Expedition V

Now . . . With no further distractions as the Loki Familia and Tsubaki had successfully escaped . . . It was time for the real battle to begin.

Nox knew he could not win . . . No as he currently was at any rate,

But only one third of him was present and so, with a malicious grin, Nox summoned his other two parts.

In a flash of prismatic light, a brilliant humanoid spirit emerged, leaving the gree figure speechless.

Following that, a flash of pure black light drowned out all light as a massive reddish black Dragon appeared out of thin air.

"You can deal with my Human Aspect . . . But what if I bring my other two to play~?" Nox teasingly asked

"They're all you!?" The figure was shocked.

"A Spirit a Dragon and a Human all being part of the same being . . ." It whispered to itself.

But Nox was not interested in letting the figure settle its thoughts on the matter as he longed to fight all out in such a close battle against such a powerful being.

Human Nox focused on recovering from the backlash of using Divine Energy while Spirit Nox matched the figure's magic blow for bow nullifying it with incredible precision.

With these two occupied, the main fighting role fell, of course, to Dragon Nox.

Diving down from the air while breathing a reddish black torrent of magical energy down upon the green figure.

It flew through the air on green wings that were as if leaves ,summoning roots and vines along with plant monsters like Violas and Viscum to slow down the dragon but its sheer physical might made it nearly meaningless.

But speed was not the greatest of the dragon's traits due to its massive size and the green figure was taking advantage of the fact extremely well, matching Spirit Nox's mighty magical attacks of all elements while expertly dodging Dragon Nox's assault.

With the support of the Dungeon that seemed to be getting stronger and stronger as Nox used more and more Divine Energy, a battle of attrition was ill advised for the three Aspects, even while being as enduring as they were.

Human Nox however, was just looking for an opportunity, charging up his spear with Divine Energy and even his own lifeforce, of which he had a lot to spare with his nearly limitless lifespan.

Activating Longinus to power the Mistilteinn while preparing to use the Rhongomyniad ability to finish his opponent off at the slightest non bait opening he managed to detect.

As the dragon and the green figure continued their game of cat and mouse while the spirit ran interference from the side, the figure finally slipped.

It was too careless in taunting the dragon from behind and ate a tail swipe for it, hurtling through the air without being able to correct its course.

'This is my chance!' Human Nox thought as he calculated the figure's trajectory.


A lance like spiral of light covered Mistilteinn and as Nox charged at blinding speed, said spiral of light covered his entire body until he looked like a giant spiraling lance of light, flying towards the green figure.

With a large explosion of light, Nox's Human Aspect was put out of commission for daring to use a little of Rhongomyniad's power.

As for the green figure . . .

It was torn to bits and nearly entirely obliterated with only a few plant like fleshy bits remaining along with a gree, shining emerald like, gem.

The battle was over . . .

Or was it?

The emerald gem shone fiercely and roots and vines sprouted from it, twisting upon each other and morphing, changing until the seductive green figure was back, as if nothing had happened.

Nox couldn't believe it . . .

"That was a close one!" It commented.

"Alas, I tossed my core way before the strike it. something impossible for most but certainly not for me!" It bragged.

"Now, with one of the three down for the count, the only one capable of wielding that fearsome weapon that nearly killed me . . . How will you proceed young one~?" The figure teased.

Nox's human aspect stood up with difficulty, coughing blood while using Mistilteinn as a crutch.

He savagely smiled and said.

"I still have one trick up my sleeve . . ."

"Oh?" The figure raised its brow.

"If you get past this one . . . the battle is yours though . . ." Nox continued.

"Let's get on to the final rounds shall we?" He questioned.

And suddenly, a massive amount of energy started emanating from Nox's broken human body.

The spirit and the dragon aspects turning into flashes of prismatic and reddish black light respectively and entered the human aspect's broken body, causing the emananting energy to become far fiercer and stronger.

Nox gave a shout mixed with a roar as his body transformed.

He grew up to three meters tall. Wide leathery wings grew from his back as his Divine Orichalcum Armor grew and shapeshifted to fit the changes.

A crown of ten horns grew from his head as his hood fell back.

Nox's hand shifted into claws and his feet into talons as a strong and thick, armored tail sprouted from his coccyx.

A prismatic Invictus like aura of pure magical power swirled around his body, elevating him into the air as his wings spread wide, Mistilteinn firmly within his grasp.

The armaments and fate of the Human Aspect, the physical might and tough body of the Dragon Aspect, the sheer magical prowess of the Spirit Aspect, all joined into one.

Nox was a Lesser Archon no more.

The green figure could only look on in shock at the god like figure before her. Repeating impossible in its head time and time again as sheer disbelief consumed her mind.

But reality was cruel and the current Nox was something perhaps even her True Body had to fear . . . Perhaps . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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