Expedition VI

And so, the last round of the titanic battle began.

Like a prismatic comet, Nox barreled towards the green figure, sending out blasts of prismatic light with each strike of Mistilteinn.

The green figure fought back valiantly but how could it challenge Nox's current might?

As a monster it was weaker and as a spirit it lacked the wind element while Nox had complete mastery of all seven of them.

Not to mention the backing of fate provided by his Human Aspect along with the powerful equipment that had fused into Nox's very body and soul, further turning the tides of the battle in his favor.

With the backing of the Dungeon, the figure had him on stamina but she doubted she would last long enough for that to matter but even as he overwhelmed her, Nox was filled with a sense of urgency.

His new transformation would not last long.

Even now, he felt like his body and soul wanted to tear themselves apart to pieces and the more power he brought to bear, the greater the feeling became.

At first, Nox matched the green figure's magic but now, now he just covered himself in his Prismatic Invictus and barreled through the figure's spells with his spear in hand.

Currently, his weapon allowed him to damage beings far above his own power level and is precisely the kind of power he needed at the moment.

The green figure was showing power Nox had estimated to be around Level 8, he was only able to overwhelm it by using a very risky transformation while being doped up by burning Excelia.

'That ability is my only option but I need to close the distance.' Nox planned.

'Every single time the distance between me and that child shrinks, I get a sudden pressage of death . . .' The green figure thought.

'Besides, he seems to be getting more and more unstable . . .' It evaluated.


"You can't keep that state for long!" The green figure suddenly smirked and pointed out.

Nox's mask hid a grim expression.

'She figured me out . . . I'll have to gamble.' He swiftly decided.

And so gamble he did.

More specifically, he was going to use an ability he had never used before in the Dungeon.

After all, with the damn thing constantly scheming against him, who's to say it wasn't observing his every move and measuring his capabilities?

Now though, Nox no longer had that luxury. It was time to go all out or meet the end of the road in his blessed second life.

He firmed the grip on his spear, drew upon the last bits of divine energy in his Philosopher's Stone, and tightly grasped the pieces of his crumbling form.

'Do or die . . . Let's go!' Nox hyped himself up and blurred into action.

What greeted him was, much like before, a multi colored barrage of magic cast by the gree figure for the express intent of slowing him down so that it could move away before he closed the distance.

Normally, Nox would have barreled through with raw power and his Invictus but this time, things played out very different.

'Evil God Eye: Curse of Dispel'

In an instant, the green figure's magic spells were forcefully canceled.

'Evil God Eye: Curse of Petrifaction'

Nox unleashed another Evil God Eye ability. While the green figure did not turn to stone, its movements did stiffen considerably.

'Got her!' Nox internally shouted as he charged his last attack.

But he was not the only one with a hidden ace up his sleeve . . .

"Earth Shift!" The green figure shouted and vanished appearing further beyond Nox's range.

'Fuck!' He thought.

'I cannot use the same Curse repeatedly so there's only one choice left. I'm at my limit.'

'One strike . . . I must finish this in one strike.' Nox kept his cool.

'Evil God Eye: Curse of Death' He internally chanted.

His right eye glowed with an ominous purplish black glow.

Nox began to bleed profusely from his eye but refused to cancel the skill as he glared at the smirking gree figure.

And soon enough, the smirk was wiped off its face as it felt its clone body teeter as a massive chunk of its vitality and lifeforce suddenly vanished, leading to a sense of weakness that would prevent her from moving for a short time.

So much blood was coming out of Nox's right eye socket that he was not able to see from that eye anymore as a massive backlash made his head pound.

But, with a last burst of vigor, he closed the distance between him and the green figure.

"Longinus!" He chanted and the prismatic glow of power on the spear turner reddish black as Nox's vitality burned at a blinding speed.

"Rhongomyniad!" Nox chanted once more as the reddish black light formed into a deadly spiral.

He finally entered range.

"Gae . . . Bolg!" Nox shouted as his spear strike reversed causality to shatter the core of the green figure and obliterated the rest of its body completely.

The battle was over and Nox's transformation canceled itself as he returned to human form and crumpled to the ground.

His skin was torn, his bones shattered, his organs ruptured and his healing powers were not working.

Despite winning his fight, he had sacrificed so much that even the Philosopher's Stone was unable to heal him.

Was this to be Nox's end?


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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