Episode Titles and Synopsis

Hey everyone, so just a small preview on the episode titles, and their synopsis'.

Just wanted to let everyone know that this season will consist of 20 episodes (1 has already aired which is 'Cries of Earom'. There will be 8 episodes for the first half, then we will take a break, and then we will resume for a further 8 episodes, then a Christmas special, a New Year Special, and then finally, a week after new years, we'll end the season with the finale.

Also, this is a big announcement, which could contain some small spoilers for the first half, so if you'd rather not hear this, then scroll past this...

Possible Small Spoiler Alert:

As I stated, the first half will consist of 8 episodes, but I'm really excited to announce that Episode 7 and 8 will we a two-part mid-finale where I'm really excited to announce a Multi-Doctor Crossover Story(I'm not revealing which one ;))

You're safe now, anyway, here are the titles and the synopsis':

Episode 1 - The Horror Events of Doctor Who - The Doctor, Maya, and Greg are trapped inside a manor, where a creepy man forces you to face your own nightmares. The Doctor is forced to face old foes. Maya and Greg are forced to face the man behind the events, who is horrifying.

Episode 2 - The Sand Queen - The Doctor invites the Redburn's out on a family trip, where they arrive at a city that is a big tourist attraction, as it has one of the most beautiful beaches in the universe, but Greg has to become The Doctor when The Doctor and Maya are taken.

Episode 3 - Renewal of The Daleks - Part 1 - Landing on Skaro, The Doctor and his companions find themselves on the planet of The Daleks. The Daleks who were brought there by The Doctor, search for Davros. The Doctor meets some old foes, who remember him from before.

Episode 4 - Renewal of The Daleks - Part 2 - With Davros wanting The Doctor to detonate the bomb, causing all life of Skaro to die, The Doctor has to try and find a way to stop him. Maya and the others have to try and save Greg and Oprah. Daleks arrive in the sewers, after Maya.

Episode 5 - The Missing - Dropping Maya and Greg back at home, The Doctor finds himself joining detective Kathy Yates when a concerning report about missing people near a certain forest is revealed. The Doctor and Kathy discover a cabin in the woods, where a creature lives.

Episode 6 - Rescue Operation - The Doctor receives a distress call, leaving him and his friends to explore a crashing ship, trying to find where the distress call is coming from. The Doctor has to face a race called The Garders. Maya and Greg meet a familiar face, a friend of The Doctor.

Episode 7 - Thrash in Time - Part 1 - When two Tardis' collide together, merging into one, a split in the universe causes a bleed from another universe, where a deadly race of beings that The Doctor hasn't faced before becoming a deadly threat. The Doctor teams up with an old face.

Episode 8 - Mid-Finale - Thrash in Time - Part 2 - With The Robomen on Earth, and the split in the universe caused by The Doctor's still open, they have to figure out how to stop The Robomen and how they're going to seal the split and both return back to their original timelines.

Update For Below Will Be Released Closer To The Time:

Episode 9 - TBA

Episode 10 - TBA

Episode 11 - TBA

Episode 12 - TBA

Episode 13 - TBA

Episode 14 - TBA

Episode 15 - TBA

Episode 16 - TBA

Episode 17 - Xmas - TBA

Episode 18 - New Years - TBA

Episode 19 - Finale - TBA

Don't forget to catch the brand new season of Doctor Who, premiering on June 12th 2021!!