Expedition III

"What are you waiting for!? You want to wait until it recovers!?" Nox shouted with exasperation.

With this shout, everyone woke up.

"Forward! Don't let it cast again!" Finn commanded.

Tsubaki pulled out two magic weapons while Lefiya and Riveria charged their attack magic. The three attacked from a distance while the others charged the demi spirit.

Countless snake like vines struck at the advancing group while Tsubaki's magic weapon attacks were thwarted be leafs that wrapped around the demi spirit's humanoid half to protect her.

The melee group steadily destroyed the interfering vines while inching forward as Lefiya finished her chant and let loose her magic.

"Fusillade Falarica!"

Alas, it was still far from enough to break through the demi spirit's defenses, buying precious time for it to recover.

Riveria on the other hand kept chanting all throughout, accumulating more and more magical power.

She could not use the third level of hehr attack magic here but she could most definitely put more power in her second level with the tools Nox had provided her.

Meanwhile, the melee group had gotten too close to the demi spirit for its liking and root sprouted from the ground, blocking their passage.

Even the strongest in pure attack power, Gareth could not dent them. Yet another indication that this demi spirit was far stronger than the one in the Light Novel and Anime.

While all of this went on, Nox, for the first time in his life, relied on his self made Mind Elixirs to restore his spent power.

Until now, his natural recovery was more than enough but to recover before the demi spirit did or even just to match its recovery speed, all without using the Excelia he had gathered in his Philosopher's Stone, a last resort for him, Nox was forced to turn to elixirs.

Riveria, having reached her limit to accumulating power, gave a signal and Finn, receiving it, ordered the melee group to disperse as the high elfess unleashed her magic.

"Rea Laevatein!"

Tornados of flames barreled towards the Demi Spirit, burning through its root wal and hitting its main body but as they were weakened by the first barrier, the flames lacked the power to deal an real damage.

However, the path to the Demi Spirit was cleared and the melee team closed in as Riveria restarted her chant.

The Virga had returned though, crawling towards the back row of the party and putting them in great danger as they lacked defenders.

Before this situation, Tsubaki and Lefiya, knowing they could not damage the Demi Spirit, resolutely abandoned their futile attacks on it and directed their strikes to the surrounding Virga, allowing Riveria and Nox to safely accumulate power and cast without worry.

Nox was nearly ready to let out another big blow but the Demi Spirit was as well. Unfortunately for it though, the melee group had finally reached its main body and it was forced to defend itself.

With a short chant, it unleashed a quick spell.

"Thunder Ray!"

Gareth stepped up taking the blow and protecting the rest of the group behind him who prepared to strike with everything they had.

Finn activated Hell Finegas that exchanged reason for power, Ais activated Ariel and accumulated as much power as she could while sharing some to power up Bete's Leg guards that absorbed magic to strengthen his attacks with it. The amazon sisters just tensed their muscles, ready to pounce.

The spell ended and Gareth fell to one knee as the others jumped out from behind him.

Multiple vines sprung up and the two sisters dedicated their entire being to deal with the so that the others could focus on attacking the Demi Spirit's main body.

It tried covering itself with its leaves but Finn's preemptive spear throw stunned it but it was not enough.

"Icicle Edge!" If flashed casted a simple spell that let loose a spike of ice towards its attackers.

Bete directed his attack to smash it instead, opening the way for ais behind him who swung her wind enchanted sword at the Demi Spirit with her full power.

The blow was devastating but not enough to shatter the magic stone within the monster. And so, with a big swing on its arm, as if swatting a fly, the Demi Spirit sent Ais flying.

Finn decisively ordered a retreat and he couldn't be more on point as due to their interference, Nox was ready for another big spell and the Demi Spirit wasn't.

And so, as they scattered, Nox unleashed his mightiest spell.

"Twilight Collapse!" He shouted and the spell activated as countless magic circles, some white some black flared to life around him.

A pillar of light descended onto the Demi Spirit from above while a pillar of darkness ascended from below, only for them to meet exactly at the monster's center.

Space shattered as a grey vortex was formed, creating a singularity that viciously tore at the Demi Spirit but it still had one trick up its sleeve.

"Light Shell!" A short chant spell that created a defensive sheçll of light just as Nox's spell was about to hit.

Such a hasty defence was obviously not enough to weather Nox's onslaught but it was enough to diminish the power of the sell to the point it barely wasn't fatal.

And so, much to the despair of the adventurers, the Dungeon filled the damaged monster with energy, allowing it to regenerate at a truly monstrous rate, cackling as it did.

'Shit!' Was what Nox thought.

Was he out of moves?

Not at all but he was truly out of moves that he was willing to use and the blasted Dungeon supported Demi Spirit had pushed him enough to warrant the use of a move he wasn't normally willing to use . . .


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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

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