Hunt For Evilus XVI

As Nox was finishing with his thoughts, almost as if in protest to his lack of focus, Ryuu began to stir in his arms, her eyes fluttering open, followed a cute expression of confusion at her situation.

Realizing she had been crying in her sleep while being held by Nox, Ryuu immediately blushed in embarrassment but just as she wanted to pull herself up, the memory of why exactly she ended up like that came crashing into the forefront of her mind once again and she snuggled up against him even further.

He said nothing, just hugging her, rubbing her head gently and letting her feel his warmth until she was ready and willing to talk on her own.

Eventually, Ryuu gathered herself, still not showing her face that was pressed against Nox's belly as she laid in his lap, the elfess prepared to talk . . .

"Nox, the . . . Creature s-she . . ." Ryuu seemed to have difficulty forming words and just stopped to take a deep breath.

"I know Ryuu." Nox hugged her tighter.

"You do!?" She was shocked, so much so that she got some liveliness back.

"Well, from your reaction to seeing her and her features, narrowing down her previous identity was not that difficult." Nox replied.

"Don't worry. If it's possible, I'll get your friend back from within her. If not, then we'll both educate her enough not to tarnish her body's legacy." He vowed.

"Thank you." There were no other words Ryuu could say before such care, she just wanted to melt into him.

Nox didn't have to, never would she be so unreasonable. At most she wanted a chance to see Revis and talk to her in person, either to try and bring some trace of Alise out from within the creature or to confirm there was no hope and so enable herself to let go.

But he unhesitantly vowed to go above and beyond for her before the elfess even had a chance to ask for anything. Feeling such devotion from a man who had everything and chose to give so much for someone as unworthy as herself . . .

"First though, I want you to promise me you're going to stay put and let me handle it. I'll bring Revis around for you to talk to but you have to stay put and this is non negotiable." Nox declared.

"Stay still, rest, contemplate, maybe even take some of the others out on a relaxing afternoon outing but stay away from the Dungeon util this whole matter is dealt with. Am I clear?" He added with a very serious tone and expression.

Ryuu shrank a little but still answered positively.

"Alright . . ." It honestly made her feel like an unreliable child receiving direction fro her father which was highly disconcerting but he was doing so much for her, truly going above and beyond so the least she could do was to not bother him further, Ryuu was quite a sensible one in the group after all.

"Right then. I better get to work." Nox declared before trying to get up, Ryuu was holing him down however.

"Ryuu?" He questioned.

"Just stay like this a little longer?" The elfess asked with the cutest and most unlike Ryuu voice, Nox had ever hear from her.

"Alright." Nox accepted and just held the traumatized girl a while longer, comforting her until she actually fell asleep once more before finally leaving but not before explaining the situation to Riveria and telling her to keep an eye on Ryuu while he was gone.

First Nox set out to prepare was a black site to keep prisoners, both Revis and the ones he was going to capture when he took out the remnants of Evilus.

With significant remodeling and some spacial expansion magic, Nox turned one of his more secure facilities, the one in the safe zone beneath the colosseum on the Dungeon's White Palace, the 37th floor.

He still maintained a lab area, after all, some prisoners might prove useless as slaves so that way, he could give them a good use once he had extracted any information he might require from them.

To that particular end, a torture chamber with numerous enchanted tools with the express purpose of causing the most amount of suffering with the least amount of actual damage had to be developed.

Then there were the cells which Nox actually used divine blood from Ikelus that he had in their creation. It had the effect of nullifying Falna. He also created portable seals with the same principle later after he figured out the process.

Additionally, since powerful Xenos or Creatures whose power did not depend on a falna but instead a magic stone might also be imprisoned there, Nox added a special permanent spell formation that sealed the magic stones of whoever was imprisoned in such a way that it could only provide enough energy for basic movement and necessities.

The work went by pretty fast with his Arcana Craft that negated the necessity for a time consuming physical crafting process and made all crafting nearly instantaneous so long as the parameters input into the spell were correct.

That said, it still took a few days for it to be all complete and in those few days, Ais was approached by Fels, aka "the creepy fella in a black robe" for a guild issued request.

As soon as that report came, Nox checked around and the Hermes Familia also got a big job so it seemed things were truly about to go down.

Ais called on Aisha as agreed and they both set off for the appointed floor where a few members of the Hermes Familia awaited them according to Nox's intel.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.