Magical Apocalypse III

The details of Nox's bad idea were simple and nothing he hadn't done before. at least in much higher floors. He was planning on baiting the spawn of a Black Balor.

Now, Nox had been shown his place by Black monsters before so he knew that in a fair fight, he would get bodied, no questions asked.

Nox's advantage, was his magical firepower, utterly unbecoming of him, being higher than even a Level 6 like Riveria but even said Riveria could probably come close to or even match him in close combat simply due to the Level difference, despite it not being what she practiced at all.

In standard combat, even when being enhanced by Magic and taking into account his regenerative abilities, Nox would lose to the Balor, even the normal one. The only reason he was even considering fighting a black one was the existence of his grand spells.

Taking out such a powerful target with his Dark Channel would be a great boon for his ability numbers and the drops ought to be of the highest quality.

Doing the same for the Udaeus was difficult due to the size of the arena but Nox was thinking on trying it out with his Luminous Judgement which was quite precise without much collateral damage.

Whatever the case was for later, now, it was time for the Black Balor. Jun threw the divine bait as far as he could and concealed himself with his Invictus shade, waiting for the span and voila, a few moments later, a huge roar and an extra big, extra ugly, pitch black skinned Balor spawned in.

Moving a bit further away, Nox revealed his presence with the light show caused by the casting of Dark Channel and, just as he was finished, he shadow stepped away with Invictus Shade, only for a huge beam of destruction, fired from the Black Balor's third eye to obliterate the place in was standing in earlier.

'That was close!' The hidden Nox though while hidden as Dark Channel did its work.

Even the Black Balor couldn't move freely inside the channel and it was constantly draining its health, stamina, Mind and even its Excelia as the Balor weakened.

Going around to is back so that it couldn't react and fire immediately after Nox revealed himself and instead had to turn around in the bog of the Dark Channel, Nox prepared to fire his second attack.

"Luminous Judgement!" A pillar of Light fell down on the Balor before he could counter attack and as it was in the middle on turning around, the impact actually made it fall onto all fours as it struggled with the torrent of light from above and the torrent of darkness from below.

What Nox did not expect, was what happened next. In the point where Darkness and Light collided, something shattered as a loud crack was hear across a huge distance. It was space itself!

The Balor collapsed into a single point and then exploded with such force that Nox was sent flying with gruesome injuries as he tumbled on the ground with melted flesh, shattered bone and pulverised muscle, all his senses shut down as he suffered unbearable pain while his healing abilities worked their magic to save his life.

It took minutes of torture to finally healed most of his injuries but there was one that was healing very slowly, Nox's core cracked and he felt great weakness due to it. His magical abilities were mostly intact but his physical abilities were most certainly down.

'I could've sworn I feel the Dungeon laughing at me . . . anyway . . .'

'I learned something new and very important today . . . Take distance and always be caution with untested spells . . .' Nox thought to himself as he dragged his body back to his 50th floor safehouse, carrying the drops he obtained in his inventory.

"I think I know what to do with this Black Balor's Eyeball . . . But just one drop is kinda stingy for a Black Variant." Nox talked to himself.

"Oh well. Maybe I should go test out the Udaeus. I wasn't planning on physical combat anyways so the cracked core shouldn't matter." He convinced himself to make another mistake just because he wanted to something.

He could hear multiple voices, including his own, telling him to take a rest and wait until he got fully healed but . . . Nah, he actually listened and gave up, starting to work on the item he was going to use the eyeball for.

About two days laters, with constant work from Nox's natural healing, the crack was finally repaired which made it set it how serious it was. After, even missing organs were easy to replace in a couple of minutes.

Well, as a result, Nox had made good progress on his item making but now, it was time for another hunt. First, he would down the normal Udaeus, the he would spawn the Black Variant in if his Luminous Judgement defeats the regular one overwhelmingly enough.

Teleporting to his 39th floor hideout, Nox phashed through some walls and managed to get out of the trapped space after the collapse of the colosseum but ended up quite far from the center where the Udaeus resided.

He fought and defeated some monsters on the way for fun but mostly to the stealth route as he made his way to the Throne Room where the boss resided.

Once he arrived, the Udaeus was had barely pulled out his sword since Jun was facing it alone when it got obliterated by a Holy Judgement from above. Well, it was a spell that damaged a Black variant of a monster rex from 10 whole floors bellow it so it should be expected.

Jun stored the greatsword drop and drank a Mana Elixir of his own making to fully recover his spent mind before readying an extra large Luminous judgement for the monster he was about to intentionally summon.

Tossing out the bait, Nox didn't give the Black Udaeus time to move as he let it rip. Fortunately for him, the Udaeus was a glass cannon among monster rex types so it was enough to leave it near death but the damn thing was still alive.

A trail of spikes immediately ran through the ground after him but nox quickly evaded and kept is distance, the Udaeus could not move and the spike attack was the only long distance move it had until it pulled out the sword.

Nox took to the air with Invictus Sylph and dodged all further attempts from the Udaeus to attack im which is why the monster rex went to pull out its sword, but it the time it took it to that, Nox hurriedly casted another Luminous judgement and the fight was settled.

Shiki gathered his second drop and prepared to return to the surface but he checked his status again, updating it to see how much it had changed based on his use or Dark Channel of the Black Balor and such.


Name: Nox Lyros

Race: High Human

Gender: Male



STR: SS-1098 -> 3365

END: SSS-3049 -> SSS-4983

DEX: S-986 -> SS-1095

AGI: SS-1067 -> SSS-1183

MAG: EX-9999

Luck: E

Archmage: A

Craftmaster: A

Martial Lord: E

Perfect Body: C

Unbreakable Bulwark: E

Irresistible Force: E

Genocider: B

Tamer: C


. . .


. . .


'Weird . . .' Nox thought.

'It's definitely too much.' He realized.

'This is toon much progress, I took a good hit but endurance as risen way too much, a dodging around quite a bit but my agility hasn't grown that much. Meanwhile, the Strength I barely used as jumped up while dexterity got the short hand of the stick . . .' Nox analyzed the progress his stats showed.

'It's got to be the spatial collapse . . . Maybe I should try causing it intentionally from a further distance so I can properly analyze it rather than being to busy being blown away three thirds dead like last time.' Nox started getting more bad ideas.

'Something for later though, time to go back up since I made no preparations for that long of a stay this time and I've already been here a while.' He decided.

Nox current plan was to make a new sword for himself to replace the broken Prometheus using the material from the Black Udaeus and a little something extra with the drop from the Black Balor.

As for the sword from the regular Udaeus, Nox was planning on it being a gift to Tsubaki so she could have some fun with such a high quality material.

Before doing any of that though, he first wanted to check in with Loki to see how the progress of gathering people for the show was going and if he had time for his little side project to be done.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.