Monsterphilia V

The event started out as usual and some of the powerful adventurers in the audience were offered the opportunity of fighting Ash and Luna after agreeing to the match conditions, no killing and no responsibility for injuries to to any involved party but restraint had to be practiced.

It was simple enough and a few of the more famous adventurers tried their had in the arena and neither them nor the girls got more than a couple of scratches that Nox easily healed without issue.

But then, Tiona and Tione jumped into the arena for a two on two fight, smirking at Nox the whole time.

"Don't regret it." Was all Nox said with a smirk of his own before the two pairs squared off.

He was just teasing though, the twin sisters were powerful Level 5 adventurers with perfect combinations so it would be hard for Ash and Luna to bet any serious advantage over them.

There was the fact that Luna was significantly faster that the two sisters which was the key factor that designated the flow of the entire exhibition.

Ash retreated to the edge of the arena while Luna, in her humanoid rabbit form, stood still at the ready for incoming attacks.

The Hiryute sisters also realized their opponents were more serious that before and licked their lips while tightening their stances, as if coiled springs ready to burst.

The tension was palpable and the audience could feel it, staring with unflinching gazes in the hopes of seeing every single instance of what was building up to be an epic fight.

The adventurers in the audience hower, the high and first class ones in particular however, knew that only them would be able to truly appreciate the fight as it would almost certainly be conducted a a speed far to great for civilians and low level adventurers to accurately track.

Nox had given the courtesy of grabbing the amazons' weapons before the match started so Tione was armed with two of her kukri at the ready and two extra pairs in reserve while Tiona wielded her massive twinblade that she affectionately called Urga.

Time trickled by and when tensions were at their highest peak, Ilta gave the signal and both teams sprung into actions.

The very instant the fight started, tracking burning ash missiles filled the sky, forcing the two sisters to break apart in order to dodge.

Luna immediately charged Tiona who was the fastest of the two sisters. The plan was for Ash to harass the amazons, keeping them apart while Luna went for the faster one in hopes that the slower one could not reach them in time.

Utilizing her Lunar Burst, Luna's own reproduction of Nox's Invictus, she was like a white flash rushing across the arena for hit and run attacks on Tiona who, showing her experience and skill, effortlessly parried them by using her wide twinblade as a shield.

This forced the fight into a stalemate which gave Tione plenty of time to rejoin her sister to fight off the aggressive Luna who instantly backed off as soon as the two sisters rejoined and the initial staredown repeated itself.

When Luna was mixed with the opponent, Luna had not choice but to hold back on the magic bombardment but with the rest, she was free to open fire as she greeted the Hiryute Sisters with an even bigger barrage of fiery ash missiles.

Once again, the amazons had no choice but to break apart and Luna charged Tiona once again, turning the whole situation into a replay of last time. The twins had other ideas however.

Instead of weaving through Ash's harassment to reach her sister like before, Tione instead pushed for Ash while Tiona maintained a stalemate with Luna but patiently shoring up her defenses, a rather uncharacteristic move from someone as offensive minded as she usually was.

At first, the two monsters seemed not to care as they made no extra moves. Tione took a little damage as she made a violent approach since she did not want to give Ash and Luna time to come up with a counter move but her self injuring approach was precisely why they kept their positions up until the last minute.

As soon as Tione reached Ash, she swore she could see a grin of her giant hellhound like snout.

Ash, turned into a cloud of burning ash and smoke before rushing away through their air, leaving a shocked Tione behind and reforming elsewhere.

All the while Luna kept violently smashing powerful Luna Burst driven attacks against Tiona's guard, slowly wearing down her opponent with superior speed.

Tione, realizing Ash would be a tough opponent for physical fighters like themselves due to the move she had just used, the amazon quickly cooked up a new battle plan.

She began making another approach onto Ash but this time, she began casting her magic list Iorum with surprisingly skilled use of concurrent casting, an ability that Nopx did not she possessed.

Ash however, confident in her ability to deal with any magic throw at her, continued with her instnese barrage, pilling on small injuries and exhaustion onto the approaching Tione whose approach seemed to be less skilled and even less aggressive, most likely due to her chanting which took away at least part of her focus.

Alas, it was a trap!

At the last moment, Tione turned towards Luna and Tiona who were a bit away and fired her magic.

"List Iorum!" She finished her chant with strength as a magical whip bound that speedy Luna in place.

It was a gamble since the binding worked based on chance that diminished with the strength of her opponent and increased with the strength of her magic stat.

As soon as the binding was successful, Tiona changed defense to offence as she prepared to strike hard at her immobilized opponent.

Tione dashed towards the pair as well since Ash would not be able to bombard them with magic if they were too close to Luna, in fact, they might even be able to draw the hellhound into close combat with such a tactic . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.