Season 15 - Official Trailer 1

The time rotor moves up and down as the Tardis flies through the vortex.

A woman looks at The Doctor "Doctor, who are you...a-and really, I mean it" The Doctor stares at her "just call me The Doctor, I'm a traveller, I travel in time and space, I find things or people that need my help, and I try and do what I can to save them, I'm two thousand, three hundred and six years old, I come from a planet called Gallifrey" Kathy stares at him.

An explosion then goes off in the distance, and smoke fills the cave.

The Doctor takes the woman's hand and he says "run!".

Waves splash together on a beach, causing water to wash up against the sand on a beach. Two people, who both have bright green skin, walk together holding hands.

Sirens blare off inside of a ship, sparks are flying inside, and explosions are heard going off.

Daleks start to shout "SEEK, LOCATE ANNIHILATE" another Dalek says "SEEK, LOCATE, DESTROY" and another Dalek says "SEEK, LOCATE, EXTERMINATE". Maya then looks around in shock until she then screams "RUN".

A humanoid-creature starts to emerge out of the sand, it's skin is a dark yellow colour, and it holds a spear with a green tip. The creature then screeches "DIE!".

Inside the ship, humanoid creatures that have heads like a lizard's head run down a corridor.

The Creature's hold gun's, the barrel of the guns are round, and they look like blasters.

The Doctor sits up and he looks around, where he sees a forest. The Doctor stands up, but as he stands up he then comes face to face with a Weeping Angel. The Doctor looks in shock "no".

Maya goes to reply until shouting is then heard from within the camp. Maya, and some other people watch as Silver and Black Dalek's emerge from the forest.

The Doctor opens the door, and he walks into a Tardis console room, very much like the original console, but the walls are black and red.

Davros then looks around in shock "DOCTOR!".

The Doctor then jumps out and he shouts "PRESS THE BUTTON!".

One of The Creatures then speaks with a screechy voice "find the man! Before he damages the ship even more" one of the other Creature's nods "yes leader".

Not far from the creatures, a man wearing long trench coat sprints down the corridor towards the escape pod.

The Doctor, Maya, Greg, Karla, Frank, and Billy all walk towards a beach.

The Creatures then shouts "STOP, OR I WILL SHOOT". The man stands with his back to the creature, but he then turns around, revealing Captain Jack Harkness "you may as well just shoot me".

A woman's voice goes "oh, you're awake then". The Doctor looks behind him and he sees The Rani stood there. The Rani goes "he's awake-" The Doctor looks at her "who are you talking to?" a male's voice then goes "your best friend, Doctor" The Doctor turns around quickly again, where he sees Sacha Dhawan's Master stood there smiling at him. The Master looks at him "did you miss me?".

Season 15 Starts on June 12th 2021!!

More To Come Soon!