Welcoming Another Into the Fold

"There is another cooperator that works with Revis, another Creature . ." Nox said.

"Who?" Filvis asked, almost fearing the answer.

"Olivas Act . . ." Nox finally revealed.

Filvis could only freeze in shock. In fact, she was even feeling lightheaded.

Despite the many wrongdoings of her god, Filvis still felt terrible for the betrayal she was commiting by pledging herself to Nox after telling him her story.

But to think Dionysus, the god she admired and even loved at one point was allying himself with the one responsible for not only the most traumatic event in Filvis's life, but also the orchestrator of the deaths of most high level members of the past Dionysus Familia.

Nox had to physically shake her out of it but after she got out of the daze brought upon by the painful revelation, poor Filvis broke down crying.

Her only solace was that her Red was looking out for her as her life of devotion to her god was now looking like one big disgusting lie.

Nox held her for quite a while as she sobbed on his shoulder by Filvis was feeling extremely lost and in such a situation, she could only cling on to the last source of security and comfort left to her, the man on whose shoulder she was crying.

Despite having considered that this would be the result of the reveal, Nox was actually not thinking of himself when he chose to do things this way . . . Well, maybe he was thinking a little bit about his own gains.

But the truth was that he believed this to be necessary for Filvis as well. Not only did she deserve the truth, she also deserved to know that her decision of abandoning Dionysus was the best one she could possibly take.

And if as a byproduct her bond to himself was strengthened and a fair bit of dependance on him was created, who was Nox to say no to such a good deal?

After a good long while, Filvis gathered her composure back with a glint in her eyes a bit too obsessed for Nox's taste, leaving him wonder if the "medicine" had not worked a tad too well . . .

Still, he thought it best to take her mind of the heavy matters.

"So now that you have become one of mine . . . It about time I show you my face no?" Nox teased.

And hearing this, though there was obviously still a shadow of heaviness on Filvis' face, she clearly lit up slightly as it was a great source of curiosity for her.

Nox took off his mask dramatically slow, taking the elfess' mind of her trauma with pure annoyance inducing behaviour as he he kept the mask hovering in front of his face, not letting her get a full view.

After sufficiently teasing her, all for her own good of course, he finally moved it away.

"You're Nox Lyros!?" Filvis was shocked out of her mind.

"Yeah . . . I guess I'm famous heh? I would've preferred you be awed by my surprising supernatural handsomeness but oh well." Nox narcissitically responded.

It actually got a slight subdued giggle out of the elfess which he saw as a win.

"Well then. Time for your contract and for you to meet the team." Nox continued.

"Contract?" Filvis inquired.

Nox proceeded to explain to her the function and purpose of the contract. It enforced loyalty to the group and secrecy mostly but rather than a device to bind people who he thought weren't trustworthy, it was actually a means that prevented others from extracting info through both brute force and subtle manipulation.

Filvis actually though it to be quite ingenious and was glad to sign it. After all, as someone who had experienced betrayal such a contract that also bound others in the group not to harm her interest was greatly appealing, regardless of the huge amount of trust she had in Nox.

With the contract settled though, Nox used a communication device he had crafted in his free time to call for a gathering on the 50th floor fortress town. Everyone had limited access to the teleportation network so they could easy warp there through any of their group's hideouts.

Most of the girls had already know about Filvis so they were not at all surprised to see her come with Nox. Even the jealousy that usually came when a new member was introduced seemed to be missing as it had already came and went when Nox was still courting her as Red.

The fact they were not really romantically involved yet might have also helped but the fact remained that everyone was very welcoming towards the black haired elfess, especially Aisha whose suspiciously high instant rapport with Filvis raised Nox's brow.

Still, he liked to let his girls have their own lives and usually didn't pry unless he thought he should for their sake . . . Or when he was bored or curious or both and had nothing better to do but everyone has their flaws right?

With Filvis welcomed into the fold, all Nox had left to do was wait until his soul recovered, update his own status and work his magic on the falna of the new members and then get cracking on his Project Unlife.

Meanwhile though, he had a date lined up with Hestia, was waiting on possible contact from Chigusa, even though Haruhime was actually the one that was on the lookout and finally, he began drawing out a schedule of relaxing activities to perform with his girls and friends while he was still in his healing process . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.