
"Oh… wow…"

Ariana reached the guest room with trembling legs, whic was occupied by her. As she leaned down on her bed, she noticed that the sun was already setting.

"Best sex… ever…"

She smiled contentedly.

"I was mentally prepared for a brutally painful sex — but he was so gentle, that I've never had an experience like that before — and if anyone, well, I'm considered an expert in bed. There were only two laps, but I was completely satisfied. Will I still have a chance to get him… or was it a one-time thing? "

She buried her face anxiously in the pillow.

Gideon showed no more attention to the girl for the next two days, so Ariana began to put up with cutting off her chance with the king. When they were on their way home, she entered the carriage with cried out eyes, hoping that they would not be expelled from the royal palace, because of her thoughtless act. But then, to her greatest surprise, only Gideon sat in her carriage.

"Norman… I mean, the crown prince?"

She asked in surprise.

"He's coming in the other carriage."

There was a statement from the man sitting next to her.

In the other carriage, only the 3 servants they had brought with them traveled… ont he way here…and the Crown Prince was now sitting next to them…

Ariana felt something was weird… then blushed suddenly.

"Maybe there's a problem?"

The king asked with a flirtatious smile on his face, as one of his hand was already walking under her pulled-up skirt.

"No… everything is fine…"

She smiled in embarrassment.

"It's great then."

Gideon grabbed Ariana's chin, then pulled her close and kissed her.

1 year later…

Lord Grinford handed a document to the king sitting in his office.

"So Jerome got my gift…"

Gideon smiled, so pleased that all his teeth flashed.

Jerome and Jürgen made another crazy move, after they have returned from Gideon's banquet…

After seeing Lady Violet in Hertian, it occurred to them again that maybe… they could replace the girl. More specifically,… Jerome had the idea to bring all the black-haired young women, by 6 of them at a time, to the secret palace. The poorer class happily sold their children for some money, while those who resisted were forcibly brought by soldiers, the women matching the preffered age and hair color.

Lacking purple eyes, Jerome brought in mainly the long black-haired and blue-eyed women who marched into the palace after a preliminary visual inspection.

Nearly 500 young ladies met the criteria, 300 of whom also proved to be desirable to the king. But no one remained in the palace for more than a week, and no one left it alive…

The prospective loving candidates, who knew nothing about the first day, moved in with six of them by every week. Jürgen, hoping that what made Ariana special was that he "stole her" from the king, he visited a girl the first day to honor her with his legendary tool.

At night, the king also appeared as a ghost… point at 9 o'clock, each day. He tortured the innocent girl until dawn, who was the girl of the day, and then, when she could not satisfy his thirst with the unfamiliar body… he killed her in anger.

This is how the former king of justice, got named as the "butcher of virgins," by his people. In vain did they try to portray the many deaths as a mysterious disappearance… everyone knew what the truth was.

This is how it went every single day… until half a year later, at a festive parade to celebrate the birth of the heir to the throne, a young thief did get in Jerome's way.

Jerome and Jürgen marched on white horses in the petal rain, between people cheering on either side as a stranger wrapped in a cloak ran to the horse. An angry shout could be heard in the distance.

"Catch her! She is a Thief!"

Then the cloak slipped off the stranger's head, and the king, who paused for a moment, saw the face of the alleged thief.

"Good Lord! Have mercy on me! I'm innocent!"

She knelt before the king, with teary eyes… which were just as beautiful violets as Ariana's… and had just as ebony hair… as the former queen.

Of course, the king didn't need more than that, he immediately helped her onto his horse, and took her home… to the secret palace. From that day on, there was only one resident of the fairytale prison.

"What is your name?"

Jerome asked when he visited the girl in the evening after taking a bath and having dinner.

"Amelia, Your Majesty."

She bowed politely. Amelia was nearly 30 years old and wasn't as beautiful as Ariana, but she was a beautiful and desirable creature, Jerome liked her huge breasts and shapely body.


Even her name reminded him of his love… she was the perfect supplement.

"How come I haven't found you so far?"

Jerome asked.

"I only recently came to the country to try my luck… but I was robbed and bandits killed my husband…"

Tears welled in her eyes, which the king softly wiped away.

Amelia was infinitely grateful as the king saved her… and Jerome took advantage of that gratitude… every night…

Of course, Jürgen also wanted to see the woman who looked so much like Ariana. Although Amelia wore the queen's dress, and tried to resemble the expected female figure as much as possible, she did not have that innocent, pure beauty in her… but Jürgen also caught up with the subtitute… every blessed day.

Since the heir to the throne was born and the king found the perfect lover, Mildred's existence was no longer necessary, so just like the original Vanderberg girl, she was executed on a charge of treason.

"What an idiot .."

Gideon laughed to himself, when he reached the end of the report.

"Is the courtesan back?"

"Yes Your Majesty, she reached the palace at night."

"Bring her here."

After a few minutes, a woman in a cloak asked for admission. Entering in front of the king, she fell to her knees and took off her cloak.

"Amelia Ladverder,at your service, Your Majesty!"

"Detailed report, I am satisfied with your work. The royal doctor will do anything to prolong your life … and your brother will get enough money and a baron title for a lifetime… as I promised. "

"I am grateful Your Majesty, I have only served my country…"

"The symptoms?"

"By the time I left Predin, both the King and Lord Jürgen were already producing the initial symptoms, but they only think they have a cold."

"Great. You can leave. "

"Thank you Majesty, long live the king!"

"Wow! You are a medium Your Majesty! "

The knight spoke in surprise as she left.

"How did you know that both the king and his gay lover loved Lady Violet?"

"Hm… when I heard Jürgen will follow her to the lake… but he wasn't

among the rebellers , I was already suspicious … After the doctor told me about her condition I was almost certain… since Jerome could have extreme libido… but only one man can't do so much damage to a woman's body, there had to be at least two… Then at the birthday banquet, Jürgen also looked at… what is mine… "

He recalled the annoying memory a little angrily.

"Well Your Majesty… you did struck two birds with one stone… now the king and his chief adviser are also digging their own graves… moreover I belive, the people, after the death of the king they wouldn't support the prince of barely 2 years old… knowing what kind of ancestors he has… "

"Yes…the situation is almost too beautiful…"

Gideon had already organized his army, knowing full well… Jerome's days are numbered… the venereal disease he received from Amelia was fatal. May be drugs asymptomatic someone… but

for more than 2 year, no one has lived who has ever caught it… to occupy the land of an unpopular, weakened king, though it is just like… taking a candy from a child.

"Who would have thought that a dying prostitute might even be useful…"

Lord Grinford added.

"All right, shut up now! I have yet to review the wedding guest list."

The king growled at him.