No regrets

Ariana sobbed and thanked the doctor for her help.

"Unfortunately, there is a good chance that Lord Jürgen will follow you to the inn."

She added in frustration.

"For me, the two or three days I can spend at rest mean a lot - moreover - I never thought I would ever get out of the walls of the palace alive - so I will be forever grateful."

She took the doctor's hands with a smile.

The doctor's heart clenched at the girl's words, unfortunately she knew they had a basis in reality.

Ariana sat happily in the carriage, though she could only move with the help of the two maids, as the king had "thoroughly" loved her one last time before her leave.

Kathy and Kelly were the lucky ones, accompanied by 4 guards, leaving the palace on the side of their Mistress in the greatest secret.

Although Jürgen announced that he would join the Queen on Day 4, Ariana was thus able to rest more without being harassing by the two men, than at any time in the past two years.

The inn was reserved exclusively for the queen and her staff, so she was able to relax undisturbed. The trip to the distant range took a day with carriage, but she could still soak her tired body in the healing water for 5 days.

Ariana fell asleep on the road, she was so tired that the constant rumbling of the carriage didn't even wake her up. When they arrived at the modest accommodation, after a hearty dinner, she walked to the small outdoor lake in the garden. Although it was winter, the steam of the hot water made her completely forget that there was a snowy landscape beyond the walls of the inn.

She was happily immersed in the hot water and, true to the news of the lake, immediately exerted its beneficial effects.

For the next two days, Ariana bathed as much as she could in the medicinal water, soaking her naked body. The carefree environment also brought back her zest for life and appetite. Smiling, she ate delicious cakes and pastries.

"This is paradise!"

She leaned back, stroking her belly contentedly.

"It's a shame Jürgen will be here tomorrow night…"

She said depressedly, but soon let go of the joy-destroying thought.

"Kathy prepare new towels, I'll take another bath before going to bed."

"Immediately Mistress!"

The staff was also in a good mood. Unlike the Queen, they could have gone out into town, but unfortunately they hadn't gotten any further in the last two years, as they only had 1 or 2 days off a week.

Ariana walked in a white silk robe to the shores of the tiny lake lined with stones, the suddenly she noticed the sound of a metal collision.

"Protect the Queen!"

There was a shout from the entrance of the inn. The two maids ran to the girl in fright, when a huge masked man jumped in front of them.


The queen remarked in horror. She knew many nobles wished for her death, but she had no idea that they would aim for her life so soon.

Meanwhile, two other masked figures in black appeared from the direction of the shout.

Frightened, the two girls collapsed to the ground and raised their arms above their heads as defense, as the large assassin raised his arm to strike at them, Ariana shouted at him.

"Stop! I am the queen, have you come for my head or not? "

The assassins looked at her. The surprised leader figure turned, leaving the maids untouched, and stepped in front of the girl.

"They're… just innocent children."

From up close the huge dark figure was even scarier and more powerful, standing barely half a meter away from her. Trembling, she tried to protect the life of the begging young maids.

'They didn't do anything… I can't let them be slaughtered… they're even younger than me… they haven't even lived!'

"Here I am!"

The young queen spread her arms, offering her life to the attackers.

"Feel free to execute me, but please, spare the life of the staff. "

There were no tears in her eyes. She was aware of it… she always knew this wasn't going to be a long life either… and so… she was sincerely happy in her last minutes. She had no regrets.

Although the man's face was covered with a mask, and only the two hazel eyes were visible, Ariana could see from the position of her eyes that he was smiling.

The assassin raised his sword and struck down the weak girl, who collapsed like a rag doll, straight into the man's arms.


There was a bitter scream of the two maids as they watched with a look clouded by tears, as the assassins took their beloved mistress's bodies with them.