A Third-Year Christmas! A Heavenly Return!

"Babe... Baaaaaby... Alyx, wake up..." I heard Momo's voice.

"Huh...? What?" I sleepily responded.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, I sat up in her bed before blinking a few times. Momo held out a present, I stared at it for a bit, I guess I almost forgot it was Christmas! I took the present from her and opened it. I wasn't sure what it was at first, I held it in the palm of my hand and looked at it.

"Momo, I'm blind." I told her.

"Oh, apologies! Let me get your contacts." Momo giggled.

She went over to her nightstand and grabbed my contacts. She helped me put them in and now I could actually see what it was. It was one of those matryoshka dolls! It looked like me in my hero costume.

"I love it already! It looks really cute! Thank you, Momz." I smiled.

"No problem, darling, I knew you'd love it!" Momo beamed.

"We should check to see if everyone else is awake, I'm pretty sure Kaminari is already downstairs." I responded.

We got up to head to the Common Room. Sato, Uraraka, Deku, and Bakugo were already up preparing Christmas lunch. It smelt like heaven in the kitchen, Mikaboshi phased out of me and smelled the air as well.

"Ah, a feast is bound. It's rather unusual that you mortals don't eat like this every day. Is this that 'Christmas' you all celebrate each year?" Mikaboshi told me.

I nodded at him, "Yep! Trust me, I'd eat like this every single day if I could!"

"Hey, Mikaboshi, eat this." Bakugo announced.

He walked forward and handed him a cupcake. Mikaboshi studied it, his eyes narrowed as he inspected it. He took a bite out of it and his eyes widened.


He quickly floated over to the kitchen, "Ochako Uraraka, Rikido Sato, what exactly are these delightful treats?"

"Good grief..." I sighed.

Everyone eventually made their way downstairs. I got a whole bunch of things from everyone! One present I really liked was from Tokoyami, he gave me this incense burner, it looked like a wisteria tree! There was a knock at the door, Hatsume walked in.

"Heya! I thought I should drop by and deliver a present!" She bubbled.

She threw a capsule at me, I caught it and looked at it.

"Uh, what is this?" I asked.

"Try it out! I'm sure there's enough room in here for it." Hatsume grinned.

I nodded at her and pressed the tab down on the capsule. I threw it in the middle of the Common Room. A giant stuffed bird that looked like Chuntaro appeared in the middle of the room.

"That's perfect! Luna should come down here any minute now, so get ready for her to go feral." I warned.

The dormitory phone rang, Deku picked it up, "Hey, you've reached the 3-A Heights Alliance dormitory, this is Izuku. Uh huh... Oh, really? He did? I'll tell him for you, Mr. Aizawa, thank you!"

Deku motioned me to come to him. I walked over and he leaned forward.

"That ring you bought for Yaoyorozu, it's here, Mr. Aizawa is waiting outside of the dorms." He whispered.

I nodded and hurried outside. There Mr. Aizawa was, standing there with snow on his shoulders, holding a small box.

"How long have you been standing out here for?" I wondered.

"About five minutes now, you kids really need to start answering phone calls." Mr. Aizawa grumbled.

"Sorry about that, thank you, Mr. Aizawa!" I chuckled.

He handed me the box and walked back to U.A. I looked down at it, a part of me regretted even buying it, since I was never going to get the chance to actually give it to her. Unless I just give it to her as a Christmas present, that could work but... I walked back into the dorms with the box in my right pocket.

"Yo, what'd you go out there for?" Kaminari asked.

"I told Mr. Aizawa that I'd give him a present! I know we all chipped in to buy him one, but I just wanted to give him another thing." I lied.

"Oh, cool. Well, everything's almost done cooking, I suggest you don't fill up on candy like last year." Shinso chimed in.

I crossed my arms, "What if I do? You can't-"

I stopped talking, everything went hazy around me, are you serious right now...

"Repeat after me, 'I'm not touching my candy until after I eat lunch'." Shinso commanded.

"I won't touch my candy until after I eat lunch." I deadpanned.

I fell out of Shinso's Brainwashing, now that I've said that, I really don't feel like eating my candy. Afterwards, I took the box up to my room. I walked out onto my balcony and looked up at the sky. I thought about throwing it to the wind, what good was it gonna be if I was moving back to Nevada anyway? What should I even do?

"Whatcha got there?" Momo wondered.

"H-HOLY SHIT!" I yelped.

I nearly dropped the box off the balcony. I caught my breath after my soul nearly left my body. I closed my eyes and sighed.

(I.R.P.: Listen to Oliver Hoss' cover of "Mizuhara's Theme" from Kanojo, Okarishimasu)

"W-Well... Do you remember that ring you were looking at a while ago?" I asked.

"Yes, what about it?" Momo replied.

I handed her the box, she unsealed the packaging and opened it. Her eyes widened with delight.

"Y-You bought me this? Was this a Christmas gift for me, Alyx?" Momo wondered.

I leaned forward onto the balcony railing, "No, it wasn't, actually."

"Huh?" Momo uttered.

"It was... I-It..." I stuttered.

I quickly turned to face Momo.

"It was supposed to be an engagement ring! But being the idiot that I am, I forgot that I was moving back to Nevada, so I didn't understand why I would've bought it if I was just gonna end up leaving anyway! So, I didn't know what to do with it, I was thinking about just giving it away but I couldn't do that! Now I'm sitting here with a ring that should've had some sort of meaning, but I was too much of an idiot to realize that it couldn't have had meaning to begin with!" I burst out.

Momo's mouth slightly opened, almost as if she was wanting to say something. My arms fell to the side and I returned to leaning back onto the railing.

"And now... It really won't have any meaning anymore." I lamented.

