Aftermath of the Show I

After his little confrontation, Nox took Ash and Luna and simply disappeared, using his magic to call a meeting with his girls before retreating into the Dungeon to wait for them to gather.

Meanwhile, waves from the final event of the Monsterphilia shook Orario to its core while reverberating across the entire world over the next few days.

The arena show, already one of the more popular events of the Monsterphilia festival rose even further in popularity after Nox got involved with Luna and Ash in tow and many of Orario's influential figures came to watch it, some just to see Nox himself.

As such, not only did Nox's friends and acquaintances know of his deeds, most of them got to see it first hand and developed their own opinions on the matter.

One thing that became apparently clear to everyone though, was that Nox had became one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful adventurer in all of Orario in their eyes.

Another, was that a grudge had formed between this rising star and the mighty Freya Familia who had reigned as Orario's strongest for years now, ever since the fall of the Zeus and Hera Familias.

The Hermes Familia members in the audience for example, had only now realized what kind of abnormal freak they fooled around and gambled with. Asfi in particular wondered when the cunning young boy who was just starting out became such an unstoppable force.

She had developed a slight crush for the now grown young man she considered to be an extremely talented and competent younger brother like figure that she could not get her eyes off of. Now though, she saw just how far beyond her Nox had actually gone.

Asfi's mentality and resolved seemed to undergo some change, what that change was however, remained to be seen in the future. Whether it was a good change or a bad one as well.

Another group that was having trouble matching the young boy turned young man they knew with the ruthless demon they had just seen, were the waitresses of the Hostess of Fertility.

Syr was surprisingly not around, well surprising for her fellow waitresses as she was still watching carefully from a distance as Freya but the other three saw everything in the flesh.

Chloe and Lunoire were in absolute shock at how they could consider the devil they had just watched humiliate one of Orario's top adventurers a "cute boy" they loved to tease and spoil when he came around their workplace.

The one in most turmoil however, was Anya. She too was shocked at Nox's incredible prowess but her stake in the matter was bigger due to the simple fact Allen Fromel was her, Anya Fromel's, big brother. He was much more powerful and had disowned her but the two still cared for each other and seeing her mighty and scary big brother being beaten half dead was a complicated experience.

Yet another group that felt chills at Nox's "performance" was the Takemikazuchi and Hestia Familias who had come to watch the show together, even if the members were shocked in different ways and had different reactions.

Bella was slightly frightened by Nox's ruthlessness but but her motivation to grow stronger burned ever brighter with her dear wish to catch up to Nox who had become her Hero, shinin like a sun with her her lithe frame.

Hestia felt worried as she didn't like seeing the facet of Nox she had seen today but she was not disturbed at all. In the end, she was a goddess and she could see through Nox's character decently well, as could the other goddesses and gods who interacted with Nox sufficiently.

Even if they could not tell how far Nox had gone, they could more or less grasp the type of person he was so Hestia was shocked by Nox's display of power but not at all by his display of ruthlessness. And so, she merely decided to spoil him a bit more the next time they met to ward off the darkness festering within him.

Takemikazuchi was more preoccupied with his children's reactions to Nox than with Nox himself, he always had a feeling that Nox was a lot more powerful than even he himself realized and his more cold hearted side did not come as a surprise to him either.

Takemikazuchi's concern was only how his children would react to the ruthlessly mighty display of prowess Nox had given them, hoping it would not influence them in a bad way. Unfortunately, while some did indeed take Nox's demonstration as a source of drive to improve, others did not and yet another had a bit of a complex reaction to the matter.

The three more inexperienced and weaker members were just terrified that they had been spending time with a ruthless devil like Nox, not that he would care much since he considered them to be quite insignificant in terms of potential.

Irritating as Ouka was, he at least had the potential to be somebody in the future . . . The far, far future. Speaking of Ouka, he was also terrified, terrified that he had been picking fights and attempting to undermine and insult such a powerful man who he felt was far beyond a realm he could ever reach.

On the other hand, it made him accept Nox's superiority once and for all, dissipating his hostility and igniting a new drive to better himself, even if he knew he would never catch up to the devil so mockingly far above him. All in all, despite the trauma and fear suffered, the experience ended up being beneficial to good old Ouka.

The other two girls however . . . Had "slightly" different reactions . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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