I looked up as my mother slammed Hawks through multiple trees. If she was here... Does that mean that other people are here as well? Judging by the way things are, they must all be spread out, that's really the only explanation. I stumbled up to my feet and caught my breath finally. I heard something fly towards her and I darted in front of her.
One of Hawks' Feather Blades hit Alyx dead on his forehead, saving his mother in the process, but at what cost? He recoiled back and hit the ground.
"Alyx? Alyx!?" Marie shouted.
She knelt down and carefully took the feather out of his forehead, the realization of his actions finally hit Hawks, he potentially just murdered a student. As he heard the others approach him, he took off into the sky.
"Marie! What happened?" Shota questioned.
Kariya stepped forward and quickly knelt down next to his mother and younger brother.
"That goddamn bastard might've just either killed my brother or potentially just made him lose his memory again." Kariya replied.
He activated his Overdrive and began to heal him, thankfully, he still was alive just unconscious. They all stood idly, waiting for Alyx to wake up.
I slowly opened my eyes, I saw the outlines of Mom and Kariya, where was I?
"M-Mom...? K-K... Kariya?" I muttered.
"Oh my god! He's okay!" My Mother cried as she hugged me.
I don't know why, but the only person I could think about was Momo, I quickly sat up and looked around.
"W-Where's... Where's Momo? Where's Momo?!" I frantically asked.
Kariya placed his hand on my back, "Easy there! You keep breathing like that and you'll start hyperventilating."
I stumbled up to my feet but nearly lost my balance. Momo emerged from the group of Pro Heroes.
"Hey! It's alright, I'm here!" She reassured me.
I gave her a hug but didn't let go. As soon as my head hit her shoulder, my eyes grew heavy, and I fell asleep.
[20 Minutes Later...]
I woke up on an R.V. bed? I looked over to my right and saw Camie.
"Yo! You were slumpt for a while. Bro, you were totes freaking out earlier, but I can understand why." Camie beamed.
"Huh...? Where's Momo at? Also, why are we in an R.V.?" I asked.
She sat down next to me, "I used an illusion, your boo-thing is all good at home. Dunno why we're in an R.V., shits def fabulous though!"
"Ah, okay. I guess Hawks got away, right?" I replied.
"Yessir, dude skirted out of there before we could catch his fade." Camie told me.
(I.R.P.: Listen to "You Can Become A Hero" from My Hero Academia)
She's definitely got an eccentric way of speaking, I guess I kind of forgot about it! I felt my phone vibrate now that I actually had service on it. I got a text from Shoto that simply said "safe?" I smiled and texted him back "Yep!" Although I was honestly feeling rather sore from all of this bullshit. The more I think about it, if I had a dollar for every time I've been kidnapped, I'd have like three dollars. It doesn't sound like much, but it's weird that it's happened three times now.
"Hey, Camie, is my Mother riding in here as well?" I questioned.
"Yeppers!" She responded.
I got up and left the bedroom. I found my Mother sitting down looking out of the window. I sat down in front of her and she broke her trance.
"Oh, Alyx! I'm glad to see your awake, sweetheart! How's your head feeling?" My Mother smiled.
I smiled back at her and looked out of the window.
"My head's doing alright, at least, I think. Mom, did they tell you everything? Like, about what I've done?" I wondered.
She placed her hand on top of mine, "They did, although it was reckless, you did what you had to do. You did the right thing by keeping everyone safe from the League."
"But... Bakugo and Dad... I couldn't save them." I lamented.
"And that's okay, Katsuki is alright, isn't he? I feel as much of the blame as you for your Father's death. Every day I just wish I told him to stay home instead of going out. What they had you do pales in comparison to all of the good you've brought to Japan, that's why the people here listened to you, even after those wrongdoings. Your positives outweigh the negatives, that's why..." My Mother told me.
She gave me the warmest, motherly smile imaginable, "...You're our hero, Alyx!"
My eyes slightly widened and I began to cry. I put my face in my arm to wipe away the tears, I heard my Mother get up and sit down next to me, she put both of her arms around me as I cried into her.
"T-Thank you... Thank you so much, Mom!" I wept.
"Rest now, sweetheart. You've been through quite a lot." My Mother consoled.
[Several Hours Later...]
I returned to the dorms and was greeted warmly by everyone.
"Dude! We thought you died! Actually, on second thought, never mind." Kaminari exclaimed.
"I think I'm gonna just stay away from any form of secret agent activity from now on! Also, I'm gonna lock my balcony door from now on." I laughed.
I looked around at all of the smiling faces in the room, one person was missing though. After giving everyone a huge hug, I stood there confused.
"She's up in your room if you're wondering." Jiro told me.
I nodded and hiked it up to my room. I opened my door slowly and saw her standing in the middle of my room with my first hero costume on! Where'd she find that at? I walked into my room which caused her to turn around.