I heard the package drop onto the ground, Momo approached me and we kissed. We sat there for a few minutes, lips firmly locked, she moved her hands from my cheeks and threw her arms around me. She stopped kissing me and pressed her forehead gently against mine.

"It does have meaning, Aly. It has way more meaning to me than what you're thinking. The fact that you went out of your way to buy me that ring means that you truly do want to spend the rest of eternity with me, not only that, but it also means that you'll be with me no matter where you are." Momo expressed.

Momo moved away from me and picked the package back up. She brushed the snow off of it and handed it to me. I guess I wasn't thinking about it like she was. I opened the package and pulled out the smaller, soft feeling box. I took the ring out and placed it on her ring finger. Momo looked down at her new ring.

"I love it, thank you, Alyx." She cooed.

"So, is this the part where we get trashed on breadsticks at Olive Garden?" I smirked.

Momo hugged me, "Yeah, it is."

"Hey! Food's ready!" I heard Kirishima shout to us.

I looked down from my balcony at him. Why didn't he just come upstairs?

"Alright! We'll be down in a minute!" I yelled to him.

Kirishima gave me a thumbs up and I turned back to Momo. I exhaled then smiled at her.

[One Hour Later...]

After I had about, 5 plates of food to myself, I told everyone that I was going to visit my Mother. I landed down in front of the house and rang the doorbell. My Mother came to the door, she let me inside, the house was oddly quiet. My Mother stopped in the middle of the entryway.

"Alyx..." She spoke up.

My Mother didn't turn around at all. Was there something wrong? I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Mom? Is everything okay?" I worried.

I felt her place her hand on top of mine, "Everything's fine, sweetheart. I just... You've grown up so much already, it's like you're a Pro Hero already. I'm proud of you but the path you're taking towards it, I feel like it's been one misfortune after another."

I looked down at my right arm, the mirror to the left of me showed my burn scar that went alongside my face and down my neck. I tossed my right arm to the side, I placed my hand on my shoulder, I started to heal back my arm. I then placed my hand on the right side of my face, the burn scar I had healed up completely. My Mother turned around and looked at the ground, her eyes slightly widened as she slowly looked up at me.

"Dojyaaan!" I grinned.

She held my right hand; her eyes began to tear up as she closed them. I hugged her with an actual arm this time. I could tell that it was probably the best Christmas present that I could've gotten her.

"How's Liz doing?" I wondered.

"She's been okay, her and Kariya have been getting to know each other more." My Mother slightly sniffled.

I looked to my right, "I don't suppose you want my arm lying around, unless you're some sort of arm collector now."

"Alyx, if I collected arms, I'd start with my enemies first. Trust me, I'd have quite a bit on display!" She chuckled.

"That's totally not unsettling." I laughed.

I heard little footsteps coming racing down the stairs. Liz slid into the entryway at near Mach 5 speeds! She was bouncing up and down with immense excitement.

"Aly! Aly!" She quickly exclaimed.

I used one hand to pick her up by her head. She grinned wildly at me and I smiled back at her.

"Hey! Have you been doing good in school, Liz?" I asked.

"Uh huh! Mommy and Kariya said that if I get good grades in January, she'll teach me how to fly!" Liz beamed.

"That's awesome, kiddo!" I replied.

I set her back down onto the ground and she hugged my leg. I patted her head before looking at my Mother.

"There's something I need to tell you, it's nothing bad, just something I thought I needed to say." I telepathically told her.

She nodded at me, "Liz, why don't you go open presents with Kariya? I'll be in the living room in a bit!"

Liz turned and high-tailed it into the living room. How was I supposed to word this? No matter how I say it, it'll sound like it's her fault, and I don't want that.

"I guess there's no way to put this without making it sound rude, so I apologize and don't want you to think you're at fault, because you aren't in the slightest bit. I've been wanting to tell you this but... I... I asked Momo's Father if I could marry her a while ago, and I bought an engagement ring too. But I completely forgot that we were moving back to Nevada, so I gave it to her anyway and told her what it was for. I guess I was an idiot for thinking like that, huh?" I confessed.

"Alyx, you aren't an idiot for thinking like that. Here, I can let you have this, I don't really have much need for it in the grand scheme of things." My Mother reassured.

She slipped the ring that was on her finger off and held it out to me.

"M-Mom, I... I can't take that, isn't that your wedding ring?" I wondered.

"Yes, but I'm sure your Father wouldn't mind it, I think he'd want you to have it." She responded.

She placed it in my hand and closed it, "You give that to her when she's ready, alright?"

"W-Wait, does that mean we aren't...?" I questioned.

My Mother smiled at me, my eyes widened with joy, I gave her the biggest hug and warmest smile I've ever given anyone in my entire life. I couldn't believe it!"

"Merry Christmas, sweetheart." My Mother cooed.

I saw Kariya poke his head around the entryway door, "Hey! Long time no see, kid."

I looked up at him, I saw a genuine smile on his face. Annie walked by with a bag of candy that she was stuffing her face with. She stopped right next to Kariya as well.

"Annie! Did you see my new toy?" Liz exclaimed from behind her.

I heard the front door open, I stopping hugging my Mother and turned around. A man took a long coat off and hung it up, he then took his hat off and put it on the rack next to him. That hair... He turned around and gave us a smile.

"I'm home." My Father spoke softly.

We all stood there in disbelief, then I remembered that trial that Laura told me about.

"Dad!" I cried out.

Tears of joy fell down my face as I rushed towards him. Everyone else followed suite, we nearly knocked him over! I looked up at the window, I say Chiyoko, she smiled and waved at me before fading away.

"Chiyoko... Thank you... Thank you so much..." I muttered aside.