Magical Apocalypse II

Nox conjured up some wind to clear all the dust and debris in the air and see the result of his spell and it truly left an impression . . . .

And the only things left, was a huge crater and a single shiny drop, utter annihilation. Even the mighty Balor could not stand gaist Heaven's Fall.

Poor Nox was so frightened he began looking around looking for possible spawning Juggernauts but, since the 49th floor was so large and a single undivided room, a huge crater, hundreds of meters in diameter and tens of meters deep did not constitute enough damage to warrant a Juggernaut spawn.

The wonderful results gave Nox all sorts of terrible ideas but he decided to hold back for now and went back to his magic tests.

All that was left to test were his close ranged spells but Nox really wanted to avoid going into close range in such a deep floor so he decided to start working on his spells right now rather than after the tests on the Fomoire herds.

The four spells, for the ice, fire, lightning and earth elements that had Nox as their epicenter were easily adjusted at some loss of efficiency the greater the distance. The problem laid in the other two, the spells for the light and dark elements.

Rather than an area of effect spell like the others, it created a huge magic circle around Nox and then, all enemies caught with the circle would be targeted with a powerful attack from above and below for light and dark elements, respectively.

By adding range, it became essentially just a very powerful single target spell rather than a spells to take out an army of opponents but, with some adjustments, Nox made the spell more dispersed at a distance, putting the power of the multiple small attacks into a single big one with explosive results.

The end result was a presion attack when up close to a devastating one at a distance but Nox could still choose to exercise precision, even at a distance if he so wished but, like with the others, the efficiency of the spells dropped significantly when used from afar.

As such, it almost ended up being two different spells for each of the originals and so, Nox still felt he had to test the up close and personal variants of his grand spells for the light and dark elements.

That being said, Nox decided to save the close quarters test for when he started to actually fight in close quarters, this way, he would only put himself in harm's way when he actually planned to do so. But Nox had on last modification to make before going back at it.

While Heaven's Fall was a mighty attack, it might not be enough in the lower floors, or for the terrible idea he had to be executed, so Nox was going to preemptively modify it to allow for multiple meteors to be summoned at once with a single use of the spell if need be, along with size and speed adjustment.

With that taken care of, Nox returned to the 49th floor for some more farming of the herds of Fomoire.

Incinerating some with the massive firestorms created by Blaze of Glory, or freezing them solid before they shattered into millions of pieces with Call of Niflheim.

Having them skewered with huge stone spikes or swallowed by the earth and crushed with Grand Seism and frying them with Thunderzone Tribulation.

Now, there were three spells left to test. The two required tests for long and sor ranges of the Luminous Judgement and Dark Channel as well as the testing of the various functions of Nox's proudes grand spell, Forbidden Sun.

Since he was leaving the close quarters versions for later, he decided to go with light, dark fire as the order.

Luminous judgement called pillars of light down from the heavens onto the enemies and, if used long range, it would only be a single pillar to target one specific enemy or a huge one for area of effect.

It was quite showy but, after testing. Even the huge pillar dealt damage to only those within in, those outside were relatively safe even despite the proximity.

However . . . Whoever was caught within the range was dead, most of the other spells left drops and such but this one left nothing but shining blue white ash behind, other than Heaven's fall.

It was probably the most damaging of Nox's spells, specially since he could keep it going so long as he didn't stop feeding it Mind.

Next up was Dark Channel, not the most damaging of spells but it was meant to work overtime and it was a spell, that, while not as cool and flashy as the Forbidden Sun Nox was looking forward too, it was much more useful and complex to create.

Nox had created it with the knowledge of Excelia he had imbued in it. It was a cursed spell that weakened the opponents with several debuffs while draining their health, stamina, mind and even their Excelia and feeding it to the user. A cruel but extremely effective spell.

This spells was Nox's gambit to both learn more of Excelia as well as to raise his status as fast as possible. It created a circular swamp that radiated with red purplish black light in a pillar and made the very air dense and hard to move as well as as sucking the enemy down so as to prevent the them from escaping.

But now, it was time for the big finale. Forbidden Sun created a miniature sun, its size depending on the amount of Mind within but being able to grow to several tens of meters in diameter. It was surrounded by magic circles even after the spell was created and its beauty came from that.

By controlling this magic circles that are sealing the sun's energy and stopping it from dispersing, Nox could unleash barrages of powerful attacks or just power every last bit of power into a single ultimate one.

Beams of accelerated plasma, huge but fast plasma orbs, solar filaments that incinerated everything they came across, massive heat waves capable of boiling enemies with their own body fluids or just sending the Forbidden Sun flying at something and letting it explode with all its might.

It was more powerful that even Heaven's Fall in some situations and Nox loved it. While it paled in utility and even complexity to something like Dark Channel that could even interfere with the Excelia in living beings, it was far cooler and bering far greater raw power.

After all the tests, Nox just used Dark channel as it would grow his tatus the fastest. Hiding himself with Invictus Shade while casting Dark Channel was proving to be an horrific combo.

By the end of his days before updating his status, Nox was sneaking into herds of Fomoire and activating the close quarters version that created a huge magic circle the gave birth to mini Dark Channels for every enemy and moved around with them so long as they couldn't leave the circle which had a barrier to prevent such things.

The absorption rate was much faster and he could catch a lot more enemies at once without spending as much Mind due to the increased efficiency of the close quarters version of the spell.

Nox had discussed it previously with Loki and he was going to update his own Status this time. Loki already knew he could do that so no point in returning to the surface just to take care of it.


Name: Nox Lyros

Race: High Human

Gender: Male



STR: S-981 -> SS-1098

END: SSS-2964 -> SSS-3049

DEX: B-779 -> S-986

AGI: A-896 -> SS-1067

MAG: SSS- 1645 -> EX-9999

Luck: E

Archmage: B -> A

Craftmaster: A

Martial Lord: E

Perfect Body: C

Unbreakable Bulwark: E

Irresistible Force: E

Genocider: D -> B

Tamer: D -> C


. . .


. . .


A fine Increase in abilities with the predicted development abilities also ranking up.

Tamer came as a slight surprise since Nox didn't really spend that much time with his monster companions but considering his wholesale slaughter of monsters with his grand spells, Archmage and Genocider did not come as a surprise in the slightest.

His abilities other than magic progressed due to Dark Channel's effect but not as much as Nox was hoping, although getting a spell that can drain ability and add it on to the user's was a great step, it seemed efficiency was still quite poor.

That aside, Nox was no thinking of putting the terrible idea he had before into practice. This time, he had plenty of places to run to so he was not as worried the Dungeon's Will would screw him over, in fact, if it tried, Nox was fully prepared to profit of such a mistake . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.