Hunt For Evilus XV

'Revis is a creature, something created by implanting a corrupted magic stone born of a demi spirit's power into the body of a dead adventurer. It would then be logical to assume Revis has another identity back from when she was a normal adventurer.' He continued with his thought process.

'She has no memories of her life, possibly due to being converted a bit to late after death rather than just afterwards like Filvis or Olivas but that is pure speculation. The important part is that at least action wise, she will not reveal pretty much any trace of her previous life.'

'However, strictly appearance wise, if I try to match her to the known members of the former Astrea Familia to which Ryuu belonged, the Revis' previous identity becomes rather easy to figure out . . .'

"Alise Lovell . . ." Nox said in a low voice, Ryuu subconsciously twitched without waking, as if in reaction to the whisper.

The formed captain of the Astrea Familia. A blunt and straightforward person who didn't hold back her words.

Though often loud and boastful to an annoying degree she was still a person that people could come to like and respect because of her kind nature and her habit of offering genuine heartfelt praise. Optimistic, caring and bereft of prejudice, she was truly a shining beacon of purity.

Hiding her worries, fears and sprouts of hopelessness behind a cheerful smile so as to not let others worry, she was a seeker of justice who would unhesitantly give her life for those she cared about.

Her journey to find the true meaning of justice began from a young age and became a demonstration of her unwavering will, her persistent drive to pursue her goals as despite receiving a great deal of mockery and finding herself at a loss more often than not, Alise never gave up until she reached an answer of her own.

Ultimately, she came to the conclusion that each person had their own idea of justice, and therefore there was no such thing as "true justice", a thought that she unknowingly shared with her Goddess Astrea.

That was a description of Alise and perhaps the complete opposite of Revis. Not in the sense of opposing beliefs but in the way that Alise was a very driven and emotional individual while Revis is very cold and lacking in motivation.

'Yet, once her interest spikes, she can become almost obsessed . . . Perhaps a remnant of her previous self?' Nox pondered.

'Revis was once a dead adventurer and as no memories of her past self so she could indeed be her and . . . now that things seemed to have reached clarity, I can finally remember what I caught onto while tracking her.' He continued to ponder.

'It was a bit of trivia I read in passing, no wonder I didn't not immediately remember it. The author had thought about making Alise and Revis the same person but later ditched the idea because of how cruel it would have been to Ryuu . . .' Nox looked towards the fragilized elfess in his arms.

'Cruel indeed . . .' He thought to himself.

"Now what to do?" Nox asked himself while babying the most vulnerable Ryuu he ever saw, innocently sleeping with an soft expression in contrast to her previous twisted one but still with tears falling steadily from her eyes like small creeks of sadness.

'First thing is to wait for Ryuu to wake up I guess. I can't leave her alone or who knows what she'll do.' He decided.

'Protagonists make the mistake of not paying enough attention or letting someone else watch over people in distress only for them to sneak away and make matters infinitely worse just for some story drama. I'm not following their example and letting that happen.' Nox thought to himself.

'Next up will be taking Ryuu to meet Revis since regardless of how tough it it will be for her, it will ultimately be necessary. Who knows, maybe it will even spark some memories in Revis and turn her back into Alise . . . One can always hope right?' He continued to ponder on the matter.

'That means taking Revis alive and restraining her so she can't escape. Shouldn't be to hard for me, even if she gets stronger but with enemy levels reaching Level 7s and higher, I should get a move on and increase my own. I've been on the peak of Level 6 for a while now.' Nox evaluated the situation.

'Convincing Ryuu to let me do that alone and for her to wait before Revis was captured before she talked to her might prove challenging but if possible, would be the best option.' He thought, realizing it was an unlikely expectation to have.

As Nox was finishing with his thoughts, almost as if in protest to his lack of focus, Ryuu began to stir in his arms, her eyes fluttering open, followed a cute expression of confusion at her situation.

Realizing she had been crying in her sleep while being held by Nox, Ryuu immediately blushed in embarrassment but just as she wanted to pull herself up, the memory of why exactly she ended up like that came crashing into the forefront of her mind once again and she snuggled up against him even further.

He said nothing, just hugging her, rubbing her head gently and letting her feel his warmth until she was ready and willing to talk on her own.

Eventually, Ryuu gathered herself, still not showing her face that was pressed against Nox's belly as she laid in his lap, the elfess prepared to talk . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.