
Ariana's innocent and kind reaction put the man in such an awkward position, that he didn't even know if he should go down now… or rather run away… he finally slipped during the big nesting.


The next moment what he saw, was the girl in the shallow water beneath him, and he saw his own reflection in her beautiful eyes.

Their noses touched for a second, then Jürgen blushed and straightened out his arms.

In this way, however, he could see even more as the soaked dress of the beautiful creature eroticly stucked to her body.

"As if the rays of the sun were shining on me…"

She smoothed the man's wandering locks with a soft smile on her face.

"So beautiful…"

Jürgen forgot to take a breath for a moment… he was completely esmerized by the sight, then when he noticed he hurriedly stood up, and ran away.

'This… yet what was it? I'm completely out of my mind… '

He hurriedly tore open the door overgrown with amber.

Jürgen returned to the palace a little troubled.

"Shit! Did she recognize me? No… it can't be, since we've never met… and it's not even certain that she's the queen… I mean her hair and eye color are right… but her attire… her behavior… "

He chewed his nails nervously…

"I shouldn't have run away like that… what the hell is wrong with me? I should have calmly played the role of the lost servant all along… Argh! "

He swept the objects on his desk in anger.

"Is everything all right, Your Majesty?"

One of the knights, Archibald, entered anxiously at this time.

He was Jürgen's right hand… and also his biggest fan. A brown-haired man in his 30s, he took every opportunity to be close to his love.

"Of course, I just accidentally knocked something down… Hehe…"

He smiled charmingly.

"I see, I'm sorry I bothered you."

Satisfied, after seeing the angelic smile, Archibald went back to his place.

"Ah… these peasants…are so tiring."

Jürgen sighed.

He sat down in his chair and thought about today's incident,and the way he could smooth things out the easiest.

"The king may never visit the girl… and then there will be no one to complain about… but the fact that a secret door leads straight to the queen's court… is more than worrying…"

Either way he thought, the only solution seemed to be to go back tomorrow, and make sure of her identity… and whether she was at all aware of who she was dealing with.

In the evening, he soaked himself in a pleasant bath. The maids lit aroma candles, and the man closed his eyes to make the seance even more relaxing.


He spoke once.

"Yes sir! It is now the most popular fragrance in the capital… I thought you would like it too. "

The maid remarked.

'The girl… had just such a scent… sweet… cherry scent…'

"Does the queen use the same as me?"

He finally asked sarcastically.

"I… I don't know Lord… but I certainly… I would never…"

"Throw out the candles. I want a lavender scent. Now."


The maid throw out the candles and lit new ones.

This woman was Jürgen's personal servant, Josephine. An older woman in her 40's who was brought with him from his parental home. Josephine knew her master very well, so Jürgen had never hidden his true self before her.

As he combed his hair while sitting in front of the mirror before going to bed, the light on the blonde strands shone.

"The rays of the sun… huh?"

He caught a lock of hair.

"She can use words very well…that's for sure."

He smiled to himself.