Hunt For Evilus XVII

It still took a few days for the facilities to all be completed and in those few days, Ais was approached by Fels, aka "the creepy fella in a black robe" for a guild issued request.

As soon as that report came, Nox checked around and the Hermes Familia also got a big job so it seemed things were truly about to go down.

Ais called on Aisha as agreed and they both set off for the appointed floor where a few members of the Hermes Familia awaited them according to Nox's intel.

They were heading for 24th floor, the bottom of the Large Tree Labyrinth section of the Dungeon that started all the way on 19th floor but they met on the 18th floor where it was easy to arrange such a gathering without incident, only then would they proceed together towards the objective.

From a distance, they saw five figures wearing cloaks. According to Nox, they ought to be Asfi al Andromeda, the captain of the Hermes Familia, Falgar Batros a dirty blond haired weretiger who took the role of vanguard and vice captain, Lulune who Ais had already met and two more.

A hat wearing blonde elf by the name of Thane Hire and a purple haired pallum mage by the name of Meryl Tear. They were Levels 4, 4, 3, 3 and 2 respectively and represented the majority of the Hermes Familia's battle strength.

"Sword Princess?!' Looks like we'll get some powerful backup this time around! Never thought you'd be the one they send though!" Lulune exclaimed at Ais' approach while her familia members were more focused on Aisha who was accompanying her.

"It is an honor to have such illustrious backup. I am Asfi al Andromeda, Captain of this Familia." Asfi introduced herself.

"Perseus." Ais recognized and called her by her adventurer alias.

Lulune was going to start chattering but Asfi cut her off.

"I had heard we would only be getting one extra as backup . . ." She trailed off.

"Ais brought me as insurance since the enemy she faced last time was quite powerful and we deduced they are going to show up again in this little quest." Aisha explained her presence.

"The more backup the better!" Lulune simply responded while the others kept their opinion of this extra tagalong to themselves.

The group began their descent through the Great Tree Labyrinth, all the while Lulune incessantly chattered about, earning her leader's ire multiple times over how much supposedly secret information she leaked.

Some great examples were the Hermes Familia lying about stuff like member count, levels and achieved floor in the Dungeon or perhaps the fact that they were only doing this current job because the robed fella that approached Ais was blackmailing them into doing else he reveal a number of their undisclosed secrets.

Nox honestly never understood how Lulune managed to reach the inner circle of a familia based on secrecy and shadiness as she could not keep her mouth shut even if her life literally depended on it sometimes but clearly, they knew something he did not.

Along the way, they also discussed the details of their job since while Ais and Aisha already knew everything about it, even more than the Hermes Familia due to Nox telling them, they were actually supposed to get the details from Asfi.

The blue haired captain knew they were better informed than supposed due to Aisha's explanation for her presence but not being one to shirk her duties and since they needed to be on the same page, she proceeded to explain the details of the quest anyway.

"Our objective this time around is to descend to the 24th floor and investigate the sudden mass appearance of monsters around the pantry area which is making the area and danger zone for the regular adventurer parties." Asfi began her explanation.

"The individual or group that assaulted Rivira and pursued Lulune is likely to be involved in this incident some way. The pantry is the place where the issue seems to originate from and so that is were we are most likely to encounter her or them in case they are present." She concluded.

"Any questions?" Asfi inquired but Ais just shook her head and Aisha signaled she had it too so that part was done.

Soon enough, with all of them being capable adventurers, they reached the appointed floor and a few minutes later, the pantry's location was in their proximity. It was then that the issue became clear to see.

A massive, seemingly endless procession of monsters occupying an entire valley. Their number was so overwhelming that it gave pause to even the more experienced members of the Hermes Familia's party. On the other hand, Ais and Aisha seemed completely unperturbed at the sight.

Ais was about to step forward and volunteer herself to deal with the bothersome monsters but Aisha held her up.

"Let me do it. It will help get charged up for the the real battle ahead." The amazoness said and Ais obediently stepped back while the members of the Hermes familia wondered what that meant.

Uncaring for others' thoughts, Aisha jumped into the valley with a maniacal grin on her otherwise beautiful veiled face and a red blood like haze beginning to cover her form due to her weapon which Nox had crafted for her so long ago.

What followed, was a massacre far too violent to be fully described. Blood rained down from the sky as bodies were torn to shreds from the sheer brutality and power of Aisha's blows while all the gore released into the valley seemed to make the haze surrounding her body thicker and thicker.

Nox's beloved berserker was just about fully revved up . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.