Visiting the Newbies II

"Chigusa-chan . . . That's . . ." Haruhime was looking for a nice way to put her point but didn't find any.

As such, she just had to give straight to Chigusa . . .

"That's?" Chigusa asked for her continued.

"You're just being taken for granted." Haruhime said.

"He thinks subconsciously that you'll stand by him no matter what so he stopped paying attention to you as he felt like he didn't need to." She added.

Chigusa froze. The words painted a horrible picture of an ungrateful man making convenient use of her lover for him but could honestly feel the truth in the words.

Chigusa was sure there was no plan or ill intent behind Ouka's actions and that he just did what he did subconsciously and without much thought but she was also having a hard time figuring out what was worse.

That the man she thought she loved was wilfully taking advantage of her emotions or that he put so little value in her that he thoughtlessly took everything she did for him as granted and something he didn't even need to feel grateful for.

The poor girl just looked down, leaving Nox and Haruhime at a bit of a loss.

They had no idea what to say so Nox just patted her head with an understanding smile.

Chigusa couldn't stop the tears that began flowing as she quietly sobbed.

Haruhime cursed Ouka in her mind who she was sure the conversation was about and hugged the diminutive girl, squishing her head in between her breasts.

After a while, Chigusa left Haruhime embrace and turned to Nox.

"I want to become powerful, so powerful no one will ignore me ever again!" She exclaimed, her eyes hidden behind her hair gleaming with fiery determination.

"Ho? I can most certainly give you more that any other in this world but what's in it for me?" Nox asked.

After all, even though he found her quite cute and empathized with her plight, he wasn't running a charity and he demanded absolute çloyalty form his people, something he considered a small price to pay since he was not a bad master to follow and even provided countless benefits to his girls.

"I-I-I don't have anything to give you . . ." Chigusa suddenly became downhearted.

Nox patted her head once again and lowered his body to look the short girl in her hidden eyes.

"Your body, your heart, your soul . . . You have plenty to give. The question is . . . How much are you willing to sacrifice to me for the power you seek?" Nox spoke like a true devil.

Chigusa looked, almost drunkenly, at Nox's mesmerizing violet eyes.

And from that moment forth, another soul joined Nox's fold but since he was still holding back on Soul and Falna related business, he just gave her a magical contract with the proper induction coming later. With this, the little girl would have time to prepare herself for her new life.

No longer in the mood to flirt around, Nox and Haruhime were about to return to the gathering with Chigusa but as he had noticed something, Nox sent the girls ahead before disappearing into thin air.

This left a certain individual who had chanced upon their conversation surprised.

Not nearly as surprised however, as when Nox reappeared behind them.

"What do we have here? A peeper?" Nox teasingly questioned.

With an embarrassed look on her face, a certain twin tailed goddess jumped in shock as she turned around to face him.

"I-It's not what it looks like!" Hestia exclaimed.

"So your were not spying on my conversation with Chigusa before?" Nox asked with a smile that was not really a smile.

"Yes . . ." Hestia guiltily admitted her wrongdoing.

"Mind telling me why?" Nox questioned.

"I wanted to speak to you about something but I saw the the little girl reached you first. I still wanted to talk so I didn't leave but it was not my intention to spy!" Hestia pouted.

"Fine, you're too cute for me stay mad at you anyways." Nox sighed and left Hestia blushing to her ears and neck at the casual compliment.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He inquired.

"Well . . ." Hestia started, still embarrassed.

"I was thinking about doing something for you like you've done so much for me but I was not sure what but . . ." The small goddess paused again.

"But?" Nox bade her to continue.

"You've said before that you found be c-c-cute and such r-right?" Hestia asked while stuttering.

"I did." Nox replied.

"So . . . . I was wondering if y-you'd l-like to go on a d-d-date with me?" Hestia asked while looking down with upturned eyes looking at him with the cutest blush he'd ever seen.

What she saw was a surprised expression as Nox just got into a daze from totally not expecting this from the small goddess in front of him.

"Just forget it! It was a stupid idea!" Hestia suddenly exclaimed and turned away running.

Clearly, she had misinterpreted his surprise and thought he didn't see her at all romantically and was troubled by her suggestion.

Hestia could already feel tears pooling in the corners of her eyes as she ran off.

But suddenly, a pair of powerful arms embraced her from behind as a seductive voice whispered in her ear.

"Running away without even hearing an answer my little goddess?" Nox breathead out hot air that tickled the goddess' ears.

Faced with with such a situation, Hestia went as red as a shrimp and passed out in Nox's arms.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.