Balloon of lies

The next morning he escaped through the secret tunnel again.

Once again, he reached the lake before the queen, he hid in the shade and waited.

Soon he heard a horse pounding and saw Ariana riding on a black horse in a white dress.

Even on their first meeting, he noticed that the girl's smile was really beautiful… but as she sat on the majestic animal… she looked like a fairy who had just stepped out of a storybook.

"A truly beautiful creation."

He finally spoke.

"Yes, it is."

The answer sounded, then she turned and smiled.

"Did you return home safe and sound yesterday?"


Jürgen nodded, but was embarrassed for a moment by Ariana's immediacy.

"Actually… I wanted to apologize… for… '

But he was interrupted.

"You're hurt!"

She looked up at him innocently, her eyes was full of concern.

'How can someone… be so selfless? How can you be so naive? '

"Abrasion only…"

Jürgen blushed. That's when he saw that she wanted to take care of his wounds.

'Oh, come on… it's nothing… You don't have to play the spirit of charity here… I won't feel like I'm your debtor for this…'

"It's really not necessary."

He tried to get rid of Ariana's worried gaze.

"Of course it is necessary! And if it gets infected? And… you fell off the tree, because of me anyway! "

'Ah… but you know what to say …'

He finally gave in and let the wound be treated.

"Thank you."

The man smoothed the bandage.

"Please. My name is Ariana, I am very happy to meet you! "

Smiling, she offered her hand.

"My name is… Jü… zef…"

'So… really she is… the queen.'

Jürgen froze for a moment… he knew deep down who he was up against, but for some reason he hoped until the last moment that he was only lucky for an innocent servant.

"I am very glad to meet you Jüzef!"

She shook his hand.

'My God, I'm such a bad liar…'

He scolded himself for introducing himself almost in his own name.

"I am so glad to meet you Jüzef!"

But she visibly had no idea, and she shook his hand happily.

"You have a really interesting name, maybe you have foreign ancestors?"

'Maybe it's because I just figured this name out…'

"Yes, my mother is from a neighboring country."

'It's not a lie after all.'

"It must have been interesting to grow up in a family where two cultures meet."

"Yes, it was."

'Family? I don't even know how to write it… '

She walked back to the horse and stroked it.

"And what position do you hold in the palace?"

'Well, fuck… I tought about lying..I just didn't think about the lie itself… she must have noticed that I am a man… then what… what… should I say?'

"Um, I'm a stableman."

"If you're here again, does that mean you're going to work here?"

'One good question after another… why did I come back by the way?'

"Yes, Yes. Yesterday was my first working day, I was just so surprised… that… "

'How do I climb out of this?'

"It's alright Jüzef, accidents happen, it can't be helped."

She laughed.

'WHAT the hell am I doing? I just had to say I was lost… and would never come here again… why do I continue to blow a balloon of lies? '