Girls' Desires and Manly Unwinding

A few minutes after she passed out, Hestia awoke on her bed with a very amused Nox observing her with a smile.

She immediately recalled passing out and went tomato red, covering her face with her hands while making unideligeable noises.

"To think you would actually pass out~" Nox teased, making the diminutive goddess squirm in place without revealing the expression hidden behind her hands.

"So how about that date? Still interested?" He asked.

Hestia froze.

"I want to go but if you've changed your mind . . ." Nox started.

The loli goddess sprung up from her bed and pushed her face extremely close to Nox's as if her previous embarrassment didn't even exist.

"YES! WE'RE GOING!" She shouted with an authoritative voice and a huge blushing smile before dashing off while skipping and humming.

Nox just shook his head in amusement and left the room too, intending on integrating back into the group and hanging out with Takemikazuchi. He was quite a chill guy after all and Nox felt like he needed more male friends.

After a while Nox and Haruhime left, returning to their home in the Dungeon.

Waiting for him back home though, were a bunch of thirsty enchantresses. Namely, those amongst his girls he had not gotten intimate with beyond some kissing and slightly lecherous hugging. And they were looking downright predatorial.

Well . . . Truth be told, Riveria's eyes were swimming around and Ryuu along with Naaza looked quite embarrassed. Lili and Haruhime though, they looked ready to pounce with dreamy blushes and drunken expressions as if imagining what would happen next.

Nox however was not feeling like it.

"Alright! Everyone who was dragged here can leave. As for the two culprits . . . We have some talking to do." Nox ominously said.

The three hesitant members of the group looked at each other before decided to walk off, relieved yet somewhat disappointed as well. After all, Nox was their beloved, it was not like they were completely against the idea.

A few moments later, Lili and Haruhime were kneeling with sorry expressions before Nox.

He sighed with a bit of a headache which only made the two girls feel even guiltier.

"If you wanted to move our relationship forward, I wouldn't have said no but pulling in all of your inexperienced sisters so that your first times would be a big orgy . . . Don't you two see anything wrong with that situation?" Nox asked with disbelief.

The two girls could only look down even guiltier.

"Now that Nox-sama has put it that way . . . It's just that it sounded like a really good idea at the time and . . . I shouldn't be making excuses . . ." Haruhime said.

"We just wanted to do more with Nox-sama but we were lacking a bit in confidence so we joined everyone in the same position to gives us more courage." Lili explained guiltily.


"I guess it's also partly my fault for not realizing you two wanted "it" so much . . ." Nox said, sharing their guilt but also embarrassing the girls with the way he put their situation.

To say they "wanted it so much" . . . It made they souch like thirsty sluts . . .

The two girls glared, somewhat resentful, at the love of their life who was confused by their sudden change in attitude.

"W-Well . . ." Nox coughed to changed the mood.

"I promise I'll make time for the two of you later and pay more attention so don't go doing crazy stuff like this again okay." He said.

"Okay . . ." "Yes Nox-sama!" Lili and haruhime responded.

Despite being taken care of in a relatively short time, adding onto what Nox had already gone through in that day, he felt emotionally exhausted and decided to just go to bed alone and enjoy some quality lazy time by himself.

It turned out to be a great decision as that was exactly what he needed.

Nox learned that just because being surrounded by hot girls was nice and all, it didn't mean that man man could sacrifice his precious private time as it was a healing period.

And so, the very next day, Nox swore off women and gathered his few guy friends, mostly the dudes from the Hermes Familia and they all had a get together full of drinking and gambling.

SPending the whole day away from women and doing what they thought were "manly stuff" though some were just normal things like playing cards and talking about life, they hyped it up by calling it a manly card game and manly talk about their manly lives.

Basically, it was a day were a bunch of dudes got together to horse around and do stupid stuff without having to worry about stuff like embarrassing themselves in front of the ladies.

Realizing this, a lot of the very ladies in question decided to have a big party for themselves as well on later date as it required some planing.

A huge guest list was compiled and they even pooled their money together to rent out the Hostess of Fertility just for themselves for a full girly day out without a single man.

That was a story for later. Thanks to his abnormal constitution, Nox woke up refreshed and with not hangover despite his heavy drinking the previous day.

Leaving his moaning comrades who all had pounding headaches and even some who were sick, he left their manly shack which was just a random property of the Hermes Familia just walked around in the morning mist filled Orario, thinking about what he should do next.

'Probably meet Filvis right? She should be very worried as I've disappeared for far longer than expected due to my injuries . . .' Nox thought to himself.

He suited up in the same armor and mask he wore in his fight against the Demi Spirit which was also the outfit he wore when meeting Filvis as Red and went to find her.

Nox knew her usual hand out and after checking them out and seeing she was not in any of them, he reckoned the elfess must have gone to the Dungeon so he began checking out the areas she usually farmed with him during their Dungeon Diving.

And so, after an hour or two of searching, Nox came across a beautiful black haired elfess, seeming lost in thought as she picked up a drop item from a monster she had just slain.

Naturally, it was Filvis who he had just found . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.