Aftermath of the Show VIII

As Nox finished up reallocating the girls' Excelia, Haruhime woke up, blushing from all the pointed stares from the others once she entered the room but also visibly proud for her "achievement".

Nox reallocated her Excelia as well after a quick discussion on her desired stats and soon after, it was time for him to share his current objectives.

First though, let us list the stat choices of the girls, how they each chose to specialize in order to increase their level and thus power while not harming the foundations for the stats required for their particular fighting styles.

As said before, Aisha went with a glass cannon berserker type build. For a berserker who should be going ham on the front lines to also be a glass cannon, it seemed like a dumb choice for sure, but Aisha had her plans.

Strength cranked up to the limit as well as dexterity so she could use her seemingly wild yet very refined curved greatsword technique and then slightly lower but still high agility, then even lower endurance, with relatively poor magical stats since it was not her main schtick.

Ryuu on the other hand, made her endurance similarly low and her dexterity maxed pout like Aisha but then, rather than strength, she maxed agility as well, choosing a high but slightly lower value for magic and strength on the pits.

This made her primarily a speed type fighter but as she had skills that increased her firepower the faster she zoomed around and her magic was still quite high, she fit much more into the classic speedy glass cannon build.

Such high damage builds seemed quite popular amongst Nox's group for some reason or another. For example, Naaza maximized strength and agility with slightly lesser dexterity, some magic, and low endurance.

Her goal was to maximize her power as a sniper with her bow, high agility to quickly relocate between vantage points and not let an enemy close the distance, strength to wield a high poundage bow and some magic to enchant her arrows for extra firepower.

Filvis on the other hand, was more similar to Ryuu, a magic swordswoman but rather than a hit and run style like the latter, Filvis maxed her magic and then put high values on agility, dexterity and strength with low endurance.

This made her much more apt as a front like fighter who could compensate for her low toughness with defensive magic.

The there was the true berserker of the party and its newest member, Tiona. A huge weapon, maxed strength still high but lower endurance and agility, decent dexterity and zero magic.

A pure physical fighter focused on dealing out as much punishment as possible even if it meant tanking hits with her body. her high speed was simply to chase down or react to speedy enemies rather than dodging.

So far, the build request Nox had been receiving were quite in line with the people he read and saw on the screen in his previous life, but the next one in line, had been changed far too much.

Lili, the cute little pallum, maxed strength and endurance, relatively high magic to operate her powerful magic weapons and heavy plate armor and then relatively low agility and dexterity.

A pure tank, btu despite her seemingly low speed due to a lack of agility, Lili was abnormally fast in a straight line rush due to her magic armor's functions. A tank capable of fierce and powerful charges while dealing massive damage with powerful and heavy weapons.

Finally, there were the pure mages, and the ones to get the most direct boost from Nox's change in status policy. After all, mages only needed maxed magic, as for the rest, low yet decent agility and dexterity while needing next to nothing in strength and endurance.

That meant they had more spare excelia to put towards level ups and thus, they ended up a much greater progress towards higher levels than the rest.

As the dedicated mages of the party, Haruhime and Riveria had the exact same stat distributions but their roles were exactly opposite to each other.

Haruhime was a dedicated buffer and debuffer, healing and enhancing her allies while weakening their enemies, while also having quite developed and powerful magic attacks for self protection and damage support.

Riveria on the other hand, while having very nice healing and support options in terms of spells, was at heart, an extremely powerful magic nuker and her most powerful abilities were attack magic. Specially since ever join Nox's group, Haruhime's presence allowed her to focus much more on her damage dealing.

But further specialization and dedicated build creation was but the process, and not that goal. The goal of thee underwent changes in status was to free up excelia used for leveling up and making any progression thereon far easier due to not needing to raise ever parameter to the max.

As a result, the levels, and thus prowess of all of Nox's girls jumped up tremendously. So much so that there was not a single individual beneath Level 5 in the entire party.

Lili, Ryuu, Tiona and Naaza were all somewhere in Level 5. Haruhime and Aisha had actually hit Level 6, the former being quite a bit along in the level and close to hitting her preferred stat distribution for another level up.

Most impressively however, were Filvis and Riveria. The former had a massive amount of excelia from joining her two halves and the latter was already at the peak of Level 6 before joining and had underwent quite a few trials in the deep floor with the group while making use of Nox's EX Pots.

As a result, the pair were both solid Level 7s with Filvis being quite far along in the level as well, making her the most powerful in the group other than Nox himself who despite being only Level 6 had busted limit broken stats.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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