Talk with Filvis

Finding the person he was looking for, Nox jovially approached.

"Hey there Filvis!" He greeted.

The elfess turned around in shock, scolding herself for dropping her guard in the Dungeon before calming down after realizing who called out to her.

Filvis saw her beloved Red approaching and the calm she had just received left her again and the object of all her worries and thoughts that led her to be unable to properly focus was right in front of her.

After her conversation with Aisha, though Filvis had yet to know the true identity of her advisor, the elfess firmed her resolve to make things clear with Nox, or as she knew him, Red.

Resolve aside though, she was nervous beyond belief.

Not only was she uncertain of what exactly to say and even how to broach the subject, she also had no idea when her Red would be fully healed.

In fact, knowing her beloved was injured but being denied any other information on the matter was a source of great frustration and turmoil for Filvis.

Still, she had gone over the conversation she would have with Nox when he returned to see her hundreds of times . . .

Only to draw a total blank when she was actually in front of him.

The elfess froze in place.

"Filvis?" Nox called out.


He went up to her and patted her head and finally she reacted . . . By turning steaming red.

"I-It's good to s-see y-you again R-Red." She cutely stuttered.

Nox chuckled, only embarrassing her further.

"Yeah. I missed our time together quite a bit." He confessed, putting an blushing smile on the elfess' face.

"So what have you been doing while I was away?" Nox made conversation.

"Actually . . . How about we go to our usual spot and just talk, I've been wanting to speak to you about something." Filvis finally gathered her courage and said.

"Oh?" Nox was intrigued.

"Lead the way then." He replied positively.

Their usual spot was a secluded area on the 18th floor where they hung out to rest and talk or just enjoy each other's presence in peace.

And so, they trekked up a few floors back into the Safe 18th and moved to the agreed upon location with Nox quite curious as to what Filvis wanted to talk about and Filvis extremely nervous even though based on what she heard from Aisha, she could expect a favourable response.

After they sat down on a flat rock, seeing Filvis' nervousness, Nox took it upon himself to start by sharing what happened to him.

He gave to true specifics but mentioned that he went on a foray deep into the Dungeon and met an extremely powerful monster, getting injured while fighting it and thus spending quite a while healing back up, hence his delay in seeing Filvis again.

Such basic information, Filvis had already heard from the masked Aisha so it didn't come off as a surprise though she didn't let that fact slip. Now that Nox had shared that information though, she didn't have to worry about exposing Aisha by gushing with worry at his injuries.

"Are you still hurt?"

"Are you sure you should be down here?"

"Do you want me to escort you back to the surface?"

And other similar questions that sincerely warmed Nox's heart were thrown at him non stop.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Nox cajoled.

Filvis took a deep breath in response and got her composure back.

She looked at Nox unflinchingly, staring him in the eyes through his mask.

"Filvis?" He questioned.

"I have something to tell you Red." She declared with seriousness.

"Okay, lay on me." Nox respected her seriousness and paid attention.

Filvis nervously undid the collar of her dress and showed the center of her chest here a veined slit opened up to reveal the richly colored magic stone of a Creature.

Nox smiled behind the mask.

"Finally worked up the courage eh?" He warmingly teased.

The elfess pouted.

"So you did know! You could've told me!" She complained.

Nox chuckled.

"I just wanted you to make the choice yourself." Nox defended his decision.

Filvis just pouted her way to victory until he patted her head and apologized though.

"Will you listen to my story?" She asked, blushing as he caressed her beautiful straight black hair.

"I would love to." Nox responded with a comforting smile that unleashed butterflies onto Filvis' stomach.

And so Filvis shared her secrets. Revealing that she truly died in the Nightmare, the disaster created by Olivas Act of Evilus, only to wake up from the sleep of death by having bonding with what she called a Jeweled Fetus.

She maintained her memories, her emotions and even got more powerful but she was tainted beyond redemption. At least in her eyes.

"You're not tainted Filvis." nox firmly declared, his soothing tone that left no room for doubt, warming Filvis' soul and telling her she had found her home, her place of belonging . . . Nox's side.

"There's something else I must say." Filvis suddenly declared, backing off a little bit from him.

"Is there more?" Nox asked.

"It's about my god . . ." She hesitantly started.

"Ah! You don't need to say anything. I know you're not the time to handle betraying others even if they deserve it." Nox stopped her.

"Eh?" Filvis was confused.

"But-" She tried to argue but Nox silenced her with a raised hand.

"I already know about Dionysus/Enyo and his Orario destroying plans so don't worry about it" Nox casually revealed.

Filvis could only stare in shock.

"In fact, I have some new you might find displeasing . . ." He continued in a slightly more somber tone.

"What is it?" Filvis questioned.

"It's about a certain . . . cooperator in Enyo's schemes. A subordinate of his but one with his own agenda." Nox continued.

"Who are you talking about. There's Revis and Ein which-" Filvis started.

"Actually you know, or more like a doppelganger created by your magic." Nox once again revealed his knowledge that shocked the elfess.

"There is another cooperator that works with Revis, another Creature . ." He continued.

"Who?" Filvis asked, almost fearing the answer.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.