Monsterphilia VI

Tione dashed towards the Tiona and the bound Luna who she was about to strike with all her strength since Ash would not be able to bombard them with magic if they were too close to her Almiraj partner, in fact, they might even be able to draw the hellhound into close combat with such a tactic.

What came next however, left even Nox surprised.

He too was thinking the Hiryute sisters had turned the flow of the match against Ash and Luna and that he should probably stop them soon if he did not want grievous injuries to occur on either side but the two intelligent monster girls had a plan of their own, devised with ingenuity in the heat of the moment.

Luna curled up in her binds ad fired up her Lunar Burst to the maximum, putting her entire focus onto it and ignoring everything else.

As Tiona reached the bound Almiraj and was winding up her big swing, she thought Luna was just trying to block her stike with this magic of hers and put even more strength into her blow.

Near instantly however, she noticed Tione's binding magic rapidly fading. A Mind Burst type skill like Lunar Burst and the more powerful Invictus did provided respectable physical defense but it did its best in blocking or resisting hostile magic.

The sisters immediately thought this was a double move from Luna of defending herself while simultaneously ridding herself of her bindings.

But they were wrong.

It was indeed a double move of defense and an attempt to free herself but what Luna was defending against was never Tiona's attack, otherwise, she would have focused her magic into her body to toughen up her monster hide to withstand a physical attack.

Instead, Luna had put up a defense that was most effective against hostile magic so it was obvious what she wanted, obvious to her longtime partner Ash that is . . .

Seeing her partner put up a magic resistant defense, Ash instantly realized what Luna was trying to tell her.

The Hellhound was ready to jump into melee to save her friend, just like the amazon sisters planned but seeing Luna's moved, she immediately stopped and instead mustered all of her Mind reserves, leaving only enough to still be effective afterwards.

Suddenly, with Ash as the epicenter, a huge wave of fire and ash swept through the entire arena with merciless hot judgement.

The clouds of burning ash left the entire audience blind to what was going on in the arena and since the ash clouds were magic, even Jun's spirit pulse did not allow him see through it.

After a while, the roiling clouds of ash settled to reveal a scorched arena.

Ash was on her feet but she was visibly tired and the perpetual aura of magic that surrounder her like a cloud of burnish ash was nowhere to be seen which revealed her luscious grey fur with fiery streaks when she usually appeared quite demonic with her shroud.

Luna was free but laying her back on a wall for support after being blown away by Ash's magic attack, her defence had covered for most of the damage but she was clearly burned as her usually shiny white fur that gave off a bluish, moonlight like aura was singed black.

As for the amazons, it seemed like Tiona had figured out Ash and Luna's plan at the last second, trying to spin her massive twinblades to make a barrier.

It partially worked and despite her rather serious burns, she was still standing and even seemed to be grinning despite the pain.

Tione on the other hand, had her back utterly scorched since it was turned on Ash when the blast happened, she was trying to get up but seemed to be having difficulty getting past the kneeling stage.

Knowing that enough was enough and that he had let things get way to serious, Nox jumped down onto the arena and, in a display of wealth and generosity that left everyone in attendance stupefied, gave each of the four combatants a drop of Panacea which immediately healed back to a perfect state and even restored their depleted energy reserves to full.

The mythical healing item that had taken the world by storm, everyone knew about it but few had ever laid eyes upon it. Now though, the entire audience was greeted to a show of its legendary effectiveness with the use of four doses in quick succession.

After everyone was healed up, Tiona hugged Nox while Tiona just gave him her usual sultry teasing look while thanking him and telling him he really knew how to spoil a girl.

Luna and Ash also curled up to Nox and the two pairs of combatant ended up snuggling in the middle of the arena as a show of respect to the resounding cheers of the audience who had woken up from their stupor.

The four contestants bowed to the audience in thanks for the cheers which only made them go louder, it wasn't until a certain someone descended gracefully upon the arena with a smirk on his face that everyone fell silent.

Nox got instantly on guard considering who he was and the expression that seemed to scream he was there to make a mess, even the sisters as well as Ash and Luna tensed up, as they sensed the hostility.

One of Orario's few Level 6 adventurers and the vice captain of Orario's strongest Freya Familia. Under his goddess' command, Allen Fromel had descended upon the arena to make trouble.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.