Everyone finally returned home from the hospital today, I made sure to check up on all of them in case they were feeling any minor pains.
"Yo, Laura, just checking in. Are you experiencing any pains at all? Minor or major?" I asked.
"Well... I am experiencing one, it's really bad and I think I need a serious pounding from a brown-haired cutie that's Quirk is called 'Overdrive'." Laura insinuated.
I walked in and activated my Overdrive. I reeled my fist back and looked at her confused.
"Are you sure about this? I don't go out of my way to hurt women unless they've done something horrible, or in this case, request it." I wondered.
"T-THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!" Laura shouted.
I lowered my fist but kept my Overdrive active, I was still confused, what did she mean exactly?
"I guess I forgot you aren't great at social cues... I guess I am ACTUALLY experiencing pain though." Laura continued.
"Oh? Where is it at?" I questioned.
She laid on her stomach and looked at me, "I-It's... It's on my butt and it goes down to my thighs."
I tensed my stomach up and tried not to laugh. You're way above butt jokes, Leonidus... WAAAAY above... I sighed and sat down, I placed my hands on her thighs and slowly healed her.
"Oh yeah... That's it..." Laura muttered aside.
"Huh? What was that?" I asked.
"O-Oh! Nothing! Just talking to myself!" She smiled.
I continued to heal her up, now that I'm thinking about it, this could very well be taken out of context heavily.
"Are you good to go now? I think I've healed everything up." I told her.
"Aaactually, my lower back is in pain too, sorry that I didn't mention that." Laura replied.
I nodded and placed my hands on her lower back. Something hit my back which caused me to fall into her. My face turned red and Laura looked back at me.
"Oh? I didn't think you were so eager about this... Yaoyorozu isn't here, is she?" Laura winked.
I tensed up and quickly sat up, "I-I'm so sorry! Please forgive me, I-I think you might've off balanced me with your foot!"
Laura crawled over to me and got close up to my face.
"Oh, can it, would you? What's the problem with this? We're moving back to Nevada anyway, so just shut up and make love with me already!" She exclaimed.
"T-This is Mina's room you know! Plus, what in the hell are you talking about?! I can't-" I tried to argue.
She placed her hands on my cheeks, "It'll only be 10 minutes! Besides, I know all of your good spots!"
I took a deep breath in and then back out after sighing. There was really only one thing I think I could do to make some sort of compromise.
"How about this, just this once, alright? I guess this should be more than enough to thank you for everything you've done for me." I told her.
I leaned forward and kissed her. We sat there for a moment before I leaned back. I got up from the bed and walked over to her door.
"As far as we know, I only came in here to heal you, nothing more. I don't mean to sound rude, but Momo would lose her shit if she figured out this happened." I announced.
Laura nodded, "O-Okay! Thank you, by the way, Aly."
I smiled and nodded back as I left her room. Good grief... Talk about a start to the day! I went downstairs to the common room to see if Momo had returned yet, unfortunately, she wasn't home.
"Hey, Alyx! Do you have a minute?" Deku asked.
"Oh, sure, what's up?" I replied.
I followed him outside, there waiting for me was Bakugo, Uraraka, and... All Might?! Was he just visiting from Seventh Plane?
"A-All Might? How long have you been here? Aren't you running off of Seventh Plane time?" I wondered.
He looked down at his watch, "Well, to answer your question, I've been here for about 30 minutes."
"WHAT?! YOU'RE ALIVE?! B-But how? Deku and I saw your body back when All For One and the others broke out of Tartarus!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, no, I wasn't at Tartarus. I was actually on vacation at I-Island!" All Might responded.
I was dumbfounded, all this time he was at I-Island!? Are you kidding me?!
"Y-Y... You're serious? You're telling me you faked your death, but why?" I questioned.
"Well, with the Symbol of Peace out of the picture, Shigaraki and All For One would've let their guards down. All of you have made me so proud, especially you four, Young Midoriya, Young Leonidus, Young Bakugo, and Young Uraraka. You four have honestly taken this school's motto rather seriously. There's one more thing I'd like to address, it's about what you did a few days ago, Young Leonidus." All Might explained.
