Aftermath of the Show III

The Freya Familia was most certainly in turmoil it hadn't experienced in quite a while and Freya herself seemed to be wholly uninterested in it, resulting in it worsening.

The source of the turmoil was of course, Nox's vicious assault of their vice captain. The conflict didn't really come due to their outrage over the event in particular however, the Freya Familia was not that tight knit.

The complaints came for the fact that the familia was attacked and yet they were doing nothing. Freya hadn't even said anything on the matter, which left them all unsettled.

Freya's increasing obsession with Nox already made them quite jealous and irritated but the fact that no retaliation was being considered despite the fact he had literally attacked them? There should be a limit to favouritism!

Of course, they all conveniently ignored the fact that their familia was the one who in fact started the whole conflict in the first place. Nox's actions could, at the very most, be described as too excessive a response.

In the end, all of the top members of the Freya Familia organized a meeting to figure out their future course as Freya seemed to be quite out of it.

In fact, the main reason the meeting was arranged in the first place and someone like Ottar even bothered to attend was due to the fact that their goddess' current state would be discussed.

Freya had been acting quite . . . strange . . . ever since the events of the Monsterphilia Festival.

One minute she seemed the normal and perfect Freya they all worshiped, the next, she became a blushing mess that twitched uncontrollably in place while letting out all sorts of soul stirring noises and finally there were times where she would clam up with an weird expression that oscillated between lost and frustrated.

It was honestly a bit disturbing and the main reason such a meeting was set up between the familia's higher ups. The main speaker in this meeting, was surprisingly a rather unassuming human girl, a Level 3 adventurer by the name of Horn . . .

Horn, previously known as Syr, gave her name, her very identity to Freya in exchange for gaining magic that would let her take her goddess' form.

When Freya walked around as Syr, Horn would take her place, acting as her goddess so that no one realized she was gone and walking around in human form.

This ability, made her deeply connected to Freya as all sorts of emotions and thoughts of the goddess would constantly be transmitted into her mind.

It was at the same time a source of suffering that slowly but steadily erased her individuality but at the same time, it was an honor and blessing to known and understand her goddess better than anyone ever could.

This ability to understand Freya's emotions and, to some degree, her thoughts, made Horn perhaps the only one who could truly make sense of what their goddess was currently feeling and thinking.

Only the executives of the Familia knew about her though, hence the exclusive meeting and why they gave so much weight to her word despite her being much weaker than them.

The ones present at this meeting were Horn, and Ottar who were previously mentioned, Allen who was healed back to full health with some expensive medicine, Hedin and Hogni, the two elves the went to support him against Jun but ended up just bringing back his mauled body and the Gulliver Brothers.

The last were a group of four pallum brothers who madly loved and worshipped Freya and hated the rest of their Familia due to perceiving it as an obstacle to monopolizing Freya's love, though they had some respect for Horn due her act of giving her everything to Freya and even succeeding in becoming her in a certain way.

Their intense love came from the manner in which they were recruited into the Freya Familia. The four brothers worked as famed artisans for a dwarf. One day, Freya came to the dwarf's shop and commissioned a necklace from them.

Smitten by the goddess, the brothers poured their entire being, taking four entire days of intensive work to craft a masterpiece for Freya.

Once they were done, the dwarf revealed to them that they no longer needed to work in his store as Freya had agreed to sleep with him in exchange for them.

Seeing Freya's actions as a sacrifice for their own benefit and falling deeper into their obsessive love, the brothers, enraged by the whole matter, slaughtered the dwarf and followed Freya to become a part of her familia.

The meeting had started and quickly devolved into a mess as the Freya Familia's executives did not get along with each other in the slightest.

Horn was the last to arrive, being appalled at the chaos when they were supposed to be discussing their goddess' safety and health.

She was late due to having being using her magic to fulfill Freya's public functions which she swiftly tossed to Horn after the whole Monsterphilia debacle.

She tried to call for the attention of her supposed peers she didn't have that much love for but it was futile, only Ottar paid attention to her.

Realizing this meeting would go nowhere like so, Ottar rose from his seat, his massive figure towering over all of his peers and his fame, authority and might commanding their respect regardless of personal feelings.

"Now that Horn has arrived, let us begin." He simply said and stoically sat back down in silence, giving Horn the word.

Having everyone's attention, she stepped forward to shared what she had gleaned from her bond with their goddess.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.