Monsterphilia X

"Enough you bastard!" Allen finally lost it and charged Nox.

With a ghastly grin, Nox thought . . .

'Now it's self defence . . . And you're done.'

Lightning magic covered the entirety of Nox's body as hia Invictus Tonitrus, the fastest version of his ubiquitous enhancement magic, flared to life.

Nox casually sidestepped Allen's spear thrust and socked him right in the face with a lightning enhanced counter punch, sending the black cat flying back into the wal just behind him and deepening the hole he had just dug with his very body.

Before Allen could shake off the effects though, this time, Nox kept going.

He closed the distance and grabbed the black cat by his face, prying him off the wall while his electrifying Invictus Tonitrus continuously fried the poor thing.

Nox then tossed him into the air and what followed a show to comical to be believed.

At a speed none could even perceive, Nox dashed around sending Allen flying in one direction before intercepting him with another blow and sending him flying somewhere else, repeating the process on and on, bouncing the toasted black cat who got electrocuted with each blow around like a pinball.

It was the first time Nox had fought one of Orario's top adventurers seriously and the ease with which he thrashed him made Nox realize his own strength was much higher than he had thought.

He was not even 10% serious, just lightly warming up and one of Orario's strongest behind Ottar was utterly helpless.

It made Nox feel empty. He had considered thrashing Ottar a goal, to have that kind of power, but he had underestimated how his boosted stats from the Exceed Skill made him an utterly broken existence.

More accurately, Nox had overestimated the boost of a Level Up. A level up did not merely reset one's abilities and let one grow stronger again, it also gave a huge overall boost to one's abilities.

That was why Nox did not trust the numbers as a high level adventurer was much more power than just what their cumulative stat numbers implied and the boost of a level up was larger the higher one's level was.

Along with this, ones numerical stats were worth more the higher one's level was. For example, a Level 1 going from I-0 to I-99 represented a much smaller strength increased than if a Level 5 did the exact same.

Nox was not wrong, even with his boosted stats, a Level 9 with good enough skills would still demolish him with relative ease a Level 7 however . . . Well, that was well within the reach of Nox's overwhelming stats and broken skills and magic.

Having come face to face with monsters like that aberrant demi spirit had made Nox conscious about his comparative weakness that made it so he was forced to use self destructive means to achieve victory.

What he didn't realize, was that no one in the world, regardless of what sacrifices they chose to make, would be able to do what he did.

Ottar, who Nox had held in high esteem couldn't finish the Balor in a one on one but Nox, with his extreme firepower could, even when he was weaker than he was today.

Suddenly, Nox's interest in the affairs of adventurers and Familia's plummeted. The petty squabbles became meaningless as barring a god or goddess using their arcanum on him, Nox had nothing to fear in the surface world other than the One Eyed Black Dragon.

Nox's Invictus died down as he caught Allen by the neck and help him aloft, fully unconscious from the humiliating beating he had just received.

Even his cold rage seemed to be dying down as Allen felt so insignificant and pathetic.

Instead, Nox felt he should focus his efforts on making his monster girls stronger, his regular girls too. He did not want to end up alone at the top, he was determined to drag them up with him, one way or another. Even if they never reached his heights, he would make sure they came as close as possible.

It was at that moment Freya's goons arrived, Hogni Ragnar and Hedin Selland the other two Level 6s of the Freya Familia and the former kings of the Dark and White Elves respectively.

Having been commanded by their goddess to assist Allen, they obeyed with question or hesitation but in their hearts, they questioned whether their beloved goddess was, in their mind at least, overestimating this Nox Lyros she was obsessed with, once again.

The two elves did not wish to doubt their goddess and Freya's eye for talent was the best in the world considering hers was currently the mightiest familia but even then, their jealousy over the attention Freya gave Nox made the question if she was overestimating the young adventurer.

Having arrived on the arena however, long gone were any such thoughts as they saw their Vice Captain, Orario's fastest man, beaten and burned, unconsciously held aloft in the end of the "boy" they had underestimated. A "boy" that clearly lacked any sign of strain, much less injury.

'Monster . . .' 'Monster . . .'

That was what came to mind when they saw him . . .

No . . . Monsters they could handle . . . Nox was a Devil, an Abomination they could never hope to match and when he turned to face the new arrivals, Hogni and Hedin saw . . .

In Nox eyes, the indifference that was born of the realization he just had threatened to swallow their weak souls the moment their eyes met with each other.

Nox saw it to, smelled it, the fear.

He scoffed in disdain before tossing Allen over to them.

"Leave before I make you stay permanently." Was all he said and caring little for their image, the two elves picked up their vice captain and high tailed it out of the arena.

And was it seared in the minds of everyone in attendance, many of which were Nox's friends and/or acquaintances, that Orario had a new top dog and he was not someone to be trifled with . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.