New Arrival

Riveria stood up and, instead of pulling up her robes, she let them fall to the ground and turned to face Nox, revealing her full naked glory.

Seeing her, more beautiful than many goddesses, bare herself for him like that, and blushing face as she looked at her feet in embarrassment, sneaking glances at him intermittently . . . Nox could not hold himself back.

He pulled the beautiful elfess in and started kissing her but he could feel her shivering beneath his touch which made him calm down.

Nox softened his approach, tenderly kissing her lips before he lowered himself to the ground and pulled up her robes dressing her like the caring lover he wanted to be for her.

"Nox?" Riveria asked confused.

"Did I do something wrong?" She worried.

"You are perfect Veria . . . Just perfect . . ." He sweetly whispered in her ear, making her blush even more.

"Then-" She once again opened her lips but Nox sealed them with a tender kiss.

"We don't have to hurry Veria. We have long life ahead of us." Nox spoke as they separated from the kiss.

Riveria let out a sigh of relief she never even knew she was holding and spoke.

"We do, don't we." She said with a beautiful smile.

After that small moment, Nox introduced Riveria to everyone. Needless to say, with all the shocking things Nox had already done, bringing in a Level 6 didn't sound all that amazing anyways.

Still, with Riveria on the team, Haruhime could further specialize in support as the party would have more than enough firepower and, with their rising Levels, they'd soon be able to floors so deep no one in Orario had ever reached them before.

After this was done, Nox paid a visit to Hephaestus and talked to her and Tsubaki about his ons and goings as the two had earned enough trust for him to do so long ago. Hephaestus didn't think much of it, though she was a bit jealous.

No, it was Tsubaki who got an imperceptible glint in her eye, remaining with something on her mind, even after Nox had left.

Days passed and Nox continued onwards with his life. Training, designing this to build, working on his spells, countless things took his attention but one day, a message arrive from Hephaestus about a friend whom she wanted Nox to meet.

Hearing this, Nox's mind immediately went to one of Hephaestus' few true friends in Heaven, one she had already told him about numerous times, a certain lazy goddess named Hestia.

He walked fast towards the Hephaestus familia home with expectations in his mind and when he arrived, entering without anyone bothering him as usual, Nox knocked on the door of Hephaestus's office and when he opened the door to get in, two people nay, two goddesses were awaiting him.

"Thanks for coming Nox! This is my friend I wanted you to meet!" Hephaestus greeted with visible excitement as the twin tailed, big boobed, loli goddess beside her evaluated Nox with her bright blue eyes.

"So you're Nox eh?" Hestia said.

"And you must be little big beauty Hestia." Nox responded with his killer smile, making Hestia blush and Hephaestus pout.

"Now don't be jealous Hephy." Nox said which made the red haired goddess flush.

"Eeeeehhhh?" Hestia was looking mighty interested.

"What me to show you around town Hestia?" Nox asked.

'No suffixes already!? I'm not ready for this!?' HEstia internally screamed but nodded to Nox's offer while Hephaestus just gave an exasperated smile while shaking her head.

'There he goes again.' She thought.

'Hestia might get fooled and eaten by this guy but better him than some of the other fools in this town.' Hephaestus told herself in her mind.

Nox then showed Hestia around Orario in something suspiciously close to a date which the goddess loved.

But duty called and things were about to pick up with the start of the Light Novel's events.

A few months later, the Loki Familia was planning an expedition to the deep floors soon and Nox was going with them so he had to prepare.

This would also be the first encounter the Loki Familia had with the strange Demi Spirit related monsters with corrosive blood.

Nox wanted to boost up his girls a little two. mainly Lili who was a bit lacking since he didn't just want her to be a meat shield. That was an easy fix though.

Azure Dragonfire: Heavy Flamethrower made from drops of the Black Amphisbaena, capable of produced azure flames that burn even in water. Has limited fuel that recovers over time. Can consume the user's Mind for faster recovery.

-Azure Firebolt: Shoot out bolts of blue fire either singularly or in a devastating barrage.

-Dragonfire Breath: Blast foes with huge pillars of Azure fire, laying waste to all before you.

-Dragonfire Bomb: Fire a powerful fire bomb that explodes like a brilliant azure sun while burning everything in a wide radius to nothing.

-Azure Firestorm: Unleash a colossal storm of azure fire to bring utter annihilation to the world. Requires a full tank to use and consumes all of its fuel.

-Reload: Consumes the user's Mind to rapidly replenish its fuel.

Made to be held on one arm, being attacked to the whole forearm and fired from the hip. It was about 2 meters and 20 centimetres in height when held horizontally. It had a black scaly look with glowing azure runes engraved on its surface and shaped in a dragon motif.

The flamethrower Nox had made for himself but never found the opportunity to use. He attached it to the back of Lili's full plate armor set and made so she could control it to target and fire with her mind thus giving the Pallum the intended extra firepower without sacrificing any other ability.

After taking care of this, Nox though to give Filvis an heads up about the Loki Familia's expedition as he would not be able to party with her for at least a few days most likely.

As they adventured, Nox made sure to tell her he would be unavailable for a few days, purposefully making the timespan quite a bit larger than the tie for the expedition so that Filvis could not guess he was a part of the Loki Familia.

Next up was Hestia. Tired of her mooching, Hephaestus kicked Hestia out of her Familia home so Nox went to talk to her.

The moment he found her in the abandoned church from the series she jumped at him rubbing her face in his chest while complaining.

"Can you believe Hephaestus kicked me out!?" She spoke.

"That's what you get by mooching and just lazing around all day." Nox chided.

"Guh! I can't really argue against that can I?" Hestia said in response.

"Nope, not really!" Nox grinned.

"I do have an offer for you though." He added.

"An offer!?" Hestia excitedly asked.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.