"Oh, that broadcast? What about it?" I replied.
"It seems as if it actually calmed things down around here. I have to say, people must really enjoy having you here, you aren't even a Pro Hero yet! With you around, Young Leonidus, this world will definitely be a better place. I truly can't wait until all of you become Pro Heroes, you'll keep this place safe for sure." All Might smiled.
I walked over and gave him a hug. I couldn't help but laugh out of joy, not because of the fact that he's alive, but I guess because the one thing I needed to hear came from him.
"So, how did you talk to me, Deku, Kendo, and everyone else then?" I asked.
All Might placed his hand on my head, "Holograms, my boy, technology is advancing you know!"
Shortly after, Jiro, Mina, and Momo returned to the dorms. They were as surprised to see All Might just like I was. He also knew about the whole situation with Toya's message, I told them everything that Hawks told me, and what seemingly happened as a result.
"Hawks? He hurt your sister? Are you sure, Young Leonidus?" He replied.
"I can't say for sure since I couldn't get a look at her wounds, but that's what she keeps insisting. My brother Kariya's been staying with her at the hospital while I've been gathering up clues to his whereabouts. It's almost as if he's gone off the face of the planet." I continued.
All Might nodded at me, "I see, let's just hope that it isn't true. If Hawks did do that, him becoming a villain won't exactly be a good thing, and I mean that."
[Later That Night...]
After All Might revisited us after nearly 2 years since his "death", I showered and went to bed. The girls were having some sort of slumber party in Mina's dorm, so this was the first time in a while that I'd be sleeping alone. It didn't take me too long to fall asleep.
[30 Minutes Later...]
(I.R.P.: Listen to "Villain" from My Hero Academia)
"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" I heard Hawks' voice.
I opened my eyes and found myself gagged and bound to a chair with my hands tied behind my back. What in the hell was he doing?
"I heard you and that brother of yours were looking for me. I figured I should find you instead, being that you're the strongest, right? That little incident with your sister, I'm surprised she even survived, it's not exactly ideal though. She was going to spill my secret but... I just couldn't let her do that, now, could I? Right now, I've got some loose ends to tie up, thanks for the idea by the way." Hawks smirked.
Hawks walked out of the room but stopped in front of the door way. He turned around and faced me.
"You can try and escape if you'd like, but just know, there's armed turrets in that room waiting for you to activate your Quirk. I'm sure you can guess what'll happen, see ya, Alyx." He waved and smiled.
The door closed, leaving me in the dimly lit room, I looked forward and saw the two turrets. Was this his plan the entire time? There's nothing in here that I can use to cut the rope tying my hands together. The only thing I could do now what's most likely nothing, but that was definitely out of the question. I needed to get out of here and fast. I looked down at my feet and noticed a bottle, I kicked it towards the turrets, but they didn't fire at me or the bottle.
At least that answers my question, I can move freely, but I can't use my Quirk. In the other room, I could've sworn I heard muffled cries from multiple people, maybe four at least. I blinked three times and activated my lenses' Interface Mode.
"Heya, Alyx! You do realize that it's almost 9... Why are there turrets in front of you?" Hatsume questioned.
Being that I was gagged, I couldn't speak, but I could at least move. I looked down at my feet and stomped once with my left foot and then once with my right. The floor was caked in dust, so I was able to mark "Y" with my left foot and "N" with my right.
"Okay... Are you in danger?" She asked.
I tapped my left foot.
"Do you know where you're at?" Hatsume asked another question.
I tapped my right foot.
"Alright... Were you kidnapped by a villain?" She questioned.
I tapped my right foot.
"Then what? A Pro Hero?" She joked.
I tapped my left foot urgently. She was silent for a bit before speaking.
"I-Is... Is it Hawks?" She fretted.
I urgently tapped my left foot yet again.
"Oh my god... I'll go get help! Just hang in there!" Hatsume told me.
