Aftermath of the Show VII

Everyone absconded to their private rooms to ponder on their personal lists.

There was however, one notable exception . . . A certain foxy beauty who could no longer bear the wait and followed Nox to his room with "nefarious" intent in her heart.

Nox of course noticed it, Haruhime was not loud but not nearly stealthy enough for him to mis her. However, curious as to what she intended to do, he didn't say anything and just made his way to his own room as planned.

The original intent was to rest his weary mind and think on what to do moving forward but clearly, the lady following him had very different ideas.

In the very instant that Nox fully opened his door, Haruhime jumped him from behind while barely giving him time to turn around.

She slammed the door with one of her tails and with the momentum from tackling Nox, she took him down, falling right on top of him on the bed.

'Perfect execution~' She thought while burying her face into Nox's neck and greedily sucking the air through her nose, inhaling his natural scent which sporting a rather sultry blushing look on her face.

All Nox could think was . . .

'Where did my sweet Haruhime who passed out from close contact with men go!?'

As it turned out, Nox rather busy schedule made his lovely fox girl grow impatient. She fancied herself his most supportive wife in terms of homsely and wifely duties and she was not wrong. In fact, Nox could be claimed to be completely at fault for his lack of attention to the lovely renard.

"Since Nox-sama has been to busy to eat me . . . Haruhime decided to eat Nox-sama instead~" Haruhime purred with a sultry tone while suggestively lowering her kimono, not enough to completely bare anything but just enough to make her look doubly more tantalizing.

'I could tell it is a bad time, say our first time together shouldn't be like this . . .' Nox thought to himself.

"Eat away my dear~" Nox replied in a husky tone, daring her to keep going. He was wondering how far Haruhime could go before he either had to take charge, or couldn't hold himself back from flipping her over and having his way with her.

Not lowering her kimono further, Haruhime leaned down, holding his face gently before brushing their lips together as both their breathings got rougher.

Soon enough, her confidence began growing as she lightly sucked on his, moaning in pleasure at the mere thought of finally getting what she had been fantasizing about for a good long while now . . .

A few hours later, everyone had their lists ready, Tiona looked worse for wear, the results of Riveria making her various mistakes and failing obvious enough to even a blockhead like her, and then ribbing the amazon for her blatant unrepentance over her erroneous action.

There were however, two missing individuals and it didn't take lot of thinking why they were missing when Nox's room was occupied and the other missing individual, Haruhime's wasn't.

Not keep on barging into a room where the two people in question were undoubtedly engaging or having been engaging in all manner of indecent acts, the rest of the girls resigned themselves to waiting while discussing their choices of parameters with each other.

Some like Lili bit her nails in jealousy, thinking correctly that Haruhime had been the one taking the initiative and that had she been braver, it could be her in the closed room getting thoroughly ravaged by the love of her life. Still, the spry pallum was now definitely not letting Nox leave before she had her go . . .

Meanwhile, Nox held a very content and beaming but sleeping Haruhime who was wrapped around his body without a single hint of loosening her hold in more ways than one.

She had been wild . . .

'Never would I have though Haruhime could ditch her shyness enough to actually go through it all and "taking a ride". No doubt Aisha's bad influence but damn . . . There's a reason for all those stories about seductive fox spirits that drained a man to death under their soft bodies . . .' Nox thought to himself, even more regretful at not paying his lovely foxy wife more attention.

What was done was done however, and he was making the rest of the girls wait so, with unnaturally skill, he untangled himself from his lover while managing not to wake her up and left the room, only to walk into the midst of a predatory group of girls with fulminating stares directed at him.

"So . . . Got your lists yet?" Nox ask fully intending on ignoring the elephant in the room.

After a cacophony of sounds of exasperation, Aisha quipped.

"When will Haruhime be joining us~?" She asked in her sultry and teasing tone.

"Yeah . . . Not anytime soon I'd wager." Nox stated.

"And now I'm jealous." Aisha shrugged and then told Nox her stat preferences.

The other girls followed through, and after memorizing their choices, though he was somewhat worried for some of them like Aisha who was building herself up as a pure glass cannon berserker, Nox decided to respect their wishes as they ought to know what worked best for them as adventurers with significant experience under their belts.

With that done, Nox once again set his girls free but this time around, they wanted to know more about what he was going to be doing since apparently, he reevaluation of his personal strength had made his change his priorities quite drastically.

Left with no other choice by a crowd of very insistent and persuasive girls, Nox decided to stick around, wait for Haruhime to wake up, and then give all of them a rundown of his current plans . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.