further into Mikey's cheek, the thoughts of the many years of torment ran through Alyx's mind.

"Mikey, even though you're truly the first person I truly despise, you have my respect and gratitude for shaping me into who I am today. Although you've brought me nothing but pain, I doubt I'd be as brave as I am if it weren't for you. If we could've met under different circumstances, I'm sure we would've been great friends, not even the hatred I feel right now would ever change that feeling. Even though you've done horrible things, I truly hope you rest easy, for a painful afterlife is something that I'd never wish for anyone. Not even you, Mikey. I'm ending this, once and for all!" Alyx thought to himself.

"BOOST FIRE: TIMES 100!!" Alyx roared.

His attack threw Mikey into the ground with a mighty blue explosion of light! With a piece of Alyx's past finally behind him, relief was subconsciously given to the doubts and thoughts in his mind. He landed on the ground several feet away from the impact crater his attack left.


I felt Overdrive: Full Control ease from my body, steam rose from my body.

"Alyx!" I heard Hatsume shout.

I slowly turned my head to look at her, Hatsume's eyes lit up with excitement and she jetted over to me. Hatsume moved around my entire body in the blink of an eye.

"Holy hell! Your body, it's perfectly toned! The muscle ratio you have is PERFECT!! Yaoyorozu, I didn't realize you were hiding an amazing test subject from me! Can I use him for anatomy study?! Oh! Maybe even use him to test my new babies out on?! Can I, please?" Hatsume rattled off.

"Hatsume, that is most definitely not going to be allowed. But- OH MY GOODNESS!" Momo replied.

She pointed at my stomach and I looked down, "Oh, look at that, I guess I forgot that I was impaled. Hold on!"

Luckily, I was still in my Demon Form, so I slowly regenerated my wound. I'm still not sure how that works, I should probably ask Aunt Nezuko about it. Hatsume hopped up and held onto my horn.

"YOU'RE A UNICORN?! No, wait... You're not a horse..." Hatsume exclaimed.

I shook my head and smiled, "Good grief..."

After Hatsume stopped rambling, I heard police sirens in the distance, I looked back towards where Mikey laid. I walked over to him and stood next to him. His heartbeat was long gone, I picked him up and walked over to a stretch of grass. I dug him a grave, afterwards, and knelt down in front of it. I sat there quietly for a few moments before standing back up again.

"Darling, what was that? That was quite peculiar." Momo wondered.

"It's what my Great Grandfather and Uncle Zenitsu did whenever there were non-demon casualties out of respect for those who died. My Uncle Inosuke didn't do it at first but he got used to it, I call him 'Uncle' out of respect instead of 'Mr" or something like that, he's basically family." I explained.

The police finally arrived; Detective Naomasa was along with them! I explained everything that happened up to now with them.

"I did what I had to do; I don't kill unless I have a reason to kill. I apologize if I caused anyone harm unintentionally." I ended.

"Actually, no civilian was harmed, so you don't have to worry about that. Although this area got roughed up just a bit, we would have Forth Gear come assist us, but she's out of action. My guess might be permanently, I'm afraid." Naomasa told me.

"W-What? Annie's been hurt? Where is she?" I frantically questioned.

[10 Minutes Later...]

I had Detective Naomasa drive me to the Musutafu Central Hospital since Overdrive: Full Control practically drained everything I had out of me. He gave me a coat to wear since my hero costume was practically toast. I rushed into her room, she looked worse for wear. I quickly stood by her side and held her hand. Annie slowly opened her eyes a bit.

"A-Al... lyx... I-I... Is... That... You...?" She croaked.

"Yes, it is, I'm here." I softly smiled.

She slowly placed her hand on my face. She began to smile as well, from the look in her eyes, I could tell that she was blind. I pulled a vial of Overdrive out of my pouch, I poured it onto my hands, I put one hand on her forehead and one on her stomach. I slowly healed her until the reserve ran out completely.

I closed my pouch, "There, that vial should've been a decent start, I don't want to throw you into shock. Does it hurt if I touch you?"

"No, i-it doesn't... I think... I think I'm okay." Annie replied.

I nodded and quickly hugged her. I didn't let go of her, she placed her hand on my head and hugged me back.

"You smell like asphalt and a bunch of lightbulbs." Annie noted.

"I had a run in with an old 'friend'. He's dead now." I chuckled.

Annie patted my head, "You know, you scare me sometimes, in a good way."

"In a good way? I didn't know there was a good way of scaring someone." I responded.

I stopped hugging her and sat back down.

"So, who exactly did this to you? Was it some sort of villain?" I questioned.

"If I tell you, can you promise me that you won't go after them? At least not right now?" Annie replied.

"Yes, I promise." I nodded.

She looked at me, "Hawks."

What...? There's no way, Hawks wouldn't do something like this, not to someone like Annie. After I stayed with Annie for a few more minutes, I left the room. Hatsume and Momo stood up from their chairs.

"What happened? Is she gonna be alright?" Hatsume asked.

"She's okay, I healed her up a bit, so her recovery should be quicker. But get this... I can't believe it either but... Hawks is apparently responsible for this." I told them.

"What? Alyx, are you certain? I understand the believability of it given the current circumstances, but Hawks attacking a fellow Pro Hero, that just does not make sense whatsoever." Momo replied.

"I'm not sure, I couldn't get a good look at her injuries since she was bandaged up, but that's what she told me. Excuse me for a bit, I gotta make a call." I answered.

I walked towards a window and pulled my phone out. I found his number, thankfully I actually kept his number.

"Kariya?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Are you busy at all right now or are you free?" I wondered.

"I'm hunting down that fucking Hawks bastard, you lookin' for him too or something?" Kariya told me.

I rubbed my eye, "No, not yet. Could you come to the Musutafu Central Hospital, please? I don't want to leave Annie alone just in case he comes back to finish the job."

"Sure thing, I'll be over in a jiffy." He replied.

I hung up and put my phone away. I returned to Hatsume & Momo who had looks of concern on their faces. We walked downstairs and out of the hospital where Detective Naomasa was still waiting for us in his car.

[20 Minutes Later...]

We arrived back at the dorms and Hatsume returned to her workshop. It was oddly quiet in here, even my traditional yell didn't seem to bring anyone downstairs.

"Well, I can assume that we have the dorms to ourselves for a while. I can only guess that everyone else has gone to the hospital to see the others." Momo assumed.

She took her shirt off and folded it up.

I covered my eyes, "Uh... Momz, what exactly are you doing?"

"Hm? Oh, I normally lounge about in the dormitory like this when there's nobody in. It's rather effective at cooling me off." She explained.

"Do you normally go braless or...?" I wondered.

I heard her giggle and she lowered my hands, "I just do not understand you. We've been together for nearly three years now and yet you still do this."

"Well, it's rather impolite to watch a woman cha- HOLY FUCK! IS THAT A BOOB SCAR?!" I beamed.

I took that coat off and pointed at my chest.

"I have one too." I whispered.

"I'm glad that you're ecstatic about my scar, sweetheart. At least I know you're excited by rather simple things." Momo laughed.

I gave her a hug, "Scar buddies!"

"Scar buddies indeed, my love!" She smiled.

One thing definitely was for certain, I had quite a bit more things on my plate, hopefully Momo's skepticism about Hawks is right...