Monsterphilia VII

One of Orario's few Level 6 adventurers and the vice captain of Orario's strongest Freya Familia. Under his goddess' command, Allen Fromel had descended upon the arena to make trouble.

"I want to have a go at your little pets too." Were the first words out of Allen's mouth and nox already felt like wiping the the smirk of his face by dragging it across the arena floor.

The fact that he was a member of the Freya familia, its vice captain no less, also led Nox to believe Freya herself was the one pulling the strings behind this incident.

Nox felt like he had a few choices, all with their own particular disadvantages.

There wasn't a single bit of doubt in his mind that Allen would "mistakenly" go too far and severely injure Ash and/or Luna should he give his go ahead for this particular match.

Nox also believed that the man known as Orario's fastest would be able to impose his will on the two monster girls and they would stand not chance of defeating him.

Since he already knew things would turn out badly, Nox could simply refuse the matchup but that would impact his reputation in a very undesirable way. It would make him look weak and non confrontational which might give others the wrong idea and thus create a lot more nuisances down the line for him and his group.

Additionally, Ash and Luna were raring to have a go at Allen themselves, even knowing they stood practically no chance and they would certainly resent a resolution that did not involve a battle.

Taking these things into account, choosing to take the challenge from Allen would be the better option as even if the girls got injured or even died, they were prepared for that and Nox would be able to bring them back with Panacea.

The problem with this course of action, would be what Nox should choose to do after Allen inevitably oversteps the boundaries in place and maliciously strikes at Luna and Ash.

If Nox were to show any sign of withdrawal or acceptance, it would damage his reputation in the same way as refusal would, perhaps even more severely so it was out of the question.

A confrontational approach would be in order, the only question, was how confrontational he should make it.

Nox was more powerful than Allen, if he used his Trinity Aspect to take the true form of a Greater Archon, he could even take out Ottar without problem so Orario's fastest was nothing to him.

As such, Nox was fully capable of making his response as harsh as he pleased from a purely strength based standpoint.

The main issue, was in the impact his actions would have towards Orario and its adventurers. Killing Allen would create a pile of problems Nox would loathe to deal with so going that far was utterly out of the question . . . At least not publicly.

So to what degree should he teach the black cat a lesson he wouldn't soon forget?

Truth be told, some suppression and intimidation followed by demands of compensation for heinous acts ought to be more than enough to portray a strong image and minimize backlash. In doing so however, Nox would be forgoing one of the things he cared about the most . . .

Self satisfaction.

Like hell he would feel happy merely teaching the overly arrogant cat a little lesson when he was planning on hurting his monsters girls. A painful humiliation at the very least was necessary.

Coming to this conclusion, Nox gave Allen a predatory grin that unsettled the Freya Familia vice captain but only for a moment before he shook it off.

"Since Ash and Luna are both willing, a match can certainly be arranged . . ." Nox began, his grin still taunting Allen.

Tiona and Tione wanted to say something as they too had noticed the clearly bad intentions Allen descended upon the arena with but they simply clammed up when they looked at Nox.

They were shocked. And their shock was compounded further when they heard the exchange that came next.

"For your sake however . . . You should keep to the rules." Nox cautioned.

"And what do you mean by that Archon?" Allen called Nox by his alias.

"I mean that my girls are ready for the pain . . . But are you Vana Freya?" Nox responded while looking down derisively on the black cat.

Allen was quite short at only 162 cm while Nox was well over 180 cm and better built, Allen usually compensated with an aggressive aura and penetrating gaze but Nox was cleary looking at him as if he was a lamb going to the slaughter.

Tiona and Tione were honestly a bit shook. They had known Nox for a while and seen many sides of him from joking, to serious, to flirtatious . . .

Today however, for the first time they saw cruelty and bloodthirst on his face. The sisters were no strangers to violence and even enjoyed it but Nox's willingness to hurt and threatening demeanor was something they had never associated with him.

They had always found some parts of him mysterious, specially when he disappeared for days and weeks at a time, something which occurred more and more often as he got stronger but they thought they knew his core pretty well now however, they were beginning to realize there was still much about Nox they had not even begun to grasp.

The sisters only woke from their stupor once Nox directly called them to leave the arena with him to make space for Ash, Luna and Allen.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.