"Hey, that actually looks good on you. Way more than it did on me that's for sure!" I grinned.
She hurried over and jumped onto me, "Y-You're okay! Thank goodness!"
Momo kissed me and laid her head on my shoulder.
"O-Ouch... I'm still kind of sore... Everywhere." I lightly chuckled.
She dropped back down onto the floor and I sat down on my bed. Momo sat down next to me to message my arm.
"So, we all went out shopping yesterday. I believe I've bought some clothing that looks rather adorable. Would you like to see an outfit, darling?" Momo smiled.
"I'd love to!" I responded.
She left my room and returned about 5 minutes later. She was wearing a short white dress with a cute little flower design.
"I know it's not in season but it was on sale so I figured I'd purchase it while it was still there." Momo noted.
"Woah... Very pretty! You look gorgeous!" I beamed.
She put her hair down, "Thank you, darling! I knew you'd love it."
I yawned and laid down on my bed. I was terribly exhausted after this whole Hawks shenanigans. Momo left my room to change into something comfortable, I pulled my phone out and texted my mother. I asked if I could talk to her about something after school tomorrow. She, of course, responded with yes. Momo returned to my room wearing a blue tank top and black sweatpants.
"Well, look at that, it seems like you can pull off just about any look." I smiled.
"Oh, stop it, you!" Momo blushed.
She laid down next to me and sighed. Hopefully the other Pro Heroes would be able to find Hawks. And HOPEFULLY, school tomorrow won't be anything to boring, although I guess I'd prefer that than the shit that happened today and yesterday. Nonetheless, I was really glad to be back home! I cuddled up next to Momo and fell asleep once more.
"Hey... Wake up, Alyx." I heard a woman's voice.
I woke up and found myself standing up with a woman in front of me. This time, I was able to speak, but I couldn't move.
"Y-You're... You're that woman I saw when Deku and I fought All For One." I remarked.
"That's correct! My name is Nana Shimura, the seventh user of One For All. You've made quite a name for yourself, Alyx Leonidus." She smiled.
I fell to the ground, or well, the solid white ground. I stood up and brushed myself off.
"First All For One, now this. At least you aren't trying to make me 'accept your gift'." I joked.
"Ah, so he's still in your head, huh? That guy just doesn't quit, does he?" She laughed.
I shook my head and laughed with her, "No, apparently not! I do have my fair share of voices though."
"Amatsu Mikaboshi? You must've really had your hands full with that one." Nana noted.
"And what exactly are you stating?" Mikaboshi asked.
He phased out of me and stood next to me with his arms crossed. Nana placed her hand on his head.
"Take it easy, would ya? It doesn't hurt to smile once every now and then." Nana told him.
She motioned for us to follow her. Nana started walking and Mikaboshi looked at me.
"Must I really partake in this mundane activity?" Mikaboshi complained.
"You really must not want me to sneak you any of Mina and Hagakure's Casserole anymore, do you?" I countered.
He remained silent as we continued to follow Nana. We eventually stopped and she turned around to face me. She held her hand out to me.
"Come on, don't be afraid, take my hand." She smiled softly.
I slowly reached my hand out towards hers and grabbed it. The area around me exploded into a rainbow of colors. It felt like I was going forward and fast, then the entire area turned into black. I couldn't see anything until a light flashed onto me.
"Hmm... I see, your heart is rather conflicted. Could you tell me who you love more out of these two images?" Nana's voice echoed.
"Seriously...?" I mumbled aside.
Momo and Laura appeared in front of me, seemingly from the first time I seen them, I looked at both of them. I guess it was time to make an ultimatum. I walked over to Momo and stood in front of her.
"Alright! Now that that's settled, we can continue." Nana told me.
Everything exploded into a rainbow of colors once more. There were loud booms and cracks of what sounded like thunder. Everything stopped but the area was still a multitude of colors.
"Alyx Leonidus. You have come far, my son, the coming days shall be difficult. But do not fret, for your strength will guide you." A man's voice boomed.
"W-Who... Who are you?" I asked.
"You shall know in due time, Alyx. But for now, I bid you farewell, my son." He replied.
A flash of white light blinded me and I finally woke up. Momo was asleep next to me, I looked over at my alarm clock, it was 2:14 in the morning. My entire body felt tingly and I carefully pulled my blankets off me. My veins were glowing a luminescent blue! After a few seconds, the glowing stopped and my body returned to normal. Whoever that was, they must've been affiliated with Nana in some way, maybe? I tossed my blankets back over me and put my arms around Momo. She slightly opened her eyes and yawned.
"Darling... Did you have a nightmare?" Momo sleepily wondered.
"No, thankfully I didn't. But I happened to have a rather interesting dream." I replied.
She moved closer to me, "Oh... Okay. You should tell me about it tomorrow."
I already know I'll be talking to Deku about it. Him and All Might should at least give me some sort of answers as to what I saw.