I need to see her!

A man with gray hair, and a fat body dressed in gold, walked down a long spiral staircase that led to a secret room.

"Now that Baron Livetna is here, we can even start the meeting."

Count Spindell at the head of the table spoke, as the Baron entered the room.

At a huge table, a total of 12 nobles occupied a room lit by candles and torches.

"We've just been waiting long enough! The queen is clearly either barren, or the king refuses to touch her! "

Slapped on the table an older nobleman.

"As a matter of fact, we may not have to wait any longer."

The red-haired, middle-aged Grosterning marquis sipped from his glass of wine. He would have benefited the most, if Ariana had been left out of the picture… since the forced annulment of engagement caused him serious financial damage, and the new queen would certainly have been his daughter Camelia…

"What is Marquis Grosterning aiming for?"

Count Spindell inquired.

"I know from a reliable source that the Queen will leave the secret palace tomorrow… and stay at Lake Tomisa for a week."


"The lake has a particularly good effect on childbearing problems… I think the king allowed her to leave the palace to cure her infertility."

The marguis put down his glass.

"We don't have a better chance than this, I guarantee. We have to take the queen's life now! "

"What if we get rid of the queen? Marquis Vanderberg is still… "

The question came from the mouth of a young count at the other end of the table.

"I have already prepared the false documents proving his betrayal , while claiming that he's gone mad in mourning… it will not be difficult to deprive him of his title, and we will distribute his property among ourselves."

"That sounds really good."

Count Spindell raised his glass at the Marquis's idea.

"If we all agree…"

The Marquis gestured to one of the guards at the doorway, who let in a man in a black clothes with a black mask.

"I would like to introduce you to the head of the Shadow Information Center… and also the founder of the Black Widow Assassination Squad… Black Wolf!"

The other nobles stood up or whispered in shock. The legendary Black Wolf… was a ghost in the underworld. All the information of the empire gone through his hands, since Jürgen withdrew from these circles. It could be said that he became Jürgen's successor… the difference was just that he was the only one who founded an assassination squad of professional warriors, who also executed a royal family member without batting an eye, perfectly, without a trace. The fact that Marquis Grosterning was able to reach such a man, confirmed to the other nobles that the Queen's fate was sealed.

The news that the Queen had been attacked by assassins soon reached the King's ear, and the two men immediately sat on horses to rode to Ariana's last known whereabouts.

The next day after the massacre, the Royal Guards reached the small inn at noon. There, however, they found nothing but the two maids, and the only surviving knight who was in the village at the time on an errand due to the Queen's order.

"Just… what the hell… happened here ?!"

Jürgen walked throuh the building in shock, which the assassins had turned upside down. On the lake shore where Ariana was executed, only a huge pool of blood indicated the queen's last trace.

Jerome gritted his teeth in anger.

"Are you sure she's dead?"

The sniffing maids couldn't make a sound, just nodded struggling with tears.

"But… why was the body taken away?"

Jerome still had the hope that as long as there is no corpse, it is just a kidnapping… then maybe there is still hope…

"Probably as evidence…"

Jürgen whispered, trembling with nerve.

At that time, however, two knights appeared.

"We found the queen!"

Everyone raised their heads at this.

"Where is? Lead me to her! "

They ordered the two men almost simultaneously.

"We found her in the woods… but you'd better not look at her…"

The knight said in confusion.

"I do not care! I need to see her!

Jerome pushed him aside, and headed for the forest, but barely a few steps away in a chariot, covering the body, it was already visible that they had not found her alive.

Jerome and Jürgen walked to the chariot with trembling legs. At the king's command, the commander lifted the blood-soaked sheet, revealing his wife's earthly remains.

Jürgen involuntarily turned away from the sight, as his stomach contents bounced back.

"Keh… keh…"

He coughed as the acid bit his throat. Not that he had never seen anyone in this state… but the knowledge that he had to see the love of his life like this…

"Unfortunately, a pack of wolves found her sooner than we did."

The knight covered her dismembered body. The girl could only be identified by the remnants of her long black hair, and white silk cloak.

"Her eyes… what happened to her eyes?"

The king asked.

"Presumably the assassins proved with them, that they did their job… because no one in the country had such distinctive colored eyes…"

"Is that why they've dug out her eyes ?!"

Jerome fell to the ground.

"My condolences, Your Majesty."

The two men felt this pain devour them… and they saw only one way to keep from going crazy from Ariana's death.

"I want heads… find those who did this… I want to tear their hearts out with my own hands!"

The king shouted with bloodshot eyes.