She left my Interface Mode and I exited out of it by blinking three times. When Hawks said he was gonna tie up loose ends, did he mean he was going after the former League? If that's the case, things aren't going to end well for them, not at all. The one question I had was whether or not these turrets were calibrated to fire at me if I entered my Demon Form. I had to risk it, it was really the only way out of this room. I closed my eyes and drifted into my Demon Form. The turrets didn't fire at me! I guess he didn't think that one through! I chewed through the gagged and broke out of the binds.
I'd imagine this place is set up against my Quirks. After the Hosu City Incident, I bet Hawks thought I wasn't ever going to use my Demon Transformation again. I quickly dismantled the turrets in the room before unlocking the doors with my claws. I opened the door slowly, there weren't any traps in this room, thankfully. I heard the muffled cries in the room to my right, I just couldn't leave these people here, I opened the door and peered inside. It was a family of four people, rightfully scared out of their minds, they were beaten and bruised. The oldest looked to be about 34, the youngest looked to be about 14.
I walked into the room and they freaked out.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm getting you out of here." I reassured them.
I untied and ungagged them.
"Please, you have to get us out of here, he's been doing unspeakable things to all of us!" The woman begged.
She held onto me and sobbed violently, and hugged her back and calmed her down.
"Listen, it's going to be okay, he's not gonna hurt any of you anymore. He's gonna have to go through me before that happens." I replied.
"D-Did you get kidnapped too?" The boy asked.
I nodded at him, "I did, I'm surprised that he didn't get caught though. I guess that's the perks of being a well-known Pro Hero."
I motioned them to follow me, I peeked outside of the door, he still wasn't back. He must've flown back to Musutafu. We quietly snuck out and walked over towards a shutter door.
"Okay, I'm gonna lift this up, you guys need to go under it. Alright, 3... 2... 1..." I told them.
I lifted up the shutter door but was blasted back by sharp feathers that pierced my body. I slammed against a bunch of barrels and Hawks stepped into the room.
"Well, it looks like you did find a way out. I knew I shouldn't have doubted you, Alyx. Unfortunately, none of your little former villain friends were home, so I made my way back here." Hawks applauded.
I tossed a barrel to the side, "Why...? Why in the hell are you doing this? Your problem is with me, not these people, let them go!"
"Still caring about others rather than yourself? I used to do that, but look where that got me." Hawks retorted.
The feathers he had retracted out of my body and flew over to him. The family I saved ran for their lives, Hawks thankfully didn't do anything to them. I smirked and chuckled.
"You really have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, have you?" I questioned.
Hawks looked rather confused, right before he spoke, I held my fist out and closed it. Nothing happened! Wasn't there supposed to be flames and then a boom?
"Huh, how unfortunate." Hawks smirked.
I heard something snap and I turned around. I got hit in the face with some sort of metal pipe and I blacked out.
[The Next Day...]
I woke up with a splitting headache. I was in some sort of room but I wasn't tied up. Those spots that Hawks' feathers hit me at must've really done a number on me, since I could barely move without being in pain. The smug bastard must've put me here for a reason, in all honesty, it felt like he beat the hell out of me after I got hit by that pipe. He's most likely sealed off that shutter door by now. He knows all of my techniques as well, so there's nothing I can use to get out of here, at least not yet. Hopefully everyone was out looking for me.
I stumbled up to my feet and walked over to the door. I had no way of telling whether or not if Hawks was on the other side, so I stood quietly and listened. After a minute, I opened the door to an empty room. It wouldn't be long before he comes back, I'd imagine, so I had to be quick about this. I stood in front of the shutter door and blasted it open with a Flash Cannon. I reconstructed the door and then made a break for it. I had no clue where I was, but all I knew was to just keep running.
After about five minutes of running, I found some decrepit little building in the distance. I hurried over to it and made my way inside.
"Oh, a skeleton, great." I muttered.
I heard something launched towards me and slammed me through the wall. I rolled off the ground and heard the flapping of wings. I heard Hawks walk over to me.
"You're really stubborn you know. Remarkable, but rather annoying." Hawks growled.
He stopped walking towards me and slowly floated off the ground, I looked up and smirked.
"You get your goddamn hands off of my son." My Mother fumed.