Hunt For Evilus XVIII

Ais was about to step forward and volunteer herself to deal with the bothersome monsters but Aisha held her up.

"Let me do it. It will help get charged up for the the real battle ahead." The amazoness said and Ais obediently stepped back while the members of the Hermes familia wondered what that meant.

Uncaring for others' thoughts, Aisha jumped into the valley with a maniacal grin on her otherwise beautiful veiled face and a red blood like haze beginning to cover her form due to her weapon which Nox had crafted for her so long ago.

What followed, was a massacre far too violent to be fully described. Blood rained down from the sky as bodies were torn to shreds from the sheer brutality and power of Aisha's blows while all the gore released into the valley seemed to make the haze surrounding her body thicker and thicker.

Nox's beloved berserker was just about fully revved up . . .

When a veiled Aisha covered in silks like those of an exotic dancer contrasting with the blood like think haze surrounding her entire figure and the massive amount of bloodlust she was projecting jumped out of the valley, a few of the members of the Hermes familia were quite literally trembling.

It was not just a display of awesome strength that would leave them impressed, Aisha's brutality and barbaric fighting style combined with the projected bloodlust and demonic haze surrounding her replaced a great deal of that awe with terror.

Still, they were professionals and so kept their feelings to themselves . . . Except for lulune who was visibly shaking, audibly whimpering, completely hiding behind the big tigerkin Falgar and supremely getting on Asfi's nerves.

Stealthily following and wondering why he seemed to be always acting like a creepy stalker lately, Nox though everything was very on brand for every individual and once again pondered on the reason Lulune managed to work her way into the core of the Hermes Familia being the way she is.

But if he thought about it some more, it was not like Lulune did not have some qualities of her own that made worthy. Qualities that perhaps were in a certain way connected with her way of being, making her into a sort of double edged sword that was useful but dangerous.

And that was indeed the kind of gambling that seemed all to fitting for the Hermes familia. As for those qualities that were mentioned . . .

First and foremost, when she was not talking, Lulune was actually a skilled scout, mapper and tracker, being a natural sneak as well being that she managed to evade Revis for for an entire day, an impressive feat considering the Creature's skill and enhanced senses.

Beyond that however, Lulune's chattiness that resulted in her being prone to giving away far too much for her own good also made it easy to earn others' good will even if they found her suspicious because her little superficial foolishness made her seem quite harmless.

That being the case, she was a like and unintentional double agent that unwittingly gave away ally intel while innocently prying intel from others at the same time, making for a rather interesting balance which Nox though to be right in Hermes' personal tastes.

Tracking the group while pondering on these seemingly useless matters, they all arrived at the entrance to the pantry, revealing the exact reason for the large monster procession in the valley before and the pressage for the true problem plaguing the 28th floor of the Dungeon.

A massive wall of vines was completely blocking the cave path to the pantry which was were all monsters drew their sustenance from, their food source. It was no wonder such chaos was brewing. The cause for the monster outbreak was famine.

"Looks like we found the source of our problem . . ." Asfi declared while examining the wall, trying to determine its nature, its was of course unnatural but without determining the source their quest was not over.

"The monsters are blocked from the pantry so they are massing nearby on the valley." Meryl said.

"The problem won't be solve unless this is clear. Things will only get worse as time goes by." Falgar commented.

"That's right. Meryl, please burn a path through. We must get to the core of the pantry were the source of the issue is most likely located." Asfi agreed with Falgar and gave her orders while Ais and Aisha maintained their silence.

Merly used her fire magic to created a hole through the initial vine wall leading to a green cave with the entire floor, walls and ceiling covered in more and more vines. The group wanted to advance carefully but Aisha was having trouble and signaled for Ais that they needed to speed up.

She could not maintain her powered up state for long without fighting so either she forcefully calmed herself down in exchange for losing the powerup, making her previous efforts meaningless, or she tried to hold on at the risk of going berserk.

"Let's move quicker, I'll head up the rear, my partner will clear the way." Ais declared while arranging herself into position with Aisha before upping the pace.

Asfi frowned but as the two were the most powerful there and taking the two riskiest positions, she didn't really think the suggestion merited a complaint and so the whole group began moving faster. Meanwhile, their arrival had already been noted by their enemies.

"This is why I told you to clean up the overflow of monsters Revis! Now we've drawn unnecessary attention to ourselves." Olivas blamed his silent companion as he watched the intruders' progress through a magic item.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.