Expedition to the 58th

"An offer!?" Hestia excitedly asked.

"Yes. a very simple one too." Nox replied.

"Well let's hear it then!" Hestia exclaimed.

"I'll loan you a place to live and charge no rent but you must find at least one familia member for yourself within three months."

"Guh!? Three months?" Hestia was not expecting the offer to come with such conditions.

"Yes and after you find a member and start earning, I'll just charge you a very small fee that you can handle for your accommodations." Nox finished his offer.

'It's not like I will get a better offer . . . And besides . . .' Hestia looked at Nox as she thought.

'I don't want to disappoint this child who went out of his way to help me despite not having any obligation to do so . . .' She gathered her resolve.

In the end, the diminutive goddess took the deal and Nox went back to grinding levels.

Time passed, a few mock expeditions with the Familia to get ready for the final one, a few Dungeon dives with his own group, and a fair bit of adventuring with Filvis who seemed to be getting more and more taken with her masked companion.

Soon enough, in a flash, the three months Nox had given Hestia were on the verge of passing and only a few days remained.

"I know, I know there are only a few days left!" HEstia rolled around on her bed as Nox looked at her with blame in his eyes.

"Guh! Please don't look at me like that! I'm really trying you know. And I've found a prospective member who I'm going to meet later so don't worry!" Hestia thumped her chest but, considering her track record, Nox had reasons to doubt her.

Who knew though? She might find Bell in this changed world too. Even though Nox had yet to see any trace of him and he had been paying attention. In the Light Novel, Hestia found him by now though. About three months before the Light Novel started.

"Fine, I'll believe you because even though you're lazy, you're not dishonest . . . I think." Nox responded.

"But I'll be waiting for good news once I'm back from my expedition!" He warned.

Hestia jumped on him and hugged Nox.

"Thank you Nox! You're the best! Good luck on your expedition too!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks." Nox replied and left.

The expedition the Loki Familia was undertaking, would be one to the 48th floor before going back up. 59th and onwards was still unknown territory for the Loki Familia or any of Orario's current familias. Only the Zeus and Hera Familias had ever went deeper.

According to their reports, the 59th floor was an icy region but Nox did not know if the Demi Spirit was already hard at work changing all of that, he would find out soon enough though.

As the events of the Light Novels unfolded however, his attention would move a bit away from the Dungeon and more into Orario itself and the forces that would move in it.

The expedition group was quite a bit smaller than it would have been if not for Nox's presence as he was there to carry all the supplies in his item Box like the good overqualified supporter that he was but now, as a Level 5, he was also part of the main attack force and one of its key elements, responsible for magic support and attack when it was needed faster than other mages could chant.

The group was composed by Finn, Gareth, Riveria who temporarily left Nox's little group to participate, Ais, Tiona, Tione, Anakitty, Alicia and that was it. Only members who already knew about the fortress on the 50th floor already.

This was part of the plan, Finn, Loki and Nox orchestrated to break the fortress' existence to the rest of the city of Orario and the world beyond.

The Loki Familia would go on this expedition and, in doing so, come across a mysterious Fortress than newly appeared on the 50th floor which was supposed to be a safe zone.

Guarding this fortress was a powerful Spirit, Nox's Spirit Aspect for those in the know, And then they would of course investigate the place and ascertain its nature which they would then share with the guild that would spread it around as it should. It was a simple yet efficient and effective plan.

In truth though, the investigating they did when they arrived at the fortress, was to enjoy all the benefits it provides for free as a little gift from Nox since everybody there was in the know.

Sauna, Hot Spring, various games of skill and wit Nox had set up with his magic, various shops with rare product such as some of Nox's creations that had not been made available to the public and so on, so forth.

It was recreation to relax and rest before diving deeper into the Dungeon where danger awaited aplenty so all of them deserved it.

Riveria made a long chant and enhanced them all with powerful protective magic before they set off to make a dive until the 58th floor before returning. The Orichalcum Doors barring the path deeper in the DUngeon opened and the expedition team set off.

After fighting through a few herds of Black Rhinos and foiling a few ambushes from Deformis Spiders, courtesy of Nox's Spirit Pulse which could detect them way ahead to time, the group prepared for the true challenges of this set of floors, know to the top adventurers of Orario as the Dragon's Vase.

It was so called due to the Valgang Dragons at the bottom of the Vase on the 58th floor that could somehow track adventurers who were on the 52nd floor or below and fire their mighty flame breath at them, piercing through multiple floors.

That party was planning on jumping down one of those holes for a quick and easy descent before taking out all the Valgand Dragons and then slowly make the way back while taking out all monsters they came across so they didn't have to worry about getting sniped by the fire breathers as they did it.

Running forward at a steady but relatively fast pace, The group advanced forward until a pillar of flame rose through the floor behind them, that was their way down.

They immediately grinded to a halt and Nox, who was positioned at the back of the group was the first to jump into the hole, the purpose of this was to cast a protective spell that would shield those who would come afterwards.

'Flare Shield'

A concave bowl like shape made of fire appeared bellow, it was a defensive spell whose sole purpose was to block fire based attacks and in exchange for being just about useless for everything else, it was virtually impregnable against the attacks it was meant to defend against.

The Valgand Dragon's did not give up though and as the party fell through the floors at high speed, they kept firing their breath weapons at them, only to be enraged at how easily they were blocked.

After a the very long fall, the group who had long reached terminal velocity crashed onto the ground with force, ready to take the fight to the damned flying red lizards